
qí yú
  • sailfish;billfish
旗鱼[qí yú]
  1. 其中以旗鱼的速度最快

    And sailfish are the fastest of them all .

  2. 旗鱼就在他面前不断捕食一只又一只的沙丁鱼

    as the sailfish pick off sardine after sardine right in front of him .

  3. 这一天的开局不错,这也是我第一次用飞杆钓到旗鱼。

    A fine start to the day , and my first sailfish on a fly .

  4. 它们广泛分布于包括地中海(Mediterranean)地区在内的全球热带、亚热带海域。由于过度捕捞,相关保护机构已将旗鱼列为濒危物种。

    While these fish can be found in temperate waters around the world , including the Mediterranean Sea , heavy over harvesting has led protective agencies to place them on a list of endangered species .

  5. 研究该问题的带头人BorisWorm指出这些濒临危机的物种有蚌类,蛤,金枪鱼,和旗鱼。他的相关研究内容已经发表在本期的科学日报上。

    This applies to all species , from mussels and clams to tuna and swordfish , said Boris Worm , lead author of the study , which was published in the current edition of the journal Science .

  6. 慢慢地,旗鱼放慢了频率,我也开始收杆。

    Gradually , his pace slowed and I began to regain line .

  7. 鲭;金枪鱼;青花鱼科的海产鱼;鲣;旗鱼;旗鱼。

    Mackerels ; tunas ; albacores ; bonitos ; swordfishes ; sailfishes .

  8. 有人说旗鱼渔夫缺乏梦想。

    They say swordboatmen suffer from a lack of dreams .

  9. 这些品种包括所谓的主要市场金枪鱼和一些旗鱼。

    These species consist of the so-called principal market tunas and some billfishes .

  10. 你能帮我拿些旗鱼么?

    Can you get me some more swordfish ?

  11. 男:我们已经准备好了。她想要一份烤的太平洋旗鱼。

    Man : We 're ready . She 'd like to have Grilled Pacific Swordfish .

  12. 佛罗里达州出产非常多种鱼类,从阔嘴黑鲈到旗鱼等不一而足。

    The state offers a huge variety of fish , from largemouth bass to sailfish .

  13. 旗鱼科的一个模式属。

    Type genus of the Istiophoridae .

  14. 旗鱼嘴将近有一公尺长

    Bills nearly one metre long ,

  15. 岛上大部分的收入得自鳕鱼、大比目鱼和旗鱼等三种鱼类。

    Most of the income of the island is from three fishes : cod , halibut , and swordfish .

  16. 总之是漫长的一天,因为到得太晚,也赶不及开车前往旗鱼湾了。

    All in all , a long day , arriving too late to make the drive to Sailfish Bay .

  17. 他们真的获得了大丰收,捕到了价值25万美元的旗鱼。

    They really find their luck there and pack their boat with a quarter million dollars worth of fish .

  18. 其中有定期捕获石斑鱼,刺鲅,黑客鱼,梭鱼和偶尔巨大的旗鱼。

    Among the regular catch there are grouper , wahoo , hack fish , barracuda and an occasional huge sailfish .

  19. 与旗鱼属相象的几种大型健壮的远洋鱼,但第一背鳍大部分退化;遍布但稀有。

    Any of several large vigorous pelagic fishes resembling sailfishes but with first dorsal fin much reduced ; worldwide but rare .

  20. 人们会不惜走几公里的路,只为了吃到新鲜的海鲜,比如金枪鱼、旗鱼或者是沙丁鱼之类。

    People will go miles out of their way to eat fresh seafood , such as tuna , swordfish and sardines .

  21. 但是她们要避免进食鲨鱼、马林鱼和旗鱼,因为这些鱼中汞的含量及其他污染物的含量特别高。

    But they should avoid shark , marlin and swordfish because these fish are particularly high in mercury and other pollutants .

  22. 最危险的鱼是处于海洋上层食物链中最高级的食肉鱼,比如旗鱼和鲨鱼(见图表)。

    The fish most at risk are predators high in the pelagic food chain , such as swordfish and sharks ( see chart ) .

  23. 饥饿的旗鱼转向我的假饵,判断这是不是除了胭脂鱼以外最可口的食物,然后就一口把它吞了下去。

    The hungry sailfish turned to my fly , decided it was the next best thing to a fresh mullet , and inhaled it .

  24. 大型长鄂海洋猎用鱼;与旗鱼和枪鱼有关;非完全冷血动物如它们可以使大脑和眼睛变暖。

    Large long-jawed oceanic sport fishes ; related to sailfishes and spearfishes ; not completely cold-blooded i.e. able to warm their brains and eyes .

  25. 其中一个问题在于汞通报数量的增加&旗鱼和鲨鱼的汞含量都很容易突破法定上限。

    One of the problems was an increase in notifications for mercury , with swordfish and shark being vulnerable to breaches in the legal limit .

  26. 这也许就是他们的生存之道:他们跳跃着以防M,马林鱼,旗鱼,金枪鱼,当然还有鲨鱼的捕食。

    It might be their survival technique to avoid being eaten by mackarel , marlin , swordfish , tuna , and the shark of course .

  27. 一种小枪鱼(条纹四鳍旗鱼或箕作枪鱼),产于太平洋和印度洋,两侧有竖直条纹。

    A small marlin ( Tetrapturus audex or Makaira audex ) of the Pacific and Indian oceans , marked with vertical stripes along the sides .

  28. 与长嘴鱼族群一样,旗鱼也偏爱开阔的水域,冬季会洄游至气候相对温暖的水域。

    Like their much larger friends in the billfish group , they tend to prefer open water , and migrate to warmer climates during the cold season .

  29. 旗鱼虽是马林鱼的近亲,却分属于不同的家族、截然不同的物种。在西方文化中,旗鱼是垂钓运动的“目标鱼种”及餐桌上彰显主人地位的“上等食物”。

    A close relative of marlins , though a separate family and distinct species , the swordfish is hunted both for sport and as an expensive prestige food in many Western cultures .

  30. 大型食肉鱼类-如方头鱼,旗鱼和鲭鱼的甲基汞水平往往高于比他们更小的鱼,因为其水生食物链中更高。

    Large , predatory fish such as tilefish , swordfish and king mackerel tend to have higher levels of methyl mercury than do smaller fish because they 're higher in the aquatic food chain .