
  • 网络Rotation Matrix;rotation matrices;rotation;matrix
  1. 在立体标定中,利用旋转矩阵R和平移向量T来联系左右摄像机。

    In three-dimensional calibration , the rotation matrix R and vector T are use to contact the two camera .

  2. 在三维模型匹配的过程中,不可避免地要做空间变换及重新采样,通过平移矩阵和旋转矩阵来建立起倾斜的CT切片模型到CAD模型之间的变换关系。

    Spatial transformation from skew CT slice model to its CAD model is established by transfer matrix and rotation matrix .

  3. 相对于基于V系统的平面曲线匹配算法而言,该算法的难点在于旋转矩阵的估计。

    Compared to the plane curve matching algorithm based on V system , it is difficult to estimate rotation matrix .

  4. 本文基于旋转矩阵单位四元数分解定理,提出一种由3D特征点空间位置估计运动参数的算法。

    Based on the unit quaternion decomposition of rotation matrix , this paper puts forward an algorithm to estimate motion parameters from the space position vectors of 3D feature points .

  5. 利用摄像机定标获得的摄像机外参数即旋转矩阵R与平移向量t,将不同摄像机拍摄到的物体不同侧面,拼接到同一世界坐标系下。

    Extrinsic parameters ( rotation matrix Rand translation vectort ) derived from camera calibration were used to combine multiple views from different cameras into complete information on the same system of co ordinates .

  6. Suh的旋转矩阵法。

    Suh 's rotation matrix method has been improved in this paper .

  7. 对于条码的倾斜,使用Hough变换得到图像倾角,再利用二维旋转矩阵旋转图像。

    For the gradient 2D bar codes , Hough transform was used to gain image obliquity and then 2D rotation matrix was employed to revolve the pictures .

  8. 由于变形处理过程中,模型顶点的运算是相互独立的,所以顶点的旋转矩阵和平移向量可以被GPU并行求解。

    As the treatment of the vertexes in the calculating process are independent , the rotation matrix and translation vector are able to be computed in parallel .

  9. 正交Procrustes分析及其在旋转矩阵估计中的应用

    Orthogonal Procrustes Analysis and Its Application on Rotation Matrix Estimation

  10. 在假定摄像机内参数已标定的情况下,标定摄像机外部参数包括摄像机坐标系相对于世界坐标系的旋转矩阵R和平移矢量T,即估计摄像机姿态。

    Under the assumption that all the camera intrinsic parameters have been known , we focus on the calibration of camera extrinsic parameters , including the relative rotation matrix R and translation vector between the camera coordinate system and the world coordinate system .

  11. 单个摄像机的标定是分别求出它们的内参数矩阵、畸变系数、旋转矩阵R和平移向量T,前两者构成了摄像机的内参数,R和T构成了物体位置和方向的摄像机外参数。

    The single camera calibration is derived the internal parameter matrices , distortion coefficient , the rotation matrix R and peace move vector T. The first two constitute the camera intrinsic parameters ; R and T constitute the object position and direction of the camera parameters .

  12. 对智能天线和MIMO技术进行结合研究,对空时分组码联合波束形成技术从多个方面进行仿真分析,并基于旋转矩阵对已有方案进行改进。

    Research on smart antennas combined with MIMO technology , and research on the joint space-time block codes from several aspects of beam-forming technology , simulation and analysis , and based on rotation matrix of the existing programs be improved .

  13. 基于一阶径向畸变的针孔摄像机模型,提出了一种新的线性三步摄像机定标方法,即通过径向排列约束计算摄像机参数的旋转矩阵、X轴平移矢量和Y轴平移矢量;

    A new linear three-step approach for camera calibration was proposed to deal with camera model of one order radial distortion . In the first stage , all extrinsic parameters except for translation vector in Z-axis are computed by using the Radial Alignment Constraint ( RAC ) .

  14. 这种方法是通过球面的几何关系,由检测到的x和y坐标方向的位置数据计算出z坐标方向的数据,并根据旋量理论建立球电机运动的旋转矩阵和计算出旋转矩阵的旋转角度。

    The approach is to solve z-axis coordinate according to the sensed x-axis and y-axis coordinate data , as well as the spherical geometry relationship analysis , the orientation matrix describing the spherical motor motion can be given and solved based on the screw theory .

  15. 本文利用旋转矩阵(R),度量矩阵(H)和雅可比矩阵(J)按矩阵代数导出不同大地坐标系和不同空间直角坐标系的换算公式。

    This paper deals with the formulae for transformation between two different geodetic coordinate systems and between two different rectangular space coordinate systems derived in terms of the matrix algebra with rotation ( R ) , metric ( H ) and Jacobian ( J ) matrices .

  16. 算法用混叠矩阵的任意两列作为旋转矩阵,先旋转接收信号和混叠矩阵,后执行DUET算法。

    The algorithm rotates the mixtures and mixing matrix using a rotation matrix , which is formed by any two columns in the mixing matrix , and then do DUET algorithm .

  17. Schut四参数旋转矩阵中诸参数的解算问题

    Problem with the Computation of Parameters of Schut Four Parameters Rotational Matrix

  18. 成对错误概率分析表明:在频率选择性信道中,通过选择最佳的旋转矩阵,这种DSFOFDM系统能实现满分集增益和最大的编码增益。

    By analyzing the pairwise error probability ( PEP ), we prove that the DSF OFDM system can achieve full diversity gain and maximum coding gains over frequency selective fading channel by choosing optimum rotation matrix .

  19. 根据WBR理论和同核体系的特点,构造出了一个相应的三维转动,利用Wigner旋转矩阵的特性并借助于计算机代数语言,计算出了射频场照射下同核体系完整的弛豫方程组。

    According to WBR theory and the character of homonuclear system , the relaxation equations of homonuclear system with RF irradiation are deduced by means of the three-dimensional Wigner rotation matrix .

  20. 本文利用文[1]的方法,并以旋转矩阵作为主要数学工具,进行一般空间7R机构的位移分析,得出和文[2]相同的结果,而推导和计算显著简化。

    An input-ouptut equation of the general spatial 7R mechanism is derived in this paper by using the method in [ 1 ] and applying the rotation matrices . The result is the same as [ 2 ] , but the process of derivation is simpler .

  21. 空间定钢旋转矩阵的分解记法及空间球铰四杆机构分析

    Separate notation of spatial rotation matrix and analysis of RSSR mechanism

  22. 然后提出了通过旋转矩阵来对雷达距离图进行投影校正的方法。

    The method of range-image projection correction by rotation matrix is proposed .

  23. 空间旋转矩阵在运动链运动学建模中的应用

    Rotational matrix and its application in kinematic modelling of spatial kinematic chain

  24. 直接利用旋转矩阵进行空间后方交会的原理和方法

    Principle and Method of Space Resection Using Orientation Matrix

  25. 旋转矩阵估计的约束优化方法

    Constrained optimization approach to the estimation of rotation matrix

  26. 基于旋转矩阵的差分酉空时编码调制

    Differential Unitary Space-Time Modulation Based on Rotation Matrix

  27. 并对几种常用的装配约束关系进行归类,给出了求解旋转矩阵和平移矩阵的统一的求解方法。

    A uniform representation method for the rotation matrix and translation matrix is provided .

  28. 计算火炮装定诸元的旋转矩阵法

    Rotation Matrix Method of Gun Setting Data Calculation

  29. 一种基于旋转矩阵单位四元数分解的运动估计算法

    An algorithm of motion estimation based on unit quaternion decomposition of the rotation matrix

  30. 旋转矩阵法抗多用户间干扰

    Rotation Matrix Method Resistant Multiuser Interference