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  1. 新型民族传统体育&西夏泼喜旋风炮开发构想

    New Ethnic Traditional Sport : Concept on Exploitation of Western Xia " Po Xi " Cyclone Artillery

  2. 与笨重的大型投石机或石弩相比,旋风炮占尽优势。尽管前者威力更大,但操作起来要耗费相当的时间和人力。

    This gave them a strategic advantage over heavier catapults and trebuchets which , while much more destructive with a single shot , took time and manpower to maneuver into position .

  3. 为了提高命中率,中国的旋风炮各有两条吊索和两个活动插销,使弹袋完美地固定在中间。

    To add to their deadly accuracy , the Chinese built these whirlwind catapults with two sling ropes and two release pins , keeping the sling pouch perfectly centered in the middle .

  4. 我们在电影中看过许多希腊和罗马的军队武器:击墙机和野兽机器,而中国却发明了体积更小、命中率更高的版本:旋风炮。跟狙击步枪一样,旋风炮也是一发一弹。

    While films have shown us the wall punchers and beast machines used by Greek and Roman armies , the Chinese devised a smaller version that could strike important targets with pinpoint accuracy : the xuanfeng , or whirlwind catapult . Like a sniper rifle , the whirlwind catapult was a one-shot , one-kill form of attack .