
ān hǎo
  • safe and sound;well;be safe and sound in good condition
安好 [ān hǎo]
  • [be safe and sound in good condition;well] 身心健全,平平安安

  • 全家安好,请勿挂念

安好[ān hǎo]
  1. 全家安好,请勿挂念。

    You will be pleased to know that everyone in the family is well .

  2. 如若错过,便护他安好。

    if miss , protect him well .

  3. 他在步枪口上安好了刺刀。

    He fixed a bayonet to the end of his rifle .

  4. 请你一安好家就把地址告诉我。

    Please let me have your address as soon as you are settled .

  5. 房子四壁一旦支起来,就把顶篷放下来安好。

    Once the walls of the room are up , let in the ceiling .

  6. 电灯安好了,可还没接火儿呢。

    The lights have been put in , but are not connected to the mains yet .

  7. 今天,当我看到我们的国家,看到我们愿意为保护和支持彼此而奉献,我可以自豪地说,我们仍然是一个值得被那些勇敢的士兵、海军和飞行员认可和钦佩的国度。我衷心祝愿大家一切安好。

    And when I look at our country today and see what we are willing to do to protect and support one another , I say with pride that we are still a nation those brave soldiers , sailors and airmen would recognise and admire . I send my warmest good wishes to all .

  8. 没人想刺探史蒂夫乔布斯(SteveJobs)的健康状况,而且人人都希望他安好。

    No one wants to pry into Steve Jobs ' health and everyone wishes him the best .

  9. Uber方面则在一则声明中表示:“我们想要感谢杰夫这六个月为公司带来的一切,同时也祝愿他一切安好。”

    Uber said in a statement : " We want to thank Jeff for his six months at the company and wish him all the best . "

  10. Gwynn会是计算机程序员,你们一切安好。

    Gwynn will be a computer programmer and you will be doing alright for yourselves .

  11. 该文作者JoelKotkin和ShashiParulekar认为,虽然英语圈面临着重重困难,但状态依然安好:

    The authors , Joel Kotkin and Shashi Parulekar , take the view that despite many challenges , the Anglosphere is alive and well :

  12. 不过,我们在这里度过了第二年之后,布莱姆显得一切安好。

    But after our second year here , Bram seemed fine .

  13. 我想确保她一切安好,那样我才能安心。

    I wanted to reassure myself that she was all right .

  14. 我正在写这封信并且希望你安好。

    I 'm writing this letter and wishing you well .

  15. 他乡的您可还安好?

    Safe and sound in that distant place are you ?

  16. 我在这儿,凯特姨妈,我像邮件一样安好无恙!

    Here I am as right as the mail , Aunt Kate !

  17. 海啸后,我赶紧打电话给我的日本朋友,问他是否安好。

    I called my Japanese friend to make sure he was okay .

  18. 请查一下行李是否安好。

    Please check and see if it 's all right .

  19. 我该去看看,确定一切安好。

    I 'm gonna go check and make sure everything 's okay .

  20. 我想往我公寓打个电话,问问我祖母是否安好。

    I want to call my apartment and check on my grandma .

  21. 我起来给你写信只关心你是否安好

    I 'm writing you now just to see if you 're better

  22. 希望您和您的家人一切安好!

    Take good care of yourself and your family !

  23. 对不起我多希望你依然安好

    I 'm sorry I hope that you 're well

  24. 安好机盖,再启动计算机。

    Replace the cover and then restart the computer .

  25. 在有人打喷嚏时祝愿他们安好,这一习俗起源于几千年前。

    Wishing someone well after they sneeze probably originated thousands of years ago .

  26. 多谢,衷心感激,祝一切安好。

    Thank you , sincerely grateful , I wish you all an excellent .

  27. 谢谢你们,希望一切安好。

    Many thanks , and hope all is well !

  28. 怎么了一切安好

    What 's going on ? Hey , uh , Everything 's fine .

  29. 天气糟透了,祝您一切安好。

    Weather 's horrible . Hope you 're well .

  30. 我想我昨天就已经告诉你一切安好!

    Madam , I think I told you only yesterday that everything was okay .