
  • 网络travel cost method;tcm;ITCM;travel cost approach
  1. 旅行费用法(TCM法)是目前世界上应用较为广泛的森林游憩价值评价方法。

    Travel cost method is a very widely used method in evaluating forest recreation value in the world .

  2. 尝试用旅行费用法(TCM)对厦门岛东部海岸的旅游娱乐价值进行评估。

    This paper intends to evaluate the value of tourist recreation along the eastern coast of Xiamen Island by means of Travel Cost Method ( TCM ) .

  3. 基于意愿支付假设,在广泛调查的基础上,采用旅行费用法(TCM)对秦岭北坡森林公园的游憩价值进行了测评。

    By means of travel cost method ( TCM ), the recreation value of the forest parks on the north slope of Qinling Mountains is evaluated in the paper .

  4. 文章在简要分析森林游憩价值经济评价方法的基础上,采用旅行费用法(TCM)对婺源县森林景观游憩价值进行了经济评价。

    Based on analyzing briefly the economic evaluation methods for recreation value of forest landscape , the travel cost method ( TCM ) is used to evaluate the recreation value of forest landscape in Wuyuan county .

  5. 因此,本文从积分的角度对TCIA与传统的分区旅行费用法(ZTCM)的数学本质进行了详细的对比分析。

    Therefore , the paper makes a detailed comparing analysis of TCIA and the mathematical nature of traditional zonal travel cost method ( ZTCM ) from integral viewpoint .

  6. 旅行费用法两种技术路线的应用比较

    Dual-use goods and technology Application and comparison between two techniques of travel cost method

  7. 用旅行费用法评价圆明园的环境服务价值

    The Value of Environmental Services of Yuanmingyuan Ruins Park : A Case Study on the Travel Cost Method

  8. 通过条件价值评估法计算得出的游憩价值要小于通过旅行费用法计算结果。

    Valuation method by the recreational value calculated is less than through the travel cost method to calculate the results .

  9. 旅行费用法是相对成熟的游憩价值评价方法。

    Valuing environment and natural resources with Travel Cost Method ( TCM ) in China is still at the stage of exploration .

  10. 公共旅游资源只有旅游价值,经营性旅游资源和准经营性旅游资源不仅具有旅游价值,而且还具有经营权价值。以消费资本化理论为基础,运用旅行费用法评估旅游资源的价值。

    Public tourism resource only has tourism value , profit-making and semi-profit-making tourism resource not only has tourism value , also has management right value .

  11. 论文的重点放在环境间接收益的确定上,论述了一些环境价值评估方法的使用,如市场价值法、资产价值法、旅行费用法、人力资本法等。

    It gives more points on discussing the calculation of indirect benefit , for example Market valuation method , Human capital Approach , Travel cost Method .

  12. 运用问卷调查法、旅行费用法,对海南省的旅游资源价值进行了评估,得到海南省2002年旅游资源的总价值为697.3×108元人民币。

    By means of questionaires and travel cost approaches , this paper evaluates the value of Hainan tourism resources and obtains the result that the total value of Hainan tourism resources is about 697.3 × 10 ~ 8 yuan RMB .

  13. 研究了效果评价法、收益损失法、旅行费用法、随机评估法等国外专门用于环境资源价值的评估方法,举例分析了这些方法在农地价格评估中的应用,并重点介绍了随机评估法。

    The paper specifically analyses Effect Assessment Method , Beneficial Lost Method , Travel Cost Method and Contingent Value Method which are widely used abroad in the assessment of the environmental resources value , in addition , the existent problems and strategies are discussed .

  14. 从评估的结果来看,其评估值与旅行费用法比较接近,但从评估的过程和思想来看,相比旅行费用法较为合理、规范。

    Judging from the results of the assessment , the assessed value is closer to that of the travel cost method ; but from the assessment process and the thought of view , it is relatively much more reasonable and formal than the travel cost method .