
  • 网络News writing;journalism
  1. 在见识了自己的文字所带来的巨大影响后,我开始对新闻写作产生浓厚兴趣,而这也和我从《丑女贝蒂》的DVD里看到的美国杂志从业者的生活有关系。

    I had become interested in journalism after seeing how my own words could make a difference and also from watching the Ugly Betty DVDs about life at an American magazine .

  2. 人文视角:新闻写作价值解读

    Human-centeredness : An Interpretation of the Value of Journalism Writing

  3. 本文是作者学习MBA案例教学方法后在多媒体教室上新闻写作课的一份教案式论文。

    This present paper in the form of a teaching plan is about the teaching of news-report writing in multimedia classroom .

  4. 隐喻在英语文学作品和新闻写作中的使用频率甚高。

    Metaphor is frequently used in English literature and news writing .

  5. 论新闻写作表达阶段的分析

    On the Analysis of Stage of Expression in News - Writing

  6. 买本新闻写作书看看吧。

    Buy the news writing books and let 's see it .

  7. 新闻写作的表达阶段,首先要分析鉴别新闻事实的真实性;

    First , the truth of news fact must be analysed .

  8. 中西方报纸新闻写作修辞对比

    Rhetorical Comparison of Print News Writing in China and the West

  9. 试论新闻写作中模糊语言的积极功能

    On the Positive Function of Vague Language in News Writing

  10. 第二部分比较新闻写作和文学写作的不同之处。

    Part Two discusses the differences between news writing and literature writing .

  11. 经济新闻写作的多维视角研究

    Research on the Multi-point of View in Economic News Writing

  12. 他毕业后开始从事新闻写作。

    When he left school he took up news writing .

  13. 浅析广播电视新闻写作口语化要求

    Analyse on Oral Requirement of Broadcast and TV News Writing

  14. 旨在教导报道和新闻写作的基础。

    Designed to teach reporting and news writing basics .

  15. 内庄外谐滑稽风趣&幽默新闻写作艺术

    Serious and Humorous , Witty and Funny & Writing art of humor News

  16. 新闻写作是每个新闻工作者都必须面对的问题。

    News writing B necessary for every news reporter .

  17. 昙花一现的新闻写作手法&新新闻主义

    On the Transitory News Writing Style & New Journalism

  18. 文化语境制约下的中西新闻写作研究

    The Study on Chinese and Western News Writing in the Context of Culture

  19. 思维科学视阈下的新闻写作规律探析

    Research on the Rules of News Writing from the Prospective of Thinking Science

  20. 雷,你还在做那些体育新闻写作的事?

    Ray , you stiII doing that sportswriting thing ?

  21. 关于当代中国都市报新闻写作风格的研究

    On Study of City Newspaper Style of Modern China

  22. 试析我国新闻写作研究的历程

    The Process of Research of Chinese News Writing

  23. 因此,必要的时候,我就能在我的新闻写作中插入适当的照片。

    I am able to support my journalistic writing with appropriate photographs when required .

  24. 网络新闻写作方法与技巧刍议

    Tentative Suggestions for Net-news Writing Methods and Techniques

  25. 短小的安格鲁-撒克逊词是你在进行新闻写作时第二位的好帮手。

    Short Anglo-Saxon nouns are your second-best tools as a journalist writing in English .

  26. 电视新闻写作技巧

    On skills of writing television news reports

  27. 网络新闻写作特点分析

    Analysis on the writing characteristics of network-news

  28. 新闻写作中人性美的渗透

    The Beauty of Humanity In News Writing

  29. 新闻写作应紧扣时代脉搏

    News Writing Should Keep Pace with Times

  30. 国外幽默新闻写作使新闻富有了幽默美感,给人以娱乐和享受。

    Writing of foreign humor news gives people humorous feeling as well as amusement and enjoyment .