
  1. 按照先前的决定,会议不对新闻界公开。

    The session was closed to the press in line with an earlier decision .

  2. 这可以看出当时的股票价格往往在很大程度上改变前一段时间的新闻成为公开信息,而不是之后。

    This can be seen when price of stocks often change largely some time before news become public information rather than after .

  3. 纽约州的彩票政策是一贯的,那就是向新闻媒体公开中奖者姓名和所在城市。

    Lottery policy has always been to release only the name and city of residence of each winner to the news media .

  4. 因为这些匿名信源,政府和其他人想要保密的犯罪、不正当行为和其他新闻得以公开。

    Because of them , criminality , malfeasance and other stories that government and others would prefer stay secret have come to light .

  5. 于是,当第四次审判开始时,法官、检察官和辩护律师一致认为,应该不将审判对旁人和新闻界公开。

    So when the fourth trial began , the judge , prosecution , and the defense attorney all agreed that the courtroom should be closed to both spectators and the press .

  6. 今天早上我起床后把自己的电脑开机第一做事就是想知道圣火什么时候开始登顶珠峰呢无意新闻已经公开了。

    This morning , I get up after their work is the first computer start-up flame would like to know when it has no intention to start the top of Mount Qomolangma has been made public news .

  7. 各反对党召开新闻发布会,公开抨击了警方的行为。

    The opposition parties called a press conference to denounce the actions of the police .

  8. •Facebook日前举办新闻发布会,公开了服务器和数据中心信息,Facebook很可能想借此表明自己在透明度方面有所提高。

    • at a press event yesterday , Facebook revealed information about their server and data centers , most likely as a goodwill sign of increased transparency .

  9. 新闻集团尚未公开宣布潜在法律赔偿的估计数字。

    News Corp has not publicly estimated the potential legal damages .

  10. 北韩的中央新闻社最近公开表示与韩国的抗议民众站在一起。

    North Korea 's Central News Agency has been expressing solidarity recently with the South Korean protesters .

  11. 他被警方屈打成招,当这条新闻向大众公开的时候,全国都震惊了。

    He was tortured by police in order to extort a guilty confession and when news of this was made public , it astounded the entire country .

  12. 政府新闻发布和媒体公开报道是信息公开的主要方式。

    Government press releases and the news media reported are the main ways of information disclosure .

  13. 美联社娱乐新闻在周二首次公开露面后,英国皇室小宝贝在肯辛顿宫度过了他的第一个夜晚。

    AP ShowBiz Minute The Royal baby 's spent his first night at Kensington Palace after making his public debut on Tuesday .

  14. 乌克兰逃亡总统维克托·亚努科维奇自消失乌克兰后,在俄罗斯南部的一次新闻发布会上首次公开露面。

    Fugitive Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych made his first public appearance since disappearing from Ukraine , during a news conference in southern Russia .

  15. 未经其他各方事先书面同意,任何一方均无权就有关本协议举行新闻发布会、发表公开声明或进行披露。

    None of the parties shall be entitled to make any press release or other public statement or disclosure concerning this agreement without the prior written consent of the other parties .

  16. 即发言人制度的法律保障监督体系;新闻发言人是信息公开还是言论垄断;新闻发言人的素质、选拔和培训。

    The three problems include the legal guaranteeing and supervising system of the press spokesman edifice , the publicity of information or monopoly of speech , and the qualities , selection and training of press spokesmen .

  17. 埃塞俄比亚外长塞尤姆.梅斯芬这个星期早些时候接受当地新闻机构采访时公开抨击索马里领导人,说他们几乎没有表现出或者有的时候没有做好为索马里承担责任的准备。

    Earlier this week during an interview with a local news agency , Ethiopia 's Foreign Minister Seyoum Mesfin openly lashed out at Somali leaders , saying they " have shown little , or at times , no readiness to shoulder responsibility for the situation in Somalia . "

  18. 终于一吐为快了-新闻调查,解释性新闻,公开腐败和不公的新闻,为特殊人群和边缘化人群发声。

    Now that I got that off my chest - you know , investigative journalism , explanatory journalism , journalism that exposes corruption and justice gives voice to the different and the marginalized , the voiceless .

  19. 地方媒体的新闻控制上,地方政府控制新闻来源仍是公开的秘密,除此之外,现行体制下做调查性记者经济方面的压力非常之大。

    Local government controlling news sources is still an open secret in local media . In addition , the economic pressure of investigative reporter under the present system of is very heavy .