
  • 网络new hebrides
  1. 12月25日,诺第留斯号在新赫布里底群岛间行驶,这群岛在1606年由居洛斯发见,1768年,布几威尔来探险,1773年,库克才把现在新赫布里底的名字给了它。

    On December 25 the Nautilus navigated amid the island group of the New Hebrides , which the Portuguese seafarer Queir ó s discovered in 1606 , which Commander Bougainville explored in 1768 , and to which Captain Cook gave its current name in 1773 .

  2. 库克船长将这个群岛命名为新赫布里底,这个名称一直沿用到其独立。

    Captain Cook named the islands the New Hebrides , a name that lasted until independence .

  3. 苏格兰和新赫布里底群岛的一种高大常绿树种,类似于小叶南洋杉。

    Very tall evergreen of New Caledonia and the New Hebrides similar to Norfolk Island pine .

  4. 1824年5月15日,他的船圣巴土利克号,经过新赫布里底群岛之一的第克贝亚岛附近。在那里,一个印第安人乘着独木舟,靠近他的船边,卖给他-把银质的刀柄,柄上有镂别的文字痕迹。

    On May 15 , 1824 , his ship , the St. Patrick , passed by Tikopia Island , one of the New Hebrides . There a native boatman pulled alongside in a dugout canoe and sold Dillon a silver sword hilt bearing the imprint of characters engraved with a cutting tool known as a burin .