
  1. 据数据提供商dealogic称,今年迄今,欧洲和亚洲ipo市场取消的新股发行计划,要多于自1995年有记录以来的任何可比时期。

    According to data provider Dealogic , European and Asian IPO markets have seen more offerings pulled so far this year than in any comparable period since records began in 1995 .

  2. 中国远洋的新股发行计划已经获得监管部门批准,分析师预计发行所得将被用于将来的资产收购。

    Cosco Holdings received regulatory approval to issue new shares , which analysts expect will be used to acquire assets .

  3. 去年秋季以来,房产类股已下跌约70%,多达30家企业不得不推迟了新股发行计划。

    Their shares have fallen by about 70 per cent since last autumn and as many as 30 companies have had to postpone plans to raise new equity capital .

  4. 上海和深圳证券交易所暂停了28个新股的发行计划,并称将向未来的购买者退还所有已支付的定金,以释放更多现金投入到现有的股票中。

    The Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges suspended 28 pending initial public offerings and said that all deposits paid for shares would be returned to the would-be buyers , freeing up cash that could be invested in existing stocks .

  5. 贵公司对新股发行有何计划?

    Does the company have a plan for the ipo ?