
  • 网络New ARTS
  1. 是,我们有一个新美术老师。

    Yes , We have a new art teacher .

  2. 最近,查尔斯•萨奇的新美术馆在伦敦开放,展示了他最近购买的中国艺术品。

    This week , Charles Saatchi 's new gallery opened in London with a show of recently acquired Chinese work .

  3. 欢迎各界朋友莅临上海雅新美术用品有限公司参观、指导和业务洽谈。

    Welcome all friends to visit Shanghai new art supplies Co. , LTD , visit , guidance and business cooperation .

  4. 新美术馆改由内蒙古文联领导,有正式工作人员15人。

    The new museum , now under the leadership of Inner Mongolia Art and Literary Federation , has15 regular staff members .

  5. 他们选择的都是一条中西结合,改造中国美术、倡导新美术的道路。

    They choose all are a China and the West union , transforms the Chinese fine arts , initiates the new fine arts path .

  6. 本研究的设计意识提出是基于《新美术课程标准》中设计·应用学习领域中对学生培养的要求。

    This study proposes design awareness based on " The new art curriculum standards " , " Design ? Application " learning in cultivating students ' requirements .

  7. 《新美术课程标准》倡导学生在美术课程中的设计?应用学习领域中应主动参与,乐于探究,勤于动手。

    " The new art curriculum standards " advocates students to participate actively , eager to explore and more hands-on within the " Design ? Application " area of the fine arts curriculum .

  8. 结合新美术课程标准的精神,该时期教学的首要任务是维持并激发儿童对美术的兴趣,并围绕这一点展开具体的教学实施。

    According to the spirit of the New Art Curriculum Standard , it is the primary task in this period to arouse and maintain the children 's interest in art and then to carry out the teachings on this base .

  9. 就传统绘画而言,美感的内向运动产生传统绘画原则框架内的新美术形态,美感的外向运动产生传统绘画原则框架外的新美术形态。

    As for as traditional painting , introvert motion of aesthetic perception turn out new fine arts shapes in line with traditional real painting principle and extrovert motion of aesthetic perception turn out new fine arts shapes out of traditional real painting principle .

  10. 赖少其是新徽派美术的一面旗帜。

    Lai Shaoqi is a flag of the Neo-Huizhou style painting .

  11. 在新中国美术史上,农民画是一个相当独特的艺术品类。

    In new Chinese art history , peasant painting is a unique class of art work .

  12. 同时也为研究新中国美术史提供另外一种视角。

    At the same time also provides another perspective for the study of Chinese art history .

  13. 在这种背景下,包括美术家在内的艺术家们纷纷向中部和西方的抗敌后方迁移,这种痛苦的迁徙重新塑造了我国新的美术版图。

    In this context , including artists , artists have to central and western transfer the enemy rear .

  14. 新的美术课程标准强调以学生为本,所以我们对美术人才的教育必须从基础教育抓起。

    The new curriculum standard emphasizes student-centered , so weon art education should start from the basic education .

  15. 新的美术题材的出现涉及到经济文化背景的不同层面和方面,因此,对题材作出合理的解释十分必要。

    The appearance of New art theme dealed with difference level and aspect of economic and culture context .

  16. 美术教师又该如何把握这些新的美术课程观念,让新观念更好地融入课堂教学之中呢?

    As for our teachers , how do we grasp them and bring them into the classroom teaching ?

  17. 在他们的艺术道路中,透射出中国新时期美术沧桑巨变的历程。

    The vicissitudes of modern fine arts of China have found full expression in those painters'paths of art .

  18. 数量众多的西双版纳热带雨林题材花鸟画的出现,是新时期美术工作者对中国美术史的重要贡献。

    Large number of tropical rainforest theme works booming , shows the dedication of art workers in new era .

  19. 哥本哈根有很多值得一看美术馆和博物馆,新嘉士伯美术馆就是其中一个。

    There are lots of art museums ans galleries in Copenhagen , New Carlsberg Art Museum is one of them .

  20. 齐鲁山水画课程的开发在新时代美术教育中迫在眉睫,也具有重要意义。

    The traditional landscape painting curriculum development in the new era of art education imminent , also has the important significance .

  21. 最后,新的美术馆本身也成为了参观者的目的地之一,因为画作大都被陈列于令人惊叹的建筑物中。

    Finally , the new generation of galleries have become destinations in themselves * they tend to be housed in amazing buildings .

  22. 本文就现行学校美术教育体系的主要缺点及构建新的美术教育体系必须遵循的几个原则作了较深入的探讨。

    The thesis inquires into the main shortcomings of current education system of fine arts and reconstructs several principles that it should follow .

  23. 新的美术课程标准的颁布,使得设计成为了初中美术教学的一个重要组成部分。

    The appearance of new curriculum criterion of art has made design become a very important part in the art education of middle school .

  24. 本部分分析了中学美术教学存在的问题并对它的弊端作了系统的分析,进而提出了新的美术教学模式即对话式美术教学。

    This part systematically analyzes the problems of the art teaching in high school , then puts forward the Art Dialogue Instructional Approach in High School .

  25. “综合·探索”学习领域课程是全日制义务教育《美术课程标准》中特别倡导的新的美术活动课程。

    The " integrated , exploring " curriculum in the learning field is the new practical art curriculum highly advocated in the " Art curriculum standard " of the full-time compulsory education .

  26. 新的美术课程标准增设了综合·探索领域,但对本土化综合课程资源的开发重视不够。

    Neglected development the compositive course resources in the art course The standard of new art course is increased " integrating ? seeking " realm , but neglected development the compositive course resources of local visual art .

  27. 本文试图通过对这件作品的个案分析,理清其创作完成以及受到认可的历史语境,从而深化对新中国美术史的研究与认识。

    This paper tries to deepen the cognition and research on the new state 's art history through analyzing this case , giving a clear description to the history context of the creation and approval of the huge sculpture .

  28. 较之以前那种只注重培养基础技能的表现方法已开始不再适合新世纪美术人才的培养方向,我们应该寻找新出路,培养更多的创新型美术人才。

    Compared with that focus only on the cultivation of basic skills performance is no longer suitable for the cultivation of art talents of the new century direction , we should find a way to develop more innovative art talent .

  29. 美术教育作为文化传递、继承和交流的一种方式,既是对己有美术文化的继承,也是对新的美术文化的创造,它们统一于传承和创新的动态过程之中。

    As one of the ways for cultural transmission , inheritance and exchange , art education is the succession of established art as well as the creation of new art , i.e. both are unified in the dynamic process of inheritance and creation .

  30. 因此,从历史的角度看,这一支边国画家群体及其作品所承载的社会意义远远超过了其艺术性,成为新中国美术史上具有里程碑意义的边塞国画家群体。

    Therefore , from a historical perspective , this group of artists and their works with the social significance are far beyond its artistic quality , and becoming an artist group in the frontier country in the new milestone in New Chinese art history .