
  • 网络xinzhou district
  1. 2005&2008年武汉市新洲区高一新生血清HBsAg和HBsAb监测报告

    Surveillance Report of Serum HBsAg and HBsAb of High School Freshmen in Xinzhou District of Wuhan City during 2005-2008

  2. 湖泊缓解热岛功能的不连通的区域集中分布在黄陂区和新洲区大别山余脉和湖泊湿地范围较少、植被分布不均的地方。

    No functional connectivity area which lake wetland decreasing heat island distributed in the chain of Dabie mountain and little lake wetlands and vegetation of Huangpi District and Xinzhou District . 5 .

  3. 武汉市新洲区耕地数量变化驱动机制分析

    Study on Driving Forces of Cultivated Land Change in Xinzhou County of Wuhan City

  4. 新洲区工农业生产在武汉市占有重要地位,随着人口的持续增长和工农业的迅速发展,一方面供需水矛盾日益突出。

    The industrial and agricultural production in Xinzhou region plays an important role in development of Wuhan .

  5. 广西新洲矿采空区塌陷的成因与机理探讨

    The cause and mechanism of mining ground collapse in Xinzhou mine area