
xīn ɡē
  • new song
  1. 我认为他们的新歌棒极了。

    I think their new song 's really cool .

  2. 姑娘们正在隔壁练习唱新歌

    The girls are practicing singing the new song in the next room .

  3. 这些新歌听起来更直入人心。

    The new songs are more direct

  4. 对任何新歌,简都会一心一意去学,对吗

    Jane really hurls herself into learning any new song , doesn 't she ?

  5. (我不太喜欢他的新歌。我更喜欢他的上一张专辑。)

    I don 't really care for his new song . I prefer his last album .

  6. 我们昨天进行了一场即兴演奏,我觉得我现在找到了新歌的灵感。

    We had a jam session yesterday , and I think I 've got an idea for a new song now .

  7. 她可能也符合美女标准,但是和中国其他的虚拟网红不同,阿喜不穿名牌服装出镜,不走T台,也不宣传新歌。

    She may still be conventionally pretty , but unlike China 's other virtual influencers , Angie doesn 't pose in designer clothes , walk the runway or promote new songs .

  8. 他们最新的cd是新歌与老歌的混合。

    Their latest CD is a mixture of new and old songs .

  9. 这首名为《TheBreakdown》的新歌时长4分钟,是朋克抒情曲风。

    It 's a 4-minute punk ballad called The Breakdown .

  10. Leo已经听了Ricky的新歌,觉得专辑做的不错,他说,verywellproduced,省略了主语和谓语,完整的应该是They'reverywellproduced.

    Leo : I 've already listened to his new songs . Very well produced , I should say .

  11. 他创作了一些新歌,把它们收录在了“画布幽灵”这张CD里面。

    He co-wrote some new songs and recorded them on a studio CD called Ghost on the Canvas .

  12. 当然除了新专辑的歌以外,我会演唱我的新歌《TakeYourTime》的国语版,以及一些应景的歌曲。

    I 'll be sure to perform my new song " Take Your Time " 's Mandarin version , and also sing some holiday songs in addition to songs from my albums .

  13. 霉霉在上张单曲《LookWhatYouMadeMeDo》中全新亮相,下首新歌也会浓缩新专辑中有趣且坚定的风格。

    Just as " Look What You Made Me Do " showcased Swift 's new image , her latest shoot showed the fun and feisty style that summarizes her next record .

  14. 如果爸爸是个不折不扣的CD迷,那就挑一些你觉得他会喜欢的新歌,给他灌张碟。

    If he 's strictly a CD man , burn one for him with some new tunes you think he 'd like .

  15. 今天早上LadyGaga没有对刚刚于昨晚发布自己的新歌《DoWhatYouWant》作出道歉。

    This morning Lady Gaga is making no apologies in her new song Do What You Want , just released overnight .

  16. 赛勒斯和辛普森分手的消息是在她的新歌《MidnightSky》首发前几个小时爆出的。

    The news of Simpson and Cyrus ' split was revealed just hours before the premiere of her new song , " Midnight Sky . "

  17. 据报道,采访一周后,她发布了一首名为《privateloving》的新歌,并表示第十张专辑正处于“发现阶段”。

    A week after the interview she reportedly registered a new song called " Private Loving , " having said a 10th album is in the " discovery stage . "

  18. 我已在TED演奏了将近十年,可是我几乎很少演奏自己的新歌。主要原因是,根本就没有。

    I 've been playing TED for nearly a decade and I 've very rarely played any new songs of my own .

  19. 他说,此外,去年搬到纽约的斯威夫特元旦前夕曾在时报广场演唱她的新歌《纽约欢迎你》(WelcometoNewYork),其表演在全国性电视台上播出。

    Plus , he said , Ms. Swift , who moved to the city last year , performed her new song " Welcome to New York " on national television from Times Square on New Year 's Eve .

  20. 预告的背景音乐是一首非常现代化的歌曲,来自威尔士另类摇滚乐队TheJoyFormidable今年早些时候发布的新歌《WolfsLaw》。

    The trailer is set to a very modern song Wolfs Law by Welsh alternative rock band The Joy Formidable , released earlier this year .

  21. 据说水果姐会在霉霉的新歌《EndGame》MV中露面,可能这样一来两人的世纪恩怨就能了结了。

    Anyway , it seems like maybe the celeb conflict of the century might soon be over after it was rumoured Katy was going to appear in Taylor 's new music video for song End Game .

  22. AvrilLavigne在她的受日本高科技舞曲启发而创作的新歌视频HelloKitty中身着紧身皮衣,大秀身材。

    Avril Lavigne shows off her slim figure in plunging leather bodice in new Japanese techno inspired video Hello Kitty .

  23. 术语混搭(mashup)通常用于描述通过将两首或多首现有歌曲混合在一起来谱写一首新歌的技术。

    The term mashup is commonly used to describe the technique of producing a new song by mixing together two or more existing songs .

  24. 今年25岁的赛琳娜刚发布新歌《Wolves》,霉霉的专辑《reputation》也创下佳绩,周三霉霉迎来28岁生日,赛琳娜发布了一段视频,视频中两人嘻嘻哈哈装疯卖傻。

    The " Wolves " singer , 25 , celebrated the reputation hitmaker 's 28th birthday on Wednesday with a short video of the pair giggling and goofing off together .

  25. 为此,霉霉专门写了新歌“BadBlood”作为反击。在长达数年的沉静只有,水果姐不仅多次主动示好求和,还顺便宣传了她的新专辑“Witness”.

    Taylor penned " Bad Blood " in response to the situation and then , after years of silence and veiled references , Katy addressed the feud head-on - multiple times , actually - while promoting her latest album , Witness .

  26. 《CloserToTheTruth》的标准版收录11首歌曲,而豪华版收录17首歌,包括同音乐人Timbaland和Pink的合作曲目,还有新歌《Woman'sWorld》。

    Closer To The Truth features 11 tracks on its standard version , and 17 on the deluxe edition , including collaborations with Timbaland and Pink , and new track Woman 's World .

  27. 正当我们以为赛琳娜·戈麦斯和海莉·鲍德温的恩怨要平息的时候,赛琳娜新歌《LoseYoutoLoveMe》和《LookatHerNow》的发布又引起了新的风波。

    Welp , just when we thought the Selena Gomez and Hailey Baldwin feud was dying down , another mini drama brewed up amid the release of Selena 's recent songs , " Lose You to Love Me " and " Look at Her Now . "

  28. 在接受娱乐传媒研究(entertainmentmediaresearch)和olswang律师事务所调查的互联网用户中,一半以上的人表示,他们访问myspace和youtube等社交网站就是为了寻找新歌。

    More than half of Internet users surveyed by entertainment media research and the law firm Olswang said they surfed social networking sites such as Myspace and Youtube specifically to come across new songs .

  29. 新歌是杰克逊制作专辑时在他的录音室中录制的。该套装还包括一张杰克逊1988年伦敦温布利体育场演唱会的DVD。

    The new songs were recorded in Jackson 's studio while he was making the album , and the package also offers a DVD of Jackson 's 1988 concert at London 's Wembley Stadium .

  30. 据一位曾亲耳听过相关歌曲的高管透露,杰克逊一直在与一家叫做redone的制作公司合作新歌。

    According to one executive who has heard them , Jackson had been working on new songs with a producer called redone .