
  • 网络New year's Eve;New Year’s Eve;New Years Eve
  1. 新年前夜,他诉说他胸口疼得相当厉害。

    On New Year 's Eve he confided that he had suffered rather troubling chest pains

  2. 香港文华东方酒店Pierre餐厅的新年前夜盛宴从餐前鸡尾酒开始,包括小吃和一杯香槟,每位定价4388港币,加收10%的服务费。

    The Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong 's Pierre restaurant offers a New Year 's Eve banquet complete with starting cocktails , canap é s and a glass of champagne for HK $ 4388 per person plus 10 % service charge .

  3. 所以,在今年新年前夜午夜后不久,我从马克斯(Max)和阿里(Ari)的派对上出来,把十根香烟留在大堂的暖气片上。为了祈求好运,我点燃第11根烟,吸着它走进夜色里。

    And so shortly after midnight this New Year 's Eve , I left my 10 cigarettes on the lobby radiator on my way out of Max and Ari 's party , lit the 11th for good luck and smoked it out into the night .

  4. 彼德,告诉我英国的新年前夜是怎样的。

    Tell me about New Year 's Eve in England , Peter .

  5. 和我们的新年前夜一样吗?

    Is that like our New Year 's Eve ?

  6. 新年前夜你不在身旁。

    New year 's Eve you were not around .

  7. 新年前夜,我们倒计时一直到午夜。

    On New Year 's Eve , we count down the time until midnight .

  8. 为了庆祝我们的新年前夜。

    For our New Year 's Eve celebration .

  9. 噢,他邀请我共渡新年前夜。

    Well , he asked me to spend New Year 's Eve with him .

  10. 在新年前夜包饺子是一个传统。

    It is a tradition to make dumplings in the New Year 's Eve .

  11. 在新年前夜,他打算把一切做个了断。

    And on New Year 's Eve , he 's going to end it all .

  12. 这个新年前夜,人们不会再担心以两位数表示年份的时钟会摧毁人类文明了。

    This New Year 's eve there is no fear that two-digit clocks may bring down civilisation .

  13. 哈登新年前夜对阵尼克斯的表现简直就是精英级别的。

    James Harden 's New Year 's Eve performance against the Knicks put him in some elite company .

  14. 之后,很出人意料的,他在2009年末新年前夜的傍晚给我打来了电话。

    Then , unexpectedly , he phoned me late on the afternoon of New Year 's Eve 2009 .

  15. 这类高档餐厅的新年前夜套餐一般包括六至九道美味珍馐。

    The standard New Year 's Eve menu among these elite restaurants is a 6-9 course gastronomic dinner .

  16. 大球降落庆典是在每年新年前夜在纽约时代广场举行的。

    That ball dropping ceremony takes place every new year 's Eve at times square in New York city .

  17. 这么做的理由也非常充分&兴许,一年当中,哪一天开的香槟也不会比新年前夜更多。

    And for good reason perhaps no other day warrants more popping of Champagne corks than New Year 's Eve .

  18. 中国农历每年最后一天、也就是新年前夜被称为“除夕”。

    New Year 's Eve , or the last night of the year in Chinese lunar calendar , is called Chuxi .

  19. 新年前夜庆典过后,新年这天对许多美国人来说通常是非常安静的一天。

    After the celebrations of New Year 's Eve , New Year 's Day is often a quiet day for many Americans .

  20. 组织者预期今年来时代广场参加传统的新年前夜庆祝仪式的观众依然会有一百万。

    Once again organizers are expected a million people to crowd into the Time Square for the traditional New Year 's Eve celebration .

  21. 这次这个神秘凝结尾流事件跟另一起在新年前夜出现的神秘凝结尾流事件一样,目击者都认为它们看到的是导弹。

    The event is similar to another sighting around New Year 's Eve in which observers believed they witnessed a missile , he said .

  22. 他在新年前夜,离开亚利桑那州斯科茨代尔市一间夜总会不久因未能通过酒测而被捕。

    He was arrested on New Year 's Eve , shortly after leaving a Scottadale , Arizona nightclub and failing a field sobriety test .

  23. 那么,为什么餐厅在许多节假日,如母亲节,情人节和新年前夜高出很多?

    So why are restaurant prices so much higher on holidays such as Mother 's Day , Valentine 's Day and New Year 's Eve ?

  24. 新年前夜对掘金他也没上场,但他是因患鼻窦炎留在了球馆的训练室里。

    He sat out New Year 's Eve against Denver , but was in the building resting in the training room with a sinus infection .

  25. 最高法院大法官索尼娅·索托马约尔将于新年前夜在纽约时代广场带领大家进行最后的60秒倒计时,迎接2014年的到来。

    In New York City 's Time Square in New Year 's Eve Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor will lead the final 60-second countdown to 2014 .

  26. 1904年的今天,首次“新年前夜”庆祝在纽约的时代广场举行,即后来命名的长亩广场。

    1904-The first New Year 's Eve celebration is held in Times Square , then known as Longacre Square , in New York , New York .

  27. 新年前夜,我们把两位先生送到西区一座房子,他们叫我们11点来接。

    On New Years Eve we took two gentlemen to a house in the West End , and were told to come for them at eleveno clock .

  28. 他后来因图谋于1999年新年前夜在洛杉矶国际机场制造爆炸事件而被定罪,最终被判处37年监禁。

    He is later convicted of a plot to bomb Los Angeles International Airport on New Year 's Eve 1999 and ultimately sentenced to 37 years in prison .

  29. 新年前夜,美国纽约发生电梯意外,一名男子身困突然下坠的电梯并被夹身亡。而目击者称,他在死前帮助一名女性摆脱危险。

    A falling elevator trapped and crushed a man to death on New Year 's Eve , and witnesses said he helped a woman to safety before losing his own life .

  30. 你知道吗,希腊有个风俗,那就是在新年前夜第一个进入家门的人,会给你带来一整年的幸运。

    You know there is a Greek custom that the first person to enter the home after New Year 's eve brings the luck to the home for the entire year .