
  • 网络Countryside;new countryside;A New Village
  1. 新农村建设背景下常宁市农村居民点用地布局研究

    Study on the Distribution of the Rural Residential Land under the Background of a New Village Construction in Changning City

  2. 近几年来,随着国家新农村建设事业的开展,改善乡村生态环境、创建优质乡村人居环境引起人们的关注。

    In recent , our country is developing rural business which is to construct a new village . Improving the rural ecological environment and creating high-quality rural living environment have aroused public concern .

  3. 宁波市新农村建设SWOT分析与战略选择

    SWOT Analysis and Strategy Selection of New Village Construction in Ningbo

  4. 随着新农村建设如火如荼的开展,新农村规划引起越来越多的重视,地理信息系统(GIS)作为一种先进技术,在各个领域中得到越来越广泛地应用。

    With the new rural construction in full swing , the new rural planning caused more and more attention , as an advanced technology , geographic information systems ( GIS ) are more and more widely used in various fields .

  5. 建设社会主义新农村重在提高农民素质

    Building the Socialist New Country Lies in to Advance Farmer Diathesis

  6. 构建农村社会保障体系促进新农村建设

    Establishing the Country Social Security System and Promoting New Country Construction

  7. 发展乡镇企业,夯实新农村建设的经济基础

    Develop Township Enterprises and Strengthen Economic Base of New Rural Construction

  8. 梅山武术在梅山地区新农村建设中的价值研究

    On the Value of Meishan Wushu in the New Rural Construction

  9. 新型合作医疗制度助力和谐新农村建设

    New Medical Cooperatives Benefit Construction of a New and Harmonious Countryside

  10. 积极支持社会主义新农村建设做好土地保护工作

    Strengthening Farmland Protection and Supporting the Building of New Socialist Countryside

  11. 关于大理州加快推进社会主义新农村建设的思考

    Reflection on speeding up the new socialist villages in dali prefecture

  12. 我国新农村环境规划研究

    A Research about the New Village Environment Program in our Country

  13. 论构筑促进新农村建设的金融生态环境

    On constructing financial biological environment to promote new socialist countryside construction

  14. 技术扩散:新农村建设的有效途径

    Technology Diffusion : The Effective Channel for the New Rural Construction

  15. 加强领导转变观念服务新农村

    To strengthen leadership , to transform thought and to serve new villages

  16. 提高农民信息素质,促进社会主义新农村建设

    Improve the farmer information quality , promote the socialism new rural construction

  17. 欠发达地区(驻马店市)新农村建设研究与思考

    Underdeveloped Areas ( Zhumadian City ) New Rural Development Research and Consider

  18. 利用大众传媒促进社会主义新农村文化建设

    Using Mass Media to Promote Socialist New Countryside Culture Building

  19. 新农村建设需要强大的资金支持。

    The new rural reconstruction needs the formidable fund support .

  20. 做好农村治安工作推进我区社会主义新农村建设

    Maintaining Rural Security and Promoting Our Socialist New Rural Construction

  21. 保持党的先进性建设社会主义新农村

    Upholding the Party 's Advanced Nature , Building a New Socialist Countryside

  22. 信息化:新农村建设之路

    Informatization : the Road of Building a New Socialist Countryside

  23. 社会主义新农村背景下的农村图书馆建设

    Construction of Rural Libraries under the Background of New Socialist Rural Areas

  24. 新农村建设与江西新农民的培育

    Building Socialist New Countryside and Cultivating New-type Farmers in Jiangxi

  25. 影响新农村建设的不和谐因素

    On the Unharmonious Factors Which Affect the New Rural Construction

  26. 阐述了新农村建设的重大意义;

    This paper expounds the great significance of constructing new rural areas .

  27. 社会主义新农村视阈中的农民休闲

    Farmers ' Leisure from Perspective of New Countryside of Socialism

  28. 以农业信息化推进黑龙江省社会主义新农村建设

    Advance the New Socialistic Countryside Construction with the Agricultural Informationization in Heilongjiang

  29. 新型农民:建设新农村的主力军

    New farmers , the subjectivity of building a new countryside

  30. 建设新农村:统筹发展的重要举措

    Building the new countryside : the important action of overall planned development