
  • 网络weaning
  1. 目的研究壬基酚(NP)对断乳期子代雄性SD大鼠睾丸组织发育及凋亡影响的机制。

    Objective To study the mechanism of nonylphenol on testis tissue development and apoptosis of F_1 generation male SD rats in weaning period .

  2. 断乳期饮食添加时间与儿童构音障碍相关性研究

    Study on the Dependablity of the Time Added Weaning Period Diet and Children Dysarthria

  3. 婴儿断乳期食品的研制

    A Study on Infant Weaning Food Production

  4. 大学阶段是人生的重要转折点,甚至被称为第二次断乳期。

    University stage is a important turning point in life , even is called the " secondDuanRuQi " .

  5. 并且,肾脏肾素和血管紧张素Ⅱ的蛋白表达水平在出生时显著降低,但在断乳期显著升高。

    The renal protein expression of renin and angiotensin ⅱ was reduced at birth day and increased at weaning .

  6. 大学生正处于青春断乳期的后期,个体社会化和成人化的过渡阶段,他们必然存在较多的心理冲突。

    College students are in youth later individual socialization and administer a transitional phase , they will have many conflicts .

  7. 高职学生刚刚进入心理的第二个断乳期,是其独立人格形成的重要阶段。

    Higher vocational student just entered the second " psychological weaning period ", is an important stage in the formation of the independent personality .

  8. 对此,教育界有一种说法是:八年级的学生他们处在身心巨变时期,也为心理性断乳期。

    The educational circle has a saying : the students of grade eight are in " physical and mental changes times ", as well as " psychological weaning period " .

  9. 作者认为,初中生处于心理断乳期,需要教师、尤其是课内外频频相处的语文教师对他们的全身心关爱。

    The author believes that junior high school students in a " psychological weaning " period is necessary for teachers , especially in the classroom language teachers frequently along their wholehearted love .

  10. 大学生正处在青春期到成人的转变时期,将逐渐走向成熟与独立,是第二次重要的心理断乳期。

    The university student is occupying the puberty to adult 's transformation time , gradually will move towards is mature and is independent , will be the second important psychology is weaned the time .

  11. 在除草复合肥的作用机理研究中,分别对室内培养、田间种植的菜苗断乳期前和断乳期后蛋白质的含量作了分析,研究了肥料用量对菜种发芽的影响。

    A study on mechanism of the compound fertilizers with herbicide , the protein components of the greens in the greenhouse and in the experiment field were analyzed within milking and after milking period .

  12. 结果结果显示,大鼠长期饮用纯净水(与凉开水组比较)并未引起亲代体重增长、主要生殖功能以及子代出生至断乳期一般生长发育的异常改变。

    Results The body weight and reproduction of parental generation , and the growth and development of filial generation were not different in the rats having drunk purified water for a long term and those with boiled tap water .

  13. 大学生普遍正处于心理断乳期的特殊心理发展阶段,我国正处于社会转型期的特殊时期,这种独特的时代特征烙印在大学生的身上,使得大学生意志力、控制力、抗挫折能力不足。

    First , the students are in the special psychological development stages & " psychological weaning period " . Second , the unique features of the social transition period influences the college students to cause them lacking of emotional self-control , anti-frustration ability and willed .