
wén xué ɡé mìnɡ
  • literary revolution
  1. 五四文学革命的修辞论层面及其发展轨迹

    Rhetorical Aspects and Traces of Development of the May 4th Literary Revolution

  2. 这场文学革命既给他们带来了辉煌,也带来了抹不去的悲哀。

    This literary revolution brought them both refulgence and sorriness .

  3. 论文学革命爆发的社会时代原因

    The Social Cause Leading to the Outbreak of the Literature Revolution

  4. 从自组织理论看文学革命

    Studying the Literature Revolution with the Viewpoints of Self-organizing Theory

  5. 于是他们高举起人的解放、妇女的解放的大旗,倡扬文学革命。

    Hence , they raise the revolution to promote the Literature Revolution .

  6. 高举文学革命军的三大主义旗帜;

    Upholding the three banners of the literary revolutionary army ;

  7. 龚自珍与20世纪的文学革命

    Gong Zizhen and the 20th Century 's Revolution of Literature

  8. 连同胡适的文学革命主张和其他专门的文学批评整体来看,其文学批评具有相应的科学品格,可以说是一种科学批评。

    Generally speaking , Hu Shi 's literature criticism have scientific character .

  9. 论傅斯年的文学革命观

    A Talk about Fu Sinian 's Outlook on Literary Revolution

  10. 五四文学革命与瞿秋白的新诗创作

    The May Fourth Literary Revolution and QU Qiu-bai 's Modern Poem Creation

  11. 知识经济时代文学革命的三个主张

    Three Propositions of Literary Revolution in Intellectual Economy Era

  12. 五四文学革命的历史功过

    Remarks on the Historical Merits and Demerits of the May 4th Literary Revolution

  13. 五四文学革命与留学生教育

    The May Fourth Literature Revolution and the Studying Abroad

  14. 文学革命群体话语内部的差异性分析

    A Differential Analysis of Utterance Within Literary Revolutionary Group

  15. 思维方式的变革是文学革命最根本的内因。

    The change of thinking mode is the essential reason of literature revolution .

  16. 留学生是五四文学革命的发难者;

    Returned students were the sponsors of5.4 Literature Revolution .

  17. 而1917年文学革命的发生,使文论又有了本质性的转变。

    The literature revolution in 1917 brought some essential changes in the theory .

  18. 五四文学革命与西方文学

    The May 4th Literary Revolution and Western Literature

  19. 促成了五四文学革命。

    Help realize the May 4th literature revolution .

  20. 胡适的文学革命与进化论

    Hu Shi 's Literature Revolution and Evolutionism

  21. 梁启超与中国近代文学革命

    Liang Qichao and Modern Chinese Literature Revolution

  22. 论网络时代的文学革命

    On " Literary Revolution " of E-times

  23. 论20年代文学革命口号力量的衰竭

    On the Decline of the Strength of the Slogan " Literature Revolution " in 1920 's

  24. 陈独秀与文学革命

    Chen Du-xiu and literary revolution

  25. 文学革命的意义在很大的程度上只是一种对新的追求。

    To a large extent , the significance of literature revolution is just a pursuit of novelty .

  26. 余音纪实文学革命论

    On Revolution in Documentary Literature

  27. 今文经学与晚清文学革命

    The Up - to - date Classic Writing Study and the Literature Revolution in Late Qing Dynasty

  28. 反思与解构:论新时期文学革命英雄神话的破灭

    Reflection and Deconstruction : Disillusion of the Myth of Revolutionary Heroes in Literature of the New Age

  29. 论文学革命倡导时期的现实主义文学思潮的成因

    On Causes of Formation of the Trend of Realistic Literature in the Initiative Stage of Literature Revolution

  30. 20世纪中国文学革命的现代性冲突与阶段性特征

    The Modernist Conflict and the Stages in the Revolution in the Chinese Literature of the 20th Century