
wén huà fān yì
  • cultural translation
  1. 本文从顺应(adaptation)这一语用学的新角度探讨了文化翻译的问题。

    This thesis revisits cultural translation from a pragmatic perspective of adaptation .

  2. 文化翻译理论包括释义理论和社会文化学理论。

    The cultural translation theory includes hermeneutic theory and socio-cultural theory .

  3. 从巴斯奈特的文化翻译观研究李白诗歌的英译

    Interpretation and Translation of Culture Words in the Poems by Li Bai

  4. 全球化时代文化翻译的基本策略

    The Basic Strategy of Cultural Translation the Age of Globalization

  5. 文化翻译是翻译学的一个新的领域。

    Cultural translation is a new realm of interest in the translation studies .

  6. 本文试图从目的论的角度探讨跨文化翻译的忠实度的问题。

    The thesis will discuss faithfulness in cross-cultural in light of skopos theory .

  7. 但是相较于语言翻译的枯燥,文化翻译又具有极大的趣味性。

    Compared with dull and boring language translation , culture translation is fascinating .

  8. 文化翻译中语用用意的翻译研究

    The translation of pragmatic force in cultural translation

  9. 文化翻译:诗性的艺术

    Culture Culture Cultural Transition : The Poetic Art

  10. 文化翻译中的译者文化主体性

    Translator 's Cultural Subjectivity in Cultural Translation

  11. 文化翻译的过去与未来

    The Past and Prospect of Cultural Translation

  12. 奈达理论与跨文化翻译

    Nida ′ s theory and intercultural translation

  13. 论文化翻译与功能对等

    On Cultural Translation and Functional Equivalence

  14. 注释性翻译是文化翻译中获得动态对等的一种不可或缺的手段。

    The annotated translation is an indispensable technique of culture translation to acquire the dynamic equivalence .

  15. 文化翻译中的策略问题

    The Strategies in Translation of Culture

  16. 关联理论和跨文化翻译

    Relevance Theory and Cross-Cultural Translation

  17. 小议广告英语的文化翻译

    Cultural Translation on Advertising English

  18. 语言文化翻译之误译

    Mistranslations of Language and Culture

  19. 文化翻译与语用学

    Culture Translation and Pragmatics

  20. 关联理论对指导饮食文化翻译具有重要意义,但这一理论还需进一步完善。

    Though relevance theory is significant in guiding food culture translation , it also needs to be further improved .

  21. 汉英词典编纂理念与跨文化翻译&从《汉英词典》到《新时代汉英大词典》

    Compiling Idea of Chinese-English Dictionary And Cross-Cultural Translation____From < > to < < The New Age Chinese-English Dictionary > >

  22. 鉴此,规范新疆地域文化翻译势在必行。

    Herein , the author holds that measures must be taken to normalize the translation of Xinjiang regional cultural tour .

  23. 从文化翻译学的角度探讨了俄语比喻的的生成及翻译对策。

    The paper studies , in terms of cultural translatology , the generation of Russian metaphors and techniques of their translation into Chinese .

  24. 通过对文化翻译的研究,人们提出了沟通文化障碍的各种翻译手段。

    Through the study of cultural translation , people have come up with various ways of translation to cope with cultural barriers in communication .

  25. 为了确保他们在日本的合资企业盈利,那些美国公司比之语言翻译来说更需要文化翻译。

    To ensure that their joint ventures in Japan are profitable , the American companies need cultural translator , even more than language translators .

  26. 作为翻译,特别是文化翻译,必须理解英汉两个语言中的文化历史。

    As an interpreter , especially one fluent in cultural translations , one must understand and be fluent in both Chinese and English language and culture .

  27. 文化翻译的关键是看译者能否在实际操作过程中保持充分的文化感知和文化创造力,做到文化上的“知情选择”。

    The key point of cultural translation is whether the translator has a full cultural perspective and cultural creation so that he can make optimal options .

  28. 研究认为采用归化或异化取决于不同的翻译目的,不必探讨其在文化翻译中孰轻孰重。

    Finally it concludes that the strategy of foreignization works better for effectively preserving and dissimilating the source language cultural peculiarity and heritage to the target reader .

  29. 本文应用文化翻译观视角,通过对港产电影《倩女幽魂》的案例分析,以期寻求港产电影具文化特色的字幕翻译方法。

    This thesis employs cultural translation theory to strike for cultural solutions to subtitle translation of Hong Kong films through case study of A Chinese Ghost Story .

  30. 国内翻译界应该充分利用文化翻译理论的研究,以求为汉语文化的对外翻译工作做出贡献。

    Moreover , domestic translation circles should take full use of the cultural translation theory so that it can be beneficial to the translation of Chinese culture .