
  • 网络cultural accomplishment;Cultural awareness;cultural literacy
  1. 其次,不同译者的文化修养和驾驭语言的能力不同。

    Second , some differences were the result of inadequate cultural accomplishment and the mastery of language of different translators .

  2. 第三,父母在逐渐培养孩子自主学习和自我管理能力的同时要不断加强自身的文化修养。

    Third , the parents should gradually develop children ' self-learning and self management skills , at the same time , they should strengthen their own cultural accomplishment .

  3. 他的歌词体现了高度的文化修养。他甚至还引用了伏尔泰。

    His lyrics are highly literate . He even quotes Voltaire .

  4. adj.能读写的,有文化修养的n.能读写的人;有文化修养的人

    obliterate letter literate able to read and write having knowledge of a particular subject , or a particular type of knowledge : an educated person a person who can read and write

  5. 基本特征;(二)文化修养;

    Essential features ; , ( b ) culture accomplishment ;

  6. 博大精深的艺术造诣学贯中西的文化修养&析赵元任艺术歌曲创作特色

    Analysis on the features of Zhao yuan-ren 's composition of artistic songs

  7. 急待提高的篮球意识、团队精神和思想文化修养。

    Low level basketball consciousness , group spirit and cultivation .

  8. 文人的设计&设计师的文化修养。

    The Man of letters design & the culture self-cultivation of the designer .

  9. 田径裁判的工作特点及文化修养

    The Characteristic and Culture Cultivation of the Judge Work of Track and Field

  10. 现代与传统相融合的科学文化修养;贵州省少数民族公众基本科学素养的职业差异

    Professional Differences in Public Basic Scientific Literacy of National Minorities in Guizhou Province

  11. 其独特的文化修养必然对他的生活态度和文学生涯产生重大影响。

    His special learning experienies inevitably affect his living attitude and literature career .

  12. 文化修养改良了天赋,机遇环境诱发了天赋。

    Culture improves , and occasions elicit natural talents .

  13. 加强本族语语言文化修养,培养对异域语言文化的辨别能力。

    Understanding of one 's own language and culture .

  14. 他没多少文化修养。

    He is a man of little culture .

  15. 他家里的人都有文化修养。

    All memBers of his family are literate .

  16. 他们具有深厚的文化修养,有各自的美学追求。

    They were all men of considerable culture and had their respective aesthetic pursuits .

  17. 文化修养;

    , ( b ) culture accomplishment ;

  18. 那些喜爱好书好画的很有文化修养的人士常聚集在这个俱乐部里。

    Those cultural minds that like good books and paintings often gather in this club .

  19. 有高度文化修养的父母的子女。

    The children of highly literate parents .

  20. 基础是丰富的文化修养和生活经历。

    And the base of that is the rich accomplishment in culture and experience in life .

  21. 我们还要付出许多努力,才能加入具有文化修养国家的行列。

    Much still needs to be done before it can join the ranks of cultured nations .

  22. 在文化修养的三个来源中,中国传统文化当是其主要来源。

    In the three sources of cultural cultivation , Chinese traditional culture should take a central role .

  23. 所谓有高度文化修养的人,就是看见香肠即思及毕加索的人。

    A highbrow be the kind of person who looks at a sausage and think of picasso .

  24. 室内陈设艺术能体现出设计师和使用者的审美观念、文化修养。

    Furnishings , art can reflect the aesthetic ideas of the designers and users of cultural enrichment .

  25. 先天的资禀气质是作家成才的重要的自然基础,但要成为真正的作家,还要依靠后天的文化修养。

    Gift is the natural base of being a writer , who must be both gifted and well-cultured .

  26. 我很高兴再次回来学院继续进修,提高自身的文化修养与素质。

    I am glad to be in College again , raise one 's own culture training and quality .

  27. 邀请雷没用,他是一个歌剧文化修养很差的人。

    It 's no use inviting ray , he 's such a barbarian when it comes to opera .

  28. 裁判的文化修养直接地影响着他的职业道德、业务水平和工作态度。

    The artistic appreciation of the judge directly affects his professional ethics , professional skill and work attitude .

  29. 她出身于上层贵族阶级,富有文化修养,但因政见与拿破仑不和而遭到流放。

    Madam Stael came from a aristocratic family so that she was rich in cultivated manners and culture .

  30. 礼仪是一个人的思想道德水平、文化修养、交际能力的外在表现。

    Etiquette is a person 's ideological and moral levels , culture , communicative competence of the external performance .