- 名mathematician

This untutored mathematician had an obsession with numbers
Noncommuting objects are as real to the mathematician as commuting objects .
For many years sundials have cast their spell over scientists and mathematicians
The risks can be so complex that banks hire mathematicians to puzzle them out .
As far as mathematicians are concerned , there 's a certain virtue in wearing intellectual blinkers
Only when each logical step has been checked by other mathematicians will the proof be accepted .
The mathematicians turned to culling periodic solutions .
While human achievements in mathematics continue to reach new levels of complexity , many of us who aren 't mathematicians at heart ( or engineers by trade ) may struggle to remember the last time we used calculus .
For instance , talking about mathematical geniuses who were more or less born that way puts students in a fixed mind-set , but descriptions of great mathematicians who fell in love with math and developed amazing skills produce a growth mind-set .
In 1960 a well-known mathematician Norbert Wiener , who founded the field of cybernetics , put it this way : " If we use , to achieve our purposes , a mechanical agency with whose operation we cannot effectively interfere , we had better be quite sure that the purpose put into the machine is the purpose which we really desire . "
The mathematician analyzed his figures again .
For example the famous philosopher and mathematician & B · Russell .
The Fields Medal was conceived by John Charles Fields , a Canadian mathematician , in recognition of work already done and as an encouragement for further achievement .
Many famous mathematicians have worked in this area , but most results are about the Cauchy problem .
A year later , in 1889 , the Italian mathematician G. Peano gave the axioms in what became the standard form .
An Iranian mathematician is the first woman ever to receive a Fields Medal , often considered to be mathematics ' equivalent of the Nobel Prize .
Many have heard of Alan Turing , the mathematician and logician who invented modern computing in 1935 .
Then in 1933 a Cambridge mathematician , S. Skewes , had shown19 that if the Riemann Hypothesis were true , a crossover point would occur before which ,
Although we often think of distance as being a physical measurement between two points in space , mathematicians define it more generally , calling it a metric .
This proprietary , shareware computer algebra system is named for one of the most famous mathematicians who ever lived : Pierre de Fermat .
The formula for the perfect parking job was recently worked out by mathematician Simon Blackburn , professor at the University of London .
P-adic numbers were first introduced in 1898 by the German mathematician K.
TSP ( Traveling Salesman Problem ) is a classic combination optimizing problem , which has been proved as NP-hard problem that can 't be solved in Turing maching .
Therefore , computation of the Bergman kernel function by explicit formula is an important research direction in several complex variables .
Last summer , when Apple ( AAPL ) was trading for $ 260 a share , we ran an item on some analytical work by Nicholae Mihalache , a Romanian mathematician who teaches at the University of Paris .
It was a problem suggested by the emigr é Polish mathematician S. Ulam , that of asking whether continuous groups could be approximated by finite groups , rather like approximating a sphere by polyhedra .
This research has combined with bifurcation theory since 1980s.There are many mathematicians devoting themselves to studying the Hilbert 16th problem or its weak form , posed by Arnold in 1977 .
Mathematicians from the University of Chicago developed models from which it was possible to estimate what , if there had actually been many guesses as to the weight of the animal , the average of these guesses would have been .
Mr. Durov learned programming from his brother , Nikolai , a mathematician and Mr. Durov 's right-hand man at VKontakte and Telegram .
The other great Greek who belongs to the classical period , is Apollonius .