
  • 网络formula;mathematical formulae;mathematical formula;Math
  1. 他研究出了一个用于计算行星与太阳之间距离的数学公式。

    He developed a mathematical formula describing the distances of the planets from the Sun .

  2. Web上数学公式手写输入系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of the Handwriting Input System of the Mathematical Formula on Web

  3. 数学公式与WEB

    Math Material and Web ITO formula of a function of

  4. 一种简单的洛氏C硬度与维氏硬度相互换算数学公式

    A Simple Conversion Formule of HV and HRC mutual

  5. 基于XML描述的数学公式编辑器实施方案

    Implementation of Formula Editor for Mathematical Documents Describes base on XML

  6. 再谈用Office工具制作数学公式

    Making Math Formulas Skillfully with Office Tools

  7. Internet已经进入超媒体时代,但是要在HTML的网页中显示数学公式是非常困难的。

    Internet already enters hypermedia , but it is very difficult to show math expressions in HTML .

  8. 从将一个数学公式传递到JavaScript代码进行计算这样一个任务开始。

    Start with the task of passing a mathematical formula to the JavaScript code for evaluation .

  9. 而基于SAT的有界模型检验方法虽然能较快地发现反例,但它不支持包含数学公式的系统规范,因而难以用于验证运算电路。

    SAT-based bounded model checking is powerful in bug finding , but it does not support specification with mathematic formula .

  10. 文章最后对利用java技术设计在线式的数学公式写作工具作了一些分析和思考。

    At the end of the essay , the writer makes an analysis of math 's formulas as well as thinking by using java .

  11. 本文设计及建立了将常规ELISA与数学公式相结合以鉴别诊断人体包虫病与囊虫病的血清学方法(DD&ELISA)。

    The serological method of differential diagnosis between human hydatidosis and cysticercosis with coventional ELISA combining mathematical formula named DD-ELISA has been designed and established .

  12. 本文给出了评估智能卵石(Brilliantpebble)做为反卫星武器的能力的数学公式。

    Mathematical formulae for evaluating the capabilities of the brilliant pebble as an ASAT weapon is given in this article .

  13. 给出了系统标签识别率的数学公式和推导过程,并利用MATLAB进行了相应的仿真。

    Mathematical formulas of tag identification rate in the RFID system and the derivation of Mathematical formulas is give , also this paper use MATLAB software for the computer simulation .

  14. 效率分析表明,对于数学公式比较多的程序,用Maple要比C语言简洁很多,这为编程带来了方便。

    By the analysis of the efficiency , Maple language is more concise than C language , especially for the program in which more mathematic formulas have .

  15. Maple是一款给人印象深刻的软件包,尤其擅长于三维绘图和以课本形式显示数学公式。

    Maple is an impressive-looking package that is especially adept at three-dimensional graphing and at displaying mathematical formulae in textbook form .

  16. 分形(Fractal)是根据非线性科学原理,通过数学公式和计算机程序计算,生成出一种既具有审美价值又富有科学内涵的图形和动画的艺术。

    Fractal is an art , based on the theory nonlinearity and calculated by mathematic formula and computer program , which has valuable in aesthetics and is full of scientific meaning and animation .

  17. 如何将OCR系统应用于数学公式识别的问题引起了人们注意。

    The question how to use OCR for recognizing and understanding mathematical expressions in printed document is being studied .

  18. 介绍了Fuzzy-PID控制器的构成并推导出了相关的数学公式。

    Deduction of the Formula of Original Congruent Number The paper presents the construction of the fuzzy-PID controller and some related equations .

  19. MathML是为了在浏览器上显示数学公式的标记语言。

    MathML is a mathematical marking language for displaying mathematical equations in web browsers .

  20. 当前的OCR(opticalcharacterrecognition)系统对手写、打印文本都有很高的识别率,但是缺少对数学公式的结构进行分析及重组的功能。

    The current optical character recognition ( OCR ) has the high efficiency of indentification for the handwriting and the printed texts , but it hasn ′ t the function to analyse and recombine the mathematical expressions .

  21. 印刷体数学公式识别是OCR技术的重要组成部分,也是识别技术发展的瓶颈所在。

    Mathematical expressions recognition is an important part of OCR technology . It is also a bottleneck in the development of recognition technology .

  22. 随着网络技术的发展,各个科研领域之间的信息交流日趋频繁,针对数学公式在Web上的应用,W3C组织提出了一种基于XML的数学标记语言(简称MathML)。

    With the development of web technology , communication among various domains is more frequent . W3C organization releases XML-based Mathematical Markup Language ( MathML ) in order to apply mathematical expressions on web .

  23. 自2001年制定了2.0版标准以来,MathML得到广泛的支持,事实上,MathML已经成为当今在web上表达数学公式的标准。

    Since standards 2.0 ware made in 2001 , MathML have gained wide support . In fact , MathML has become the standard of math formula symbols on web .

  24. 元胞自动机(CA)是复杂体系的一种理想化模型,适合于处理难以用数学公式定量描述的复杂动态物理体系问题,如材料的组织演变等。

    Cellular Automata ( CA ) are the ideal models for complex systems , and are very suitable for simulating complex dynamic problems which are hardly described by mathematical formulae , such as evolution of microstructures in materials , etc.

  25. 本文在前人对相噪影响分析的基础上,采用精确的数学公式来描述CPE和ICI,并提出用等效的滤波器方法来分析相噪问题。

    Motivated by what has been proposed in literatures , CPE and ICI are described by the exact mathematician formula and analyzed using the proposed effective filter method .

  26. 文中介绍了MathML标记语言、MathML的标记,并给出了使用Amaya编辑器在Web网页上制作数学公式的方法。

    The MathML Markup language and its Markup are introduced in this paper , and the facture of Web mathematical equations by Amaya on Web browers is also given .

  27. 以相关数学公式以及物理定律为依据,对有线电视双向HFC网络上行信道噪声模型进行了理论推导,提出了解决噪声干扰的办法。

    Based on the related mathematical formulas and physical laws , the noise models in the upstream channel of HFC networks are derived . The paper presents one method to solve the noise interference .

  28. 介绍将DOC文档转换为国际会议和国外期刊普遍采用的PS格式文档的方法,以及在工程论文中,常需输入的数学公式的对齐与编号方法。

    The paper introduces the method of transforming DOC documents to PS documents , which is popular in international conferences and journals . At the same time the method of aligning and numbering the mathematical formulas is presented .

  29. 通过高增益真对数放大器传输函数的数学公式推导,介绍一种新型真对数放大器(TLA)的设计方法;

    By deriving the mathematical formula of the transfer function of the high gain TLA , the design method of a new TLA is introduced .

  30. 方正奥思、Authorware等课件制作工具中一般没有数学公式编辑器,但利用Office中的公式编辑器,可以对用这些软件制作课件时所出现的数学公式进行编辑。

    There is generally no editing device for mathematical formulae in Founder Author , Authorware and other courseware devices . However , the formula editing device in Office can be used to edit mathematical formulae when courseware is devised by the above mentioned software .