
  • 网络digital photogrammetry;DPS;Basic concept of digital photogrammetry
  1. 高精度数字摄影测量技术在50m大型天线中的应用

    Application of high accuracy digital photogrammetry technology in a 50-meter large antenna

  2. 计算机技术、GIS技术、遥感技术和数字摄影测量的发展,为DEM(Digitalelevationmodel)和遥感影像的应用开辟了广阔的前景。

    The development of computer technology , GIS technology , remote sensing technology and digital photogrammetry provides a bright future for the application of DEM ( Digital Elevation Model ) and remote sensing image .

  3. 论数字摄影测量的产品与GIS的融合

    On the Integration of Digital Photogrammetric Products and DIS

  4. 数字摄影测量结合GPS进行矿山塌陷坑监测

    The Application of Digital Photogrammetry and GPS to the Monitoring of Mine 's Collapse Pit

  5. 数字摄影测量系统生成的DEM数据精度的确定

    Determination of Accuracy of DEM Data Derived from Digital Photogrammetric Systems

  6. 一种基于数字摄影测量系统制作高精度DEM的方法

    A Method of Generating High Precision DEM Based on Digital Photogrammetric System

  7. 全数字摄影测量DEM在生产中的质量控制

    Quality Control of Full Digital Photographic Surveying on DEM Production

  8. 本论文是研究以全数字摄影测量系统为主的摄影测量试验研究,其中涉及到用辅助GPS空中三角测量方法来加密控制点。

    This paper is to study the digital photogrammetric system of photogrammetry experimental study , which involves using auxiliary GPS measurement method to measure the triangle .

  9. 开发实践表明,COM技术的采用能够有效地实现数字摄影测量软件的工程化开发,同时也能较好地解决复用和维护等问题。

    It is proved that problem of engineering development , update and reuse can be solved efficiently by using COM technology .

  10. 利用数字摄影测量所得到的南京市玄武湖地区的数据,论文论述了通过GIS,将这些数据用于虚拟城市构建的案例研究。

    It also discusses a case study of the XuanWu Lake area of Nanjing with the utilization of data from digital photogrammetry through GIS into virtual city construction .

  11. 着重研究解决了全数字摄影测量系统、GIS与虚拟现实系统之间的数据接口问题,三维建模,纹理制作及虚拟环境生成等问题。

    The study is mainly focused on the system interface among digital photogrammetry , GIS and Virtual reality , 3D modeling ,; texture making and virtual environment design .

  12. 用全数字摄影测量系统高效获取4D数字产品的方法

    Method for Gaining 4D Digital Product Effectively By Using Full Digital Photogrammetric System

  13. 但要生产高精度DEM,一般是采用数字摄影测量方法,借助于立体模型对DEM进行可视化编辑、修改。

    However to produce high accuracy DEM , the technique of digital photogrammetrics and stereoscopic model are needed to editor DEM .

  14. 该文主要论述应用数字摄影测量系统制作高精度DEM及其精度检测的方法。

    This paper primarily discusses the method of generating high accuracy DEM based on digital photogrammetric system and its accuracy check method .

  15. 近年随着数字摄影测量学及相关技术发展,作为4D产品的重要组成部分,DEM和DOM日益成为人们关注的重点。

    Both the DEM and DOM have become the important parts of mapping products along with the digital photogrammetry development .

  16. 利用投影器和CCD相机,基于数字摄影测量的理论,对工业领域中的小型工业零件如钣金件的三维重建进行了研究。

    Using the project and CCD , based on the theory of the digital photogrammetry , it is studied for 3-D reconstruction of industrial sheetmetal parts in the paper .

  17. GPS控制测量、数字摄影测量、遥感地质、计算机辅助设计是目前国内外公路规划和勘察设计中所采用的新技术。

    GPS control survey , digital photogrammetry , remote sensing geology and CAD are the new technologies used for highway planning , survey and design , both at home and abroad . GPS .

  18. 全数字摄影测量系统与MicroStation联机测图

    Digital Photogrammetric System to Measure the Diagram with the Machine of MicroStation

  19. 本课题使用开放的三维函数库OpenGL以及面向对象程序设计语言C++,融入地理信息系统(GIS)和数字摄影测量(DP)技术,为小城镇规划管理系统搭建了一个虚拟现实平台。

    The basic Virtual Reality platform for town 's layout and management is constructed by OpenGL and C + + , blended in Geography Information System and Digital Photography .

  20. 完成了一套包括DEM提取、正射影像制作、立体测图、三维显示在内的实用的数字摄影测量系统设计并给出了实验结果。

    We accomplish an applicable digital photogrammetry system including DEM acquisition , ortho image generation , stereo mapping , 3D display and other functions and present the experiment results .

  21. 然而一个主要的限制是:由于应用的日益普及,数字摄影测量一直关注于小尺寸的CCD相机,从而限制了CCD相机所能获取的像素数。

    A major limitation however , in the widespread application to digital photogrammetry concerns the small format size of the CCD sensor itself , and consequently a limitation in the number of pixels on the sensor .

  22. 结合数字摄影测量试验,探讨和展示了数字摄影测量系统与公路CAD系统之间的关系和数字摄影测量系统在公路勘察设计一体化技术中的应用价值与前景。

    Combining with a successful experiment , the relationship between highway route CAD and Digital photogrammetry system DPS is discussed , and a good prospect using DPS into the coordinated process of highway surveying and designing is described in the paper .

  23. 数字摄影测量工作站DVP实验

    An Experiment in Digital Photogrammetric Workstation DVP

  24. 全数字摄影测量工作站JX&4ADPW在南京市农村土地利用现状变更调查中的应用

    Application of DPW JX-4A to Change Survey of Land Use Situation of the Country in Nanjing

  25. 从定位技术、空三、DOM制作、影像匹配、自动变换检测等方面,简要论述了当代数字摄影测量学的发展及其应用。

    This paper introduces briefly the development and application of the current digital photogrammetry from the aspect of positioning tech , aerial triangulation , DOM making ; image matching , auto converter detection and so on .

  26. 射影空间中,数字摄影测量基本模型具有线性特性,避免了欧氏空间迭代运算.解决了CCD内方位素不稳定对于高精度、实时数字摄影测量在结构测试中应用影响。

    In projective space , the digital photogrammetric model is linear , which avoids iterative computation in Euclid space , and it solves the problem which nonstable interior orientation parameters of CCD camera make it difficult to utilize high accuracy photogrammetry in strain test .

  27. JX4数字摄影测量工作站空三加密软件的开发应用

    The Development and Application of Three-dimensinal Triangulation Software on JX 4 Digital photogrammetric Workstation

  28. 论述了全数字摄影测量系统(DPS)与MicroStation联机测图的方法,以及与此相关的层控对应表的制作。

    The article discusses the method how to use the digital photogrammetric system ( DPS ) and the machine of MicroStation to measure the diagram , and how to make related layer control corresponding forms .

  29. 目前,数字摄影测量工作站(DPW:DigitalPhotogrammetricWorkstation)技术已相当成熟,而影像的获取主要还依靠传统的胶片来完成,如何利用一种快速且能全数字化获取影象信息是摄影测量的重要研究方向。

    At present , DPW ( Digital Photogrammetric Workstation ) is excellent software to do digital image , but we have to take the images by traditional film primarily . The method how to take full-digital images quickly has been important research direction .

  30. 通过深入分析无线广播网络组网中对其影响的地形、地物特征,详细介绍了栅格分类数据要素的分类内容、如何利用数字摄影测量技术采集数据以及制作DTM和栅格分类数据的方法。

    This paper firstly analyzed the terrain and features which influence the construction of wireless broadcasting network . Then it introduced the classification contents of grid classification features , the data collection methods by digital aerial photogrammetry , and the method to produce DTM and grid classification data .