
  1. 相似教育论在教师教育实践中的应用研究

    Applied Research of Similarity-Inspiration Pedagogy in the Practice of Teacher Training

  2. 科学精神与大学生科学素质教育论高校科学素质教育

    Scientific Spirit and the Scientific Quality Education of College Student

  3. 大学生道德自律教育论析

    Discussion and Analysis On Morals Self-discipline Education of University Students

  4. 维新运动时期科学教育论略

    On the Science Education in the Period of the Hundred Days Reform

  5. 浅议计算机等级考试和计算机基础教育论计算机等级考试笔试备考策略

    Discuss the Grade Examination of the Computer and Computer Basic Education Simply

  6. 个性发展与创新教育论析

    Analysis of Theory of Individual Development & Innovative Education

  7. 以理解为视域的高校思想政治理论课教育论析

    An Analysis of " Comprehension-Orientated " College Ideological and Political Theory Course Education

  8. 主体教育论的若干构想

    Some thoughts on the Construction of Subject Education Theory

  9. 分析了自主探究教学的理论依据,包括探究教学理论、主体教育论、建构主义教学论;

    The second part analyzed independently inquired into the teaching the theory basis ;

  10. 态度教育论的理论模式与实验探索

    Research on Theoretical Pattern & Practice of Attitude Education

  11. 初探法律诊所教育论教育基本原则

    A Discussion on the Clinical Legal Education On the Basic Principles of Education

  12. 思想政治素质教育论

    On the Education of Ideological and Political Quality

  13. 论中学生的道德体验教育论道德教育中的体验

    On Moral Experience Education for Middle School Students

  14. 图书情报人员继续教育论高校图书情报人员继续教育的现实思考

    Really Thinking about Continuous Education for the Information Professionals of Higher Colleges ' Library

  15. 略论教师职业生涯发展生涯教育论

    On the Development of Teachers ' Teaching Career

  16. 大学生幸福观教育论略

    On Education of Happiness for College Students

  17. 高校《形势与政策》课中的省情教育论析

    The Provincial Education on the Course of Current Situation and Policies in Colleges and Universities

  18. 信息时代的中小学教育论中专图书馆信息人才队伍建设

    Primary and secondary education in information age On Construction of Information Talents at Secondary Schools

  19. 浅谈加强高校素质教育论大学生创造能力培养

    On the Making Cultivation of College Student

  20. 试论我国体育职业教育论我国高等体育职业院校的办学特性

    Discussion on Sports Vocational Education in China The Traits of Vocational Sports Colleges of China

  21. 生命美教育论中美教育的对比

    Comparison of Chinese and American Education

  22. 心理教育论

    On the Theory of Psychological Education

  23. 高校德育应加强大学生的诚信教育论大学生人文精神的培养

    Strengthening of College Students ' Fidelity Education in Moral Education in the Institutions of Higher Learning

  24. 心理素质教育论心理咨询员的素质要求及其修养途径

    Qualification And Training Of Psychological Consultant

  25. “语文科教育论”涵盖教学论,以基础理论和实践理论为主体;

    Education Theory of Language and Literaturecovers methodology which is mainly about the basic and practical theories ;

  26. 生命美教育论

    On Life Beauty Education

  27. 柯尔伯格的道德认知发展理论主要包括道德发展论、道德教育论和公正群体途径理论。

    The Cognitive Moral Development Mode of Lawrence Kohlberg includes stages of moral development , moral education and just community .

  28. 加强高等院校国防体育教育论高等院校体育文化的构建

    Discuss on Strengthening the National Defense Physical Education in Advanced Colleges On the Construction of the Academic Physical Education Culture

  29. 在目标定位、模式选择、策略运用等方面,不同的非广义品格教育论者的主张不同。

    Different perspectives of the non-expansive character education are different in localization of tar-gets , selection of modes and operational strategies .

  30. 论高校马克思主义理论课的渗透教育论历史地理学在中学地理课中的渗透

    On the Permeating Education of the Theory of Marxism in College ; On infiltrating historical geography into geography lesson in secondary school