
  • 网络Educational;Education;Education Information
  1. 面向语义Web的教育信息处理本体表示研究

    Research on Ontology Representation of Educational Information Processing Oriented Semantic Web

  2. 基于LINUX环境的教育信息系统应用研究

    The Research and Implementation of Educational Information-system Based Linux

  3. 基于SOA的教育信息系统互操作模型的研究和实现

    Research on SOA-based Education Information System Interoperability Model

  4. 利用XML良好的语义性来描述结构化的学习资源是为了容易地实现远程教育信息的标准化和智能教学导航。

    The aim to describe structural learning source using better semantic character of XML is to implement the standardization of long-distance education information and intelligent learning navigation easily .

  5. 目的:对SARS突发事件中大众健康教育信息需求进行调查。

    Objective : To investigate the mass need for ( requirement of ) health education information during SARS period ;

  6. SIF是美国已开始投入使用的教育信息管理标准。

    SIF is the specification in educational information management which has been put into practice in USA.

  7. 笔者所在单位是C部队直属单位,其开发研究的政治教育信息系统是加强部队政治工作信息化和改变传统教育管理模式的有益尝试。

    The author works in a science & technology institute of troops , he has developed information system on political education , which is useful attempt to strengthen political work informatization and change traditional educational management mode .

  8. 文中主要介绍了基于Internet的纺织工程专业现代远程教育信息平台的目标设计、软硬件环境建立和信息平台主要内容的策划。

    This article introduces mainly the design of objective , the establishment of software and hardware environment and the schedule of main content of information platform that is used for modern long-haul education in the special field of textile via Internet .

  9. 并且使用信息熵、回归分析和SP表分析的应用案例详细解释了如何使用本系统进行教育信息处理方面的应用研究。

    And we make use of these cases such as Information Entropy , Hierarchical Cluster Analysis , SP Form Analysis and so on to define how to make research in educational information processing by using this system .

  10. 文章利用改进的Apriori算法对上海海事大学的教育信息数据库进行了挖掘,从中发现了一些有价值的规则,为学校的教育决策和教学管理提供了有指导意义的信息。

    This paper mined the student information database of Shanghai Marine University by using an improved Apriori algorithm , and found some valuable rules , which provided the university some educational information in education decision and management .

  11. 北京大学远程医学教育信息系统(MEIS)是基层医院继的良师益友&黑龙江省鹤岗市人民医院开展卫星远程继续教育卓有成效

    Peking university medical education information system ( MEIS ) is a good mentor and friend to basic medical personnel for post-education & HeGang City People-s Hospital made post-education developed effectively with distance education by satellite in Heilongjiang province

  12. 面向数字化校园的学位和研究生教育信息系统

    The digitized campus-oriented information system for the degree and postgraduate management

  13. 高校教育信息系统的研究与探讨

    Research and studies on the educational information system in high schools

  14. 谈高校教育信息资源的建设

    Discuss the Construction of University 's Teaching and Learning Information Resources

  15. 健康教育信息传播者审美观念的提高对传播效果的影响

    Influence of aesthetic standards of health education communicators on communication effectiveness

  16. 教育信息系统的访问控制模型设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Access Control Model of Educational Information System

  17. 论网络教育信息资源的获取与利用

    On the Access to and Utilization of Educational Resources on Internet

  18. 信息技术与素质教育信息技术的负效应

    Relationship between IT and quality education The Negative Effects of Information Technology

  19. 加强学校网络教育信息资源建设促进教育信息化

    Strengthening the Construction of Network Educational Information Resources to Improve Educational Informatization

  20. 现代教育信息技术为高校开展教学质量评价提供了技术保障。

    Modern educational information technology provides technique support for teaching quality evaluation .

  21. 网络教育信息的分类与利用

    The Classification and Utilization of the Network Information of Education

  22. 论教育信息资源的管理开发及利用

    Discussion on the Management , Development and Utilization of Educational Information Resources

  23. 第二,引入符号互动理论,加强教育信息传递。

    Second , apply Symbolic Interaction Theory to strengthening education information transfer .

  24. 从教育信息生态系统演进透视教育信息化建设策略

    Informationization Strategies from the Perspective of Educational Information Ecology Evolution

  25. 远程医学教育信息网络系统平台的构建与应用

    Construction and Application of Distance Medical Education Network Information Platform

  26. 现代网络教育信息系统的研究与实现

    The Study and Implementation of Modern Networked Information Systems in Distance Education

  27. 区域性职业教育信息平台的实践研究

    Practical Research on Information Flat of Regional Vocational Education

  28. 利用教育信息资源,提高教学质量

    Make Use of Information Resources and Improve the Quality of Teaching and Learnig

  29. 医院继续医学教育信息管理系统应用软件设计

    Designing Idea and Development Value of Information Management System about Continue Medical Education

  30. 职前教师教育信息能力培养研究

    Study on Educational Information Competence Training for Pre-Service Teachers