
  • 网络teaching;Implement;teaching practice
  1. GPS技术及其教学实施

    Technique of GPS and its Teaching Practice

  2. 使DDS波形发生器的教学实施具有启发性、设计性、开放性、探索性等特点。

    Therefore , the teaching is inspiring , heuristic and explorative .

  3. 中小学信息技术德育教学实施

    Moral Education in Primary and Middle and School Information Technique Teaching

  4. 二要运用控制论原理分析、研究和探索怎样对课堂教学实施优化控制;

    Secondly , studies how to optimize class teaching with cybernetics ;

  5. 推行素质教育是时代的要求&语文教学实施素质教育之我见

    Promoting the Quality Education Is the Requirement of the Times

  6. 高校体育教学实施学分制改革小议

    The Reform of the Credit System in College PE Teaching

  7. 生物学新课程情感领域目标的教学实施策略

    The Teaching Strategies on Affective Objective in the New Curriculum of Biology

  8. 普通高校体育教学实施创新教育探析

    A Discussion on the University Sports Teaching Implement Innovative Education

  9. 中等职业教育培养目标定位及教学实施的研究

    Study on Train Object and Teaching of Secondary Vocational Education

  10. 主体性阅读教学实施中的误区防范

    Prevention from Mistakes in the Practice of Subjectivity Reading Teaching

  11. 中学生物双语教学实施策略的研究

    Studies and Strategies on the Bilingual Teaching of Biology in Middle School

  12. 对高校数学课堂教学实施开放教育的思考

    Reflections on the open teaching of mathematics at college

  13. 国家队运动员英语学习需求调查及教学实施建议

    The Demands for English Study of Elite Chinese Athletes and Suggestions for Improvement

  14. 大学英语教学实施素质教育的思考

    Thinking of Carring out Quanlity Education in English Teaching

  15. 小学口语交际教学实施策略

    Teaching Method of Oral Communication in Primary School

  16. 浅谈课堂教学实施素质教育

    Discussion On Implementing Quality Education in Classroom Instruction

  17. 在教学实施的过程中,各个阶段应该有不同的目标和任务。

    In different teaching stages , tasks and teaching aims should accordingly be different .

  18. 医院多媒体网络教学实施方案的探讨

    How to realize multimedia network teaching in hospital

  19. 大学英语教学实施主题教学的探讨

    A Discussion of the Implementation of Thematic Instruction in College English Teaching and Learning

  20. 中学体育教学实施素质教育的问题与对策

    The Countermeasure and Question on Implementing Quality Education in Middle School Physical Education Teaching

  21. 历史教学实施合作学习模式的理论与实践初探

    An Exploration on the Theory and Practice of an Integrated Study Mode in History Teaching

  22. 第三章综合阐述了初中英语教学实施赏识教育的现实依据。

    Chapter Three makes a general review of implementing appreciation education in Junior English Teaching .

  23. 对高校历史专业教学实施素质教育的研究

    On Qualities Education in College History Teaching

  24. 这些转变使体育教学实施的整个过程都产生了深刻变化。

    These transformations caused the sports teaching implementation the entire process to have the profound change .

  25. 包括课程内容的选择、教材的呈现方式、教学实施过程的转变、课程评价的标准与原则。

    Including the choice of teaching material , the teaching way and the judgment of the course .

  26. 合格师资的培养是双语教学实施的关键。

    And the training to qualified bilingual teachers is one of the critical problems in bilingual teaching .

  27. 利用过程式实验教学实施素质教育的方法及相关案例;

    The way to implement quality-oriented education by means of processional experiment teaching and its cases concerned ;

  28. 文章从管理理念和教学实施两个层面,对计算机专业课程实验教学进行了浅析。

    This article analyses experiment teaching of computer professional courses from two aspects : management conception and teaching implement .

  29. 物理教学实施素质教育是培养学生的创新精神、创新能力及科学素质的最佳途径。

    Quality education is the best way for cultivating students'innovative spirit , innovative ability and scientific literacy in physical teaching .

  30. 让学生在绿色评价中快乐成长&小学音乐教学实施发展性评价策略研究

    The Pupils Grow up Happily with Humanity Evaluation & Studying the Development Evaluation Tactics of Music Teaching in the Primary School