
mǐn ɡǎn yuán jiàn
  • sensitive element;sensor
  1. 新型高选择性汽油敏感元件

    New Type Petrol Gas Sensor of High Selectivity

  2. 光纤陀螺是近年来出现的一种新型角速度敏感元件。

    Fiber Optic Gyroscope ( FOG ) is a new type of rotation sensor which appeared recently .

  3. 用一根垂直弹簧补偿敏感元件的负荷。

    A vertical spring compensates for the weight of the sensing element .

  4. MR转向传感器由磁性敏感元件和信号盘组成。

    Magneto-resistance steering sensor consists of sensitive magnetic elements and signal disc .

  5. 谐振式SAW压力传感器敏感元件研究与设计

    Study and Design Sensitive Device of Resonance SAW Pressure Sensor

  6. 介绍一种C型压阻式压力敏感元件与结构的设计方法。

    In this paper a novel design of C-type piezoresistive pressure sensors and its structure is introduced .

  7. 引信用MEMS加速度传感器敏感元件的设计

    Design of the Sensing Element of MEMS Accelerometer used in the Fuze

  8. TiO2基陶瓷苯敏感元件的制备及性能研究

    Study on the Preparation and Gas Sensing Properties of TiO_2-based Benzene Ceramic Gas Sensor

  9. 标定技术主要是对SINS的惯性敏感元件&石英挠性加速度计和光纤陀螺仪的基本误差模型参数进行确定。

    Calibration technology mainly makes sure SINS Inertial Measurement Unit-quartz flexibility accelerometer and FOG basic error model parameter .

  10. 实验采用高压绝缘性能优良的Al2O3作为锰铜敏感元件的封装材料,首次实现了敏感元件清洁的无机固态封装,从根本上消除了高压旁路电阻效应。

    Consequently , the manganin sensing elements were ' cleanly ' encapsulated in inorganic solid matrix and the high-pressure shunt effect was eliminated radically .

  11. 硅PN结是一种新型的可用于多种温度场检测的敏感元件。

    The silicon PN Knot is a new type of sensory element used in the multiple temperature fields for monitoring .

  12. 纯ZnO敏感元件的敏感度在测试过程中变化较大,而经过表面处理的元件敏感度的变化则相对稳定。

    The sensitivity of pure ZnO array has a large range change during the whole testing , while the dipped arrays are relatively stable .

  13. 催化剂对WO3基燃气敏感元件的影响

    Effect of catalysts on WO_3-based combustible gas sensor

  14. 该系统采用了8031单片机作为系统控制和数据处理部件,控制发光二极管(LED)作为光源脉冲发光、超声波清洗器定时对光纤U型敏感元件进行清洗。

    The system uses 8031 single chip microcomputer as controlling and data disposal part which controls LED shining in an equal interval and makes ultrasonic generator clean the U-shaped detector timing .

  15. 高稳定性LiBr湿度敏感元件的研制

    Study on Preparation of Highly Stabilized LiBr Humidity Sensor

  16. 高性能纳米SnO2基一氧化碳敏感元件研究

    Study of CO Sensor Based onSnO_2 with High Performance

  17. 纳米光纤DNA生物传感器因其独特的光学特性和纳米级的敏感元件等优越性能,能在生物体组织、细胞内物质的检测和基因诊断及碱基突变检测等方面受到了广泛的应用。

    Nanoscale optical fiber DNA biosensor will be widely applied in the detection of tissues and cells , genetic diagnosis and base mutation because of its unique optical properties and nanoscale sensitive element .

  18. 而声压通道采用PVDF压电薄膜作为敏感元件,以拾取水下声场中的标量信息。

    A PVDF piezoelectric membrane is used as sensitive element for measuring the scalar pressure of the underwater sound field .

  19. 传感器采用有机压电(PVDF)材料为敏感元件,在传感器外表面贴有点阵状结构的橡胶表皮。

    The sensor is made of polyvinylidene fluoride ( PVDF ) and covered by a rubber membrane over the array structure .

  20. 本文介绍了新研制开发的LiBr湿度敏感元件的制作方法和过程。

    A process and performances of newly developed LiBr humidity sensor was presented in this paper .

  21. 光纤Bragg光栅对外界折射率的变化不灵敏,无法直接作为气体、液体等的敏感元件。

    Fiber Bragg grating ( FBG ) cannot be directly used as gas or liquids sensors , because it is not sensitive to external refractive index .

  22. 该测头采用PSD作为敏感元件并采用单片机技术完成对测量数据的处理。

    The PSD ( positinon sensitive detector ) is utilized as the sensitive detector of the sensor , and the microprocessor to implement data processing .

  23. HTR-10燃料元件双向探测器敏感元件特性研究

    Study on properties of sensor of the bi directional detector for the fuel element in HTR 10

  24. 介绍利用硅的各向异性腐蚀工艺腐蚀出的一种双E形结构非整体结构弹性膜硅芯片及用此芯片封装成的压力敏感元件。

    The silicon chip of dual-E form non-integral structure has been introduced , which is prepared by the technique of anisotropic wet etching of silicon and the sensor of pressure sealed and packaged based on this chip .

  25. DNA传感器以DNA为敏感元件,通过换能器将DNA与DNA、DNA与RNA及DNA与其它有机无机离子之间的作用的生物学信号转变为可检测的光、电、声波等物理信号。

    DNA sensors use DNA as sensitive elements . With the energetic transducer , the interactions of DNA with DNA , RNA , drugs , and other ions can be transferred into electric , acoustic , optical information that can be detected .

  26. 同时,尝试用石英晶体微天平作为敏感元件,在其表面固定具有发夹结构的DNA探针,用于识别并结合目标DNA序列产生相应的信号构建一种简单有效的DNA检测方法。

    At the same time , try to use quartz crystal microbalance as a sensor on its surface fixed with a hairpin DNA probes used to identify and target DNA to produce a signal to build a simple and efficient DNA detection method .

  27. 研究了一种新颖的光纤加速度计,阐述了三光纤GRIN透镜加速度敏感元件的工作原理及其结构设计。

    In this paper , a novel Fiber-Optic Accelerometer was studied . It demonstrates the operational principle and structure design of the three-fiber accelerometer using a GRIN lens .

  28. 这些通过VaporSolid(VS)生长机制形成的绒球状结构氧化钨因为具有巨大的表面积,在微型半导体敏感元件方面具有巨大的应用前景。

    The pompon-like structure was formed by the Vapor-Solid ( V-S ) mechanism . With the huge surface of the unique pompon-like structure , the potential application of micrometer scale tungsten oxide in micro-sized semiconductor sensors would be promising .

  29. 采用梁膜结合的压力传递机构,将被测压力与SoI敏感元件隔离开来,因此避免了被测压力的瞬时高温冲击。

    A combined girder-film pressure transferred structure is used to isolate the measured pressure and the SoI sensitive element , so the instantaneous high temperature ( 1 000 ℃) impact can be avoided .

  30. 利用间隙传感器和加速度计作为敏感元件,对磁悬浮系统设计了带有加速度反馈的PID控制器,研究了H∞状态滤波器的设计,仿真结果表明,该控制系统具有较好的动态和稳态性能。

    In this paper , , we design a PID controller with gap sensor and accelerometer as the feedback for levitation system . The H ∞ state filter is studied . The simulation of system proved that the controller has nice dynamic and static performance .