
  • 网络toll road;Turnpike;tollway
  1. 你呼我的时候,我还在缅因州的收费公路上呢。

    I was on the Maine Turnpike when you beeped me .

  2. 在收费公路上开车要缴通行税。

    You have to pay a toll to drive on a turnpike .

  3. 南奥兰治县就是典型的高新技术区,有大量新建、且非常高档的办公园区,通过收费公路网连接起来,还将建设高速公路。封闭社区中居住的几乎都是受过大学教育的专业人士和技术人员。

    South Orange County is a classic nerdistan -- largely newly built , almost entirely2 upscale office parks , connected by a network of toll3 roads and superhighways to planned , often gated communities inhabited almost entirely by college educated professionals and technicians .

  4. 用欧盟(EU)资金建造的新公路无人问津,因为那是收费公路;

    The new roads built with EU funds are deserted , since they carry a toll ;

  5. 美国有些州方兴未艾的私营公司收费公路经营体系就是典型的BOT模式。

    The emerging system through which private companies maintain toll roads in some states is a classic BOT model .

  6. 结合《收费公路管理条例》和我省有关高速公路项目投资人招标的有关规定,对公路BOT投资建设模式中的特许经营竞标管理问题进行了探讨。

    Combined with the relative specification of expressway project bidding , the paper discussed the competitive bidding management of BOT construction model .

  7. 用欧盟(EU)资金建造的新公路无人问津,因为那是收费公路;新路本希望分流交通流量的老路,却引来了许多车辆。

    The new roads built with EU funds are deserted , since they carry a toll ; traffic has been displaced on to the roads they were designed to relieve .

  8. 因此,对收费公路领域的公私合作(PPP)问题的研究具有重大的现实意义。

    Therefore , the study on Public-Private Partnerships ( PPP ) in the field of the toll roads has great practical significance .

  9. 本文对我国公路建设发展中BOT模式及特许经营所涉及的公路投资体制、收费公路、公路融资、政府职能等问题进行了研究。

    The thesis discusses some problems on BOT model or concessionary management in the evolution of highway construction such as highway investment system , toll road , highway financing , government function and etc.

  10. 新普雷西迪奥风景公路(PresidioParkway)是一条拟建的连接旧金山市和金门大桥(GoldenGateBridge)的六车道收费公路,一些私人投资者团体正在考虑这个项目。

    The Presidio Parkway , a six-lane toll road that will connect the city of San Francisco to the Golden Gate Bridge , is one project that some private investor groups are considering .

  11. 陕西省收费公路项目nC-BOT融资模式的风险分析

    The Risk Analysis of nC-BOT in Shaanxi Charge Highway Project Finance

  12. 他的一个女儿Tutut控制了收费公路;

    Tutut , a daughter , had a grip on the toll-roads ;

  13. 作为公私合作进行基础设施建设的方法,PPP模式已经广泛应用于收费公路、隧道、桥梁、政府办公设施、医院、学校、监狱等项目的建设中。

    It has been widely applied in such projects as toll way , tunnel , bridge , government facility , hospital , school , jail , etc. It also provides a new approach for the construction and supply of low-rent housing .

  14. 收费公路交通量分担模型建立与分析

    Theory and Analysis of Traffic Volume Sharing Model of Toll Road

  15. 收费公路债务风险的成因与对策

    Reasons of Risk from Indebtedness in Toll Roads and Its Countermeasures

  16. 收费公路交通量转移的定量化研究

    The Quatitative Study on the Traffic Volume Change of Charging Highway

  17. 他们想在我的地上造一条收费公路。

    Wants to build a toll road across my land .

  18. 收费公路民营化中产权问题探析

    Analysis on the Property Rights in the Privatization of the Toll Roads

  19. 民营资本在收费公路中的发展问题研究

    Research on the Development of Private Capital in Toll Roads

  20. 基于层次分析法的收费公路债务风险评价

    Assessment for Debt Risk of Toll Highway Based on Analytical Hierarchy Process

  21. 就在多尼哥收费公路的分叉路口

    at a branch off the Turnpike , near Donegal .

  22. 是一个小作坊生产的,在新泽西州收费公路上

    It 's from a smell factory on the New Jersey Turnpike .

  23. 我国高速收费公路项目融资的风险及其防范

    The Financing Risk of China Expressway Project and Management

  24. 所以,对经营性收费公路进行经济管制是非常必要的。

    Therefore , it is very necessary to regulate the operating toll road .

  25. 收费公路交通阻抗分析方法

    A Method of Analyzing Traffic Impedance on Toll Roads

  26. 收费公路总量控制分析

    Matrix analysis for toll road restriction on total volume

  27. 经营性收费公路行业管理的问题及对策

    Problem and countermeasure of operating charging highway industry management

  28. 这是收费公路还是高速公路?

    Is it a toll road or a freeway ?

  29. 收费公路是重要的交通基础设施之一。

    Toll-road is one of the important transport infrastructures .

  30. 在我们中的大多数人看来,收费公路不过意味着又一项开销。

    FOR MOST OF US , a toll road is just another expense .