
cāo zòng gǎn
  • controller;joystick;operating lever;control rod;control stick
操纵杆[cāo zòng gǎn]
  1. 在远程端通过鼠标、键盘、操纵杆的方式来对工作现场的机器人进行远程操作,通过视频监控来获取相关有用信息。

    Operation on a robot at a remote location were performed via mouse , keyboard and controller . We get useful information by video surveillance .

  2. 在远端通过鼠标、键盘、力反馈操纵杆、三维鼠标的方式来对工作现场的机器人进行远程示教、远程操作、远程编程及远程诊断,并通过图形仿真和实时视频监视远端的机器人。

    The status of the robot was monitored and controlled by graphic simulation and real-time video and force feedback . Remote teaching , operation , programming and diagnostics on a robot at a remote location were performed via mouse , keyboard , force feedback controller and 3-D mouse .

  3. 把操纵杆向你身体一侧拉动以调节速度。

    Pull the lever towards you to adjust the speed .

  4. 或者指示操纵杆的运动方向,操控一个假想的宇宙飞船在屏幕上的位置。

    or sense the movements of a joystick and manipulate the position of an imaginary spaceship on a display screen .

  5. 使用操纵杆选择“oil”(机油)菜单项。

    Use the operating lever to select the menu item oil .

  6. 交互不总是需要复杂的Flash动画或操纵杆。

    Interaction doesn 't always involve complicated Flash animations or a joystick .

  7. 在5路操纵杆区内按下任何一个按钮,都会使按钮附近的LED发光。

    Pressing any of the buttons on the five-way joystick area will cause the LED adjacent to the appropriate button to illuminate .

  8. 基于WingManForce操纵杆的移动机器人遥操作

    Teleoperation of Mobile Robots Based on WingMan Force Joy Stick

  9. 基于DSP旋翼飞行机器人增稳操纵杆设计

    A DSP-Based Joystick in the Stability Augmentation System for Rotary UAV Control Strategy for Tilt-Rotor Aircraft Trimming in Steady Level Flight

  10. 通过无线网络传输的通信方式实现了经过透视解算展开后的全景图像的传输和基于USB操纵杆的多功能远程控制平台的开发。

    The transmission of panoramic images based on perspective decoding and multi-functional remote control platform based on USB joystick were both developed by the way of wireless networks communication .

  11. 通过操纵杆实现对系统运行速率及运行方向的控制,并通过PID调速,来确保系统的平稳运行。

    It can control the operation speed and direction of the system by means of control role . It can also ensure the system moving smoothly by using PID to regulate its speed .

  12. 共有36人参与了此项研究,男女各18人。他们需要佩戴3D眼镜,使用操纵杆在一个巨大的虚拟迷宫中找出路。与此同时,研究人员会跟踪记录这些人的大脑运转图像。

    Using 3D goggles and a joystick , a total of 36 participants - 18 men and 18 women - had to orient themselves in a large virtual maze while functional images of their brains were continuously recorded .

  13. 利用NASA最大关节力矩计算公式和飞机座舱操纵杆的实际安装尺寸,对驾驶员的操作活动进行模拟仿真。

    Using the maximal joint torque expressions derived from NASA experimental data and the actual installation dimension of cockpit , the operation movement of the pilot is simulated .

  14. 由上位机,A/D转换电路,无线视频传输模块,无线数传模块,电视跟踪器,CCD监视器,以及操纵杆等组城。

    From the PC , and transfer of A / D circuit , wireless video transmission modules , wireless module , TV tracker , CCD devices , and the stick , etc. console is composed .

  15. 该装置由Z-80微处理器、打印机、视标显示屏及操纵杆等组成。

    It is composed of a Z-80 microprocessor , a printer , a sight mark display screen and control stick .

  16. 带齿盘的操纵杆适用DN150及其以下。

    Lever with notched plate for DN150 and below .

  17. 除了触摸屏之外,GamePad上也有传统的控制装置,比如一个十字形的控制板和两个迷你操纵杆。

    In addition to its touch screen , the GamePad also has traditional controls , like a cross-shaped control pad and two mini joysticks .

  18. Atari的解决办法是剥离了无线电控制操纵杆,可以在房间内使用的无电缆设置。

    Atari 's solution was to spin off a set of radio-controlled joysticks , which could be used across the room without a cable .

  19. 全新的Kinect2动作感应操纵杆也是如此,它的尺寸几乎和除臭剂罐子一样大,就是为了和电视机离得更近些。

    The same goes for the new Kinect 2 motion-sensing bar , roughly the size of a febreze can and meant to sit closer to the television .

  20. 研究堆用自然循环阀采用了特殊本体结构和10.5m长的远传操纵杆,以满足堆用自然循环阀的性能要求。

    The special structure and remote operation rod with 10.5 m length has been adopted to meet the requirement onflow resistance and operation performance in the reactor .

  21. 一种工艺先进的操纵杆能够简化程序,并实现一键式操作。这个超强性能的导航仪防水达到IPX7标准,或在1米水深处浸泡30分钟且能浮起!

    This rugged navigator is waterproof to IPX7 standards or , immersible in the water for30 minutes at a depth of1 meter , and , it floats !

  22. 一种基于操纵杆控制微操作系统三维运动的方法

    Method for Controling Micromanipulation System Movement in Three-Dimensional Way by Joystick

  23. 他扳动操纵杆,启动了机器。

    He pulled the lever and set the machine in motion .

  24. 操纵杆会比战机的重。

    The controls will feel very heavy compared to a fighter .

  25. 使用操纵杆或者导航键来选择口袋。

    Use the joystick or navigation keys to select the pocket .

  26. 手册上说一直向后拉那个操纵杆。

    Checklist says to just keep pulling back on that yoke .

  27. 在转轴上还固定有操纵杆。

    The rotating shaft is also provided with an operating rod .

  28. 图10-8弹射操纵杆具有灾难般的后果。

    Figure 10-8 : Ejector seat levers have catastrophic results .

  29. 戴克放掉操纵杆,伸手去拿左轮枪。

    Dyke released the levers , reaching for his revolver .

  30. 目前操纵杆,将取代由专业的更高版本。

    The current control stick will be replaced by professional ones later .