
  • 网络Operation Space;operating space;space of operations;handle space
  1. 结论床突间隙增加了手术操作空间。

    Conclusion CS could provide a larger operation space of ACP .

  2. 将全局/局部视觉系统分离,增加了操作空间。

    Global-local vision system are separated to widen operation space .

  3. 数据库服务器采用Oracle9ispatial来管理和操作空间数据。

    Database server is in charge of managing and manipulating spatial data using Oracle 9i spatial .

  4. 然而,由于腹腔镜下手术动作轴向的相对性受限和手术操作空间的绝对性狭小,限制了LUS探头对某些方位上超声窗的利用。

    Nevertheless , in a limited space under laparoscope , some sonic windows on some aspects cannot be utilized .

  5. 德国向来抵制任何会限制其经济政策操作空间的协议,该国表示,它只会同意g20成员国评估其政策影响的非约束性监控机制。

    Berlin has consistently rejected any agreement that would constrain its margin of manoeuvre in economic policy and said it would only agree on a non-binding monitoring mechanism for G20 members to assess the impact of its policies .

  6. 选择符合BSD许可而发行的软件,为商业产品提供了更大的操作空间,这是NetBSD适合于嵌入式系统的另一个原因。

    Choosing software released under the BSD license gives wider operating room for commercial products , which is another reason NetBSD is so well suited for embedded systems .

  7. 一种基于操作空间的操作器分散自适应控制方法

    A decentralized adaptive impedance controller for robot manipulators in task space

  8. 超长型缝台,使操作空间更为广阔。

    The long arm flat bed gives a wider working space .

  9. 基于迭代学习的机械手操作空间力/位置混合控制算法

    Hybrid force / position control of robot manipulators based on iterative learning

  10. 尚有政策操作空间的国家应当通过基建支出刺激增长。

    Countries with room for manoeuvre should boost growth through infrastructure spending .

  11. 顺差国家的操作空间最大。

    The surplus countries have the biggest room for manoeuvre .

  12. 设备附近应提供足够的间隙和操作空间。

    Adequate clearances and operational space shall be provided around the equipment .

  13. 遥操作空间机器人地面实验系统的集成与研究

    Integration and Study of the Experiment System on Land of Teleoperation Space-Robot System

  14. 新型并联机床的操作空间分析

    Workspace Analysis of New Type Parallel Machine Tool

  15. 连杆干涉是影响并联机器人机构操作空间的重要因素。

    : Interference between links is an important factor confining workspace of Stewart platform mechanism .

  16. 高涨的油价和全球经济放缓限制了马英九先生的操作空间。

    Soaring fuel prices and a global slowdown limit Mr Ma 's room for manoeuvre .

  17. 城市轨道交通资源丰富且独具特色,为多种经营创造了可操作空间。

    The rich and unique urban rail transit resources provide ample space for diversified business operation .

  18. 我国原有会计准则体系的不完善又为盈余管理提供了更大的操作空间。

    Our country original accounting standards system completion offer loud operation space for the earnings management .

  19. 该法案新设了一个消费者机构,并收紧了银行的操作空间。

    That set up a new consumer agency , and tightened banks ' room for manoeuvre .

  20. 坐势操作空间的造型

    Modeling of the sitting operation space

  21. 以往这些内镜手术中存在一些不足如充气后高碳酸血症、操作空间不稳定、仍要在颈部作小切口等。

    These endoscopic surgeries have some shortages such as hypercapnia , instability workspace , small incisions in neck .

  22. 缩小肿瘤体积、扩大操作空间是此类手术的关键。

    The key of the operative procedure is to reduce the tumor volume and enlarge the operative space .

  23. 在确定加劲肋形状时兼顾焊接操作空间、节约材料等方面的因素。

    In addition , the welding space and material cost should be considered when determining the shape of stiffeners .

  24. 该机造型大方,线条流畅,结构成绩,性能可靠,高速高效,操作空间大。

    Machine modeling generous , smooth lines , structural performance , reliable performance , high efficiency , operating space .

  25. 本课题的规划主要是在操作空间中,依据机器人操作臂运动时有无路径约束和运动约束的要求来进行规划的。

    In the operation space , depending on whether path constraints and motion constraints , we make trajectory planning .

  26. 通过雅克比变换,将操作空间动力学模型映射到关节空间,从而导出并联机器人关节空间动力学模型。

    Through mapping operating-space dynamic model onto joint-space using jacobian transformation , joint-space model of 6-DOF parallel robot is derived .

  27. 对中国持乐观看法的人士则指出,中国政府在财政方面有应对增长放缓的操作空间,但任何短期政策措施都带有风险。

    Optimists point out that Beijing has fiscal room to respond but there are risks to any short-term policy measures .

  28. 主要对遥操作空间机器人地面实验系统的设计及基本结构进行了系统分析。

    In this paper , the teleoperation space Robot experimental system on land for design and fundamental constraction was analyzed .

  29. 本文建议进一步减少上市公司信息操作空间和盈余管理行为,提高上市公司信息披露的及时性。

    The author strongly calls for measures to be taken to reduce information manipulation and surplus management and ensure timely disclosure .

  30. 钢琴伴奏艺术实践性强、涵盖面宽、应用广泛,具有广阔的思维空间和复杂的操作空间。

    Piano Accompaniment practical strength , coverage , voluminous , widely used and has a wide space of thinking and complex maneuver .