
mó běn
  • copy;facsimile;transcription;an exact copy of the original
摹本 [mó běn]
  • [copy;facsimile] 临摹真本;复制品;临摹或翻刻的书画本

摹本[mó běn]
  1. 宏碁的iconia双屏幕平板没有触觉,但是这给未来的笔记本一个很好的摹本了吧?一个拥有全虚拟键盘的笔记本不就是一个对折的电脑么。

    Acer 's Iconia dual-screen tablet lacks haptics , but is it a reasonable facsimile of the future of laptops ?

  2. 作为现实摹本的传统&儒家经典解释在中国现代性追寻中的处境

    Tradition : A Facsimile of Reality & The Dilemma Faced by Interpretation of Confucian Classics in China 's Pursuit for Modernity

  3. 盗贼们用摹本换走了原画。

    The thieves replaced the original painting with a copy .

  4. 他那幅《蒙娜丽莎》的摹本表现出自己的艺术才能。

    He demonstrated his artistic talents by making a fair copy of the Mona lisa .

  5. 这幅国画只是一副摹本,不是真迹。

    This traditional Chinese painting is just a copy , not original .

  6. 桃源社区:高品质的绿色社区摹本

    Taoyuan Community : A Sample for high-quality Green Communities

  7. 批量图文文档的摹本识别

    Duplication detection of a batch of image documents

  8. 这种理想化的摹本是对实际情况的简单然而有用的近似。

    This idealized version provides a simple but useful approximation to the real situation .

  9. 试析信息公开情态下汶川地震报道的摹本化意义

    Analysis on demonstrative significance of Wenchuan earthquake coverage under the situation of information disclosure

  10. 研究型学院&研究型大学建设的自相似摹本

    Research Colleges-the Self-similar Construction Copy for Research Universities

  11. 如果做得好,那么这个小摹本就能把握到更大的整体的某种整体性。

    If done well , the miniature captures some integrity of the larger whole .

  12. 他的摹本画得很像,没人能把它们同原作区分开来。

    His copies were so accurate no one could distinguish them from the original paintings .

  13. 这画是拉斐尔作品的摹本。这幅画模仿了拉斐尔的风格。

    This picture is a copy from Raphael . This picture is in the manner of Raphael .

  14. 理念世界是一个永恒不变的自在世界,具体事物只是它的影子或摹本。

    Ideal world is a perpetual and free one and the concrete things only are shadows or copies .

  15. 这幅画的历史错综复杂,它有将近100幅证据充分的摹本和版本。

    The painting 's history has been chequered . There are nearly a hundred well-documented copies and versions of the work .

  16. 王维的亲笔画作没有流传下来,但是归到他名下的摹本也是具有同样特质的风景画。

    None of his original paintings survive , but copies of works attributed to him are also landscapes with similar qualities .

  17. 野牛和弯镖是西班牙奥维多省哥伦布里斯附近品达洞穴里的彩画摹本。

    The bison and boomerangs are a facsimile of a painting in pindal cave near colombres , province of oviedo , spain .

  18. 首先,《白噪音》描述了一个超真实的世界,在这个世界中现实被不断地中介化为拟象,即没有原本的摹本。

    Firstly , White Noise delineates a hyperreal world where reality is constantly mediated into simulacra & representation of models of real without origin .

  19. 索米斯走到屋角上挂着的那张戈雅真迹面前,那张“摘葡萄”的壁画摹本也并排挂着。

    Soames passed into the corner where , side by side , hung his real Goya and the copy of the fresco La vendimia .

  20. 首先,在认识论上,观念是印象的摹本,与直接经验性的印象只存在活泼程度上的不同,而无根本的差别。

    First , in epistemology , the idea is the impression of copies , and there is only direct empirical lively impression of the different degree , but not fundamental differences .

  21. 诗歌、绘画所描绘的艺术世界,只是相的摹本的摹本、影子的影子。

    The artistic world described in poems and paintings , is only the ' copy of the copy ' , and the ' shadow of the shadow ' of the idea .

  22. 在陶渊明以前,诗人们以《诗经》为摹本创作四言诗,往往出现两种情况&不是“太离”就是“太肖”。

    Literators'four-word poem imitated in The Book of Songs , and folks in Chu of directors came from the imitation of Chu 's folks in Fighting stage , which developed respectively and never intercrossed .

  23. 认为美本身是事物之所以美的根本原因,艺术是以美本身为原型的现实世界的摹本,美与艺术分属理念世界和艺术世界,彼此分离。

    He thought that beauty itself was the reason to create beauty , and art was the copy of realistic world modeled by beauty itself and that beauty and art belonged to two separated world .

  24. 以考古发现和历史文献为依据,并结合隋唐长安城的布局进行比较分析,认为隋唐洛阳城的设计思想主要体现为五点:以京师长安为摹本;

    On the basis of archaeological discovery and historical documents , we feel the designing idea of the Luoyang city of the Sui and Tang Dynasty reflected in the following five aspects which were copied from Chang ′ an city of the Sui and Tang Dynasty .