
shè yǐnɡ cè liánɡ
  • photogrammetry;photographic surveying;phototopography
  1. 用摄影测量与CAD设计运动鞋的理论和方法

    Theory and Method in Using the Photogrammetry and Computer-Aided-Designing for Sport Shoes

  2. 地理文摘,G辑:遥感、摄影测量与制图。

    Geographical Abstracts : Part G : Remote Sensing , Photogrammetry and Cartography .

  3. 论数字摄影测量的产品与GIS的融合

    On the Integration of Digital Photogrammetric Products and DIS

  4. GIS输入的摄影测量方法

    A photogrammetric method for entering data to GIS

  5. 数字摄影测量结合GPS进行矿山塌陷坑监测

    The Application of Digital Photogrammetry and GPS to the Monitoring of Mine 's Collapse Pit

  6. CCD摄影测量相机图像数据高速实时存储的研究

    Study on High-speed and Realtime Storage System for CCD Photogrammetric Image Data

  7. OpenGL成像机理及其与摄影测量方位元素的相关分析

    Relating OpenGL Imaging Process with Exterior and Interior Parameters of Photogrammetry

  8. 近年来,CCD相机逐步应用于近景摄影测量、低空摄影测量。

    In recent years , CCD camera applies to close range photogrammetry and low altitude photogrammetry progressively .

  9. OTF方法及其在GPS辅助航空摄影测量数据处理中的应用

    OTF method and its practice on Airborne GPS data processing for Photogrammetry

  10. JPEG压缩对摄影测量点定位精度的影响

    Effects of JPEG Compression on the Accuracy of Photogrammetric Point Determination

  11. 利用雷达摄影测量方法提取DEM及其精度评价

    DEM Generation and Accuracy Assessment Using Radargrammetry

  12. 本论文是研究以全数字摄影测量系统为主的摄影测量试验研究,其中涉及到用辅助GPS空中三角测量方法来加密控制点。

    This paper is to study the digital photogrammetric system of photogrammetry experimental study , which involves using auxiliary GPS measurement method to measure the triangle .

  13. 航空摄影测量与RTK技术在峡江水利枢纽工程测量中的应用

    Application of GPS RTK and aerial photogrammetry technology in surveying Xiajiang Hydro-junction Project

  14. 开发实践表明,COM技术的采用能够有效地实现数字摄影测量软件的工程化开发,同时也能较好地解决复用和维护等问题。

    It is proved that problem of engineering development , update and reuse can be solved efficiently by using COM technology .

  15. 利用数字摄影测量所得到的南京市玄武湖地区的数据,论文论述了通过GIS,将这些数据用于虚拟城市构建的案例研究。

    It also discusses a case study of the XuanWu Lake area of Nanjing with the utilization of data from digital photogrammetry through GIS into virtual city construction .

  16. 随着航天遥感与摄影测量技术的迅猛发展,高分辨率单线阵CCD立体影像在测绘中得到广泛的应用。

    Single-line-array CCD stereo images are widely used in surveying and mapping with the rapid development of the space remote sensing and photogrammetry technology .

  17. 高精度数字摄影测量技术在50m大型天线中的应用

    Application of high accuracy digital photogrammetry technology in a 50-meter large antenna

  18. 主要阐述了摄影测量中编号参考点的设计以及利用matlab工具对其进行图像处理和识别的相关技术。

    The design of the code reference points for photogrammetry and the related techniques of image processing and recognition of the points with matlab are mainly introduced .

  19. 与传统的摄影测量技术相比,机载LiDAR可以节省大量的人力、时间和经费。

    Compared with conventional Photogrammetric technology , airborne LiDAR can save plenty of manpower , time and costs .

  20. 但要生产高精度DEM,一般是采用数字摄影测量方法,借助于立体模型对DEM进行可视化编辑、修改。

    However to produce high accuracy DEM , the technique of digital photogrammetrics and stereoscopic model are needed to editor DEM .

  21. 该文主要论述应用数字摄影测量系统制作高精度DEM及其精度检测的方法。

    This paper primarily discusses the method of generating high accuracy DEM based on digital photogrammetric system and its accuracy check method .

  22. LiDAR(LightDetectionAndRanging)技术是一种全新的获取地理信息数据的手段,具有普通的摄影测量无法比拟的优势。

    LiDAR ( Light Detection and Ranging ) technology is a freshly new mean to access GIS data , with great advantages which can not be matched by common photogrammetry .

  23. 采用无人飞行器作为遥感平台进行低空监测和摄影测量的系统称为无人飞行器低空遥感系统(UAVLowAltitudeRemoteSystem,简称UAVRS系统)。

    The system use of unmanned aerial vehicle platforms as a low altitude remote sensing and photogrammetry known as UAV low altitude remote sensing system ( UAVRS ) .

  24. 实现了DLT变换在近景摄影测量中的应用。

    We realized the application of Direct Linear Transformation in CRP .

  25. 文中论述了机载LIDAR系统的原理和工作流程,并对目前的几种LIDAR系统、LIDAR系统与INSAR、摄影测量等做了分析和比较。

    The principle and work flow of airborne LIDAR are discussed LIDAR , INSAR and Photogrammetry systems are analyzed and compared .

  26. 为保证航摄飞行质量,提高航测的自动化水平,有必要建立基于全球定位系统(GPS)和地理信息系统(GIS)的航空摄影测量飞行管理系统。

    To ensure the quality of aviation and map , and raise the automation level , it 's necessary to develop a suite of aerophotogrammetry flight management system based on GPS and GIS .

  27. 采用摄影测量的方法,对我国12名撑竿跳高优秀运动员在力量作用时期技术动作的完成情况进行了分析,提出了影响H2和H3的一些技术要素。

    The study , using the cinematographic method , analysed the movements of twelve Chinese top vaulters in the phase of force action . Major factors that affect the H_2 and H_3 were revealed .

  28. 本课题使用开放的三维函数库OpenGL以及面向对象程序设计语言C++,融入地理信息系统(GIS)和数字摄影测量(DP)技术,为小城镇规划管理系统搭建了一个虚拟现实平台。

    The basic Virtual Reality platform for town 's layout and management is constructed by OpenGL and C + + , blended in Geography Information System and Digital Photography .

  29. 对差分GPS基准站的布设方案、检校场的布设及飞行、基准站联测等直接影响GPS/INS辅助航空摄影测量精度的关键技术进行了重点论述。

    Discusses the critical techniques in GPS / INS-supported photogrammetry just like how to configure differential GPS base-station locations ? how to plan a calibration field ? how to flythe calibration field ?

  30. MicroStation在摄影测量数字化生产中的应用

    The application of MicroStation to photogrammetry digital production