
  1. 最后对债权效力在运输环节中的作用范围,指出提单债权关系与原始运输合同关系是相互独立、各自存在的关系,提单关系只作用于承运人与提单持有人。

    At last , as to the scope of this effect in sea transportation , the author points out that the relationship presented in Bill of Lading is independent from that in original carriage contract and it only affects the carrier and the holder .

  2. 提单项下的诉权,就是提单项下的当事人根据提单确立的债权债务关系,向法院请求保护的权利。

    Title to sue under bills of lading refers to the right of the parties under bills of lading to seek protection from the Court according to the legal relationship under the same .