
kònɡ zhì huán jìnɡ
  • Control environment;mastery of environment
  1. 对废弃物的回收利用能够减少对垃圾场的需求,从而也有助于控制环境污染。

    Recycling also helps control environmental pollution by reducing the need for waste dumps .

  2. PowerHASystemMirror为您提供了一个基于命令的界面或GUI界面来控制环境。

    PowerHA SystemMirror provides either a command-based interface to control your environment or a GUI interface .

  3. 测试结果表明,使用实时Linux实现的以工业计算机和开关量输入输出卡为硬件平台的软PLC可以适应实际工业控制环境,满足真实应用的需求。

    The test result indicated that the Soft PLC used real-time Linux which uses the industry computer and the switch quantity input-output card as the hardware platform can adapt to the actual industrial control circumstance , and satisfies the real application the demand .

  4. 整个环境室的测控系统采用自整定参数的PID温度调节器控制环境室内和集装箱内温度,使系统不仅满足设计的控制指标,而且提高了控制精度。

    The control system of simulation chamber adopted PID thermostat that can exactly adjusted the parameter automatically to control the temperature in the chamber and the container , which made the system not only meet demands , but also improved the precision of control system .

  5. 本文给出了一种适用于工业控制环境的网络割断防火墙的设计与实现,详细说明了其高安全特性和基于USB接口的双工控主板架构以及透明网桥的防火墙模式。

    This paper brings forward a design and implementation of network segmentation firewall applied to the industrial control environment , and details its high security design , its 2 - Industrial Motherboard infrastructure based on USB interface and its firewall pattern of transparent bridge .

  6. 为此,论文面向仿真用户和系统设计开发人员,研究了HLA下构建仿真管理控制环境的方法,使用户能够有效的管理和调度各种数据、模型和工具等资源来完成各个阶段的仿真工作。

    Therefore , the paper studies how to construct the simulation management control environment under HLA for the simulation user and the system designer developer . User can manage and dispatch each kind of data , the model and the tool resources to finish job of each stage simulation .

  7. 控制环境是管理控制系统的基本要素。

    Control Condition is a basic factor of management control system .

  8. 房利美案例:基于控制环境的分析与启示

    Fannie Mae Case : Inspirations Based on the Control Environment Analysis

  9. 内部控制环境对会计监督的影响研究

    The Effect of Internal Control Environment Upon the Accounting Monitoring

  10. 关于加强企业内部审计以创建良好内部控制环境的思考

    Strengthening Internal Audit to Create a Good Internal Control Environment

  11. 完善公司治理,构建良好的内部控制环境

    Improving Corporate Governance and Establishing Sound Internal Control Environment

  12. 基于公司治理的成本费用内部控制环境分析

    Cost and Expense Analysis of the Internal Control Environment Based on Corporate Governance

  13. 采用先进装备,控制环境污染

    To Control Environmental Pollution by Means of Advanced Equipment

  14. 新形势下高校加强会计控制环境建设的思考

    Consideration on Development of Accounting Control System in Universities

  15. 内部控制环境对职业道德行为影响研究

    The Effect of Internal Control Environment on Ethical Behavior

  16. 阿拉伯世界控制环境污染指导委员会

    Steering Committee for Environment Pollution in the Arab World

  17. 你不能总是控制环境,但你可以控制你自己的思想。

    You cannot always control circumstances , but you can control your own thoughts .

  18. 浅议公司虚假财务信息与内部控制环境

    Simple analysis of the fake financing information and internal control environment about the enterprises

  19. 然后第二章介绍了内部控制环境评价的相关理论。

    Then the second part describes the relevant theory of internal control environment assessment .

  20. 最早将环境行政合同作为控制环境污染手段的是日本。

    Japan is the earliest country to use environment administration to control the pollution .

  21. 面对如此窘境,采取何种方式来控制环境成本成为了亟待解决的问题。

    In such a quandary , controlling the environmental cost becomes a burning problem .

  22. 我国企业内部控制环境存在问题的探讨

    Inner control environment problem discuss in Chinese film

  23. 浅议公司内部控制环境建设

    On the Construction of Internal Control Environment

  24. 浅论新时期医院内部会计控制环境、方法及其目标设计

    On Environment , Method and Objective Design of Hospital Accounting Control in the New Era

  25. 最后,通过对中航油事件的案例分析,进一步论证控制环境因素在企业内部控制建设中的重要性。

    Finally , emphasizing the essentiality of the internal control environment factors with a case .

  26. 依靠科技进步控制环境污染

    Controlling Environmental Pollution Relying on Advanced Technology

  27. 控制环境可分为组织外部环境和组织内部环境。

    Control Condition can be divided into external condition of organization and internal condition of organization .

  28. 定期与管理层和外部审计师见面,以理解和讨论控制环境。

    Meet periodically with management and the external auditor to understand and discuss the control environment .

  29. 发展可持续农业,控制环境污染是今后农业发展的方向。

    Developing continual agriculture and controlling environment pollution are the direction of the future agriculture progress .

  30. 最后,从完善企业文化的视角提出了加强企业内部控制环境的建议。

    Finally , propose recommendations of the internal control environment under the perspective of improving corporate culture .