
jiē tōnɡ diàn yuán
  • turn on electricity
  1. 这些家用电器不应该接通电源。

    These appliances should not be connected to power supplies

  2. 请务必核实这台机器确已接通电源。

    Make sure the machine 's connected properly .

  3. 接通电源,看它是否正常运转。

    Just turn on the juice , and we 'll see if it works .

  4. 特别是在转速信号装置接通电源的情况下,勿断开PT与转速信号装置间的连接。

    Especially in the condition that the speed signal device is connected to the power , don 't disconnect the connection between PT and the speed signal device .

  5. 引导之前,插入microSD卡然后接通电源。

    To boot , insert the microSD card and apply power .

  6. 她接通电源,然后开始用电炉做饭。

    She plugged in and began to cook with the cooker .

  7. 这个地区现在已经接通电源了。

    The area has now been wired up to the mains .

  8. 取下保护罩并接通电源。

    Remove the protective cap and turn the switch on .

  9. 接通电源前,应确保开关处于断开位置。

    Make sure switch is OFF before turning on power .

  10. 15名健康志愿者带上接通电源的器具。

    Fifteen healthy volunteers were wired up the gadget .

  11. 在所有其他准备工作完成之前,切勿接通电源。

    Do not connect the power source until all other preparations are complete .

  12. 这个设备一接通电源你就能用了。

    As soon as the equipment is wired up , you can use it .

  13. 但把墙上的开关接通电源不是很容易的事儿吗?

    But wouldn 't it be an easy matter to wire a wall switch ?

  14. 接通电源时,注意刀盘的旋转方向。

    While connecting the power supply , notice the knife dish to revolve the direction .

  15. 我给水壶接通电源。

    I plugged in the kettle .

  16. 她接通电源,打开收音机,立即听到熟悉的嗡嗡声。

    She plugged in the radio and switched on , and there was the familiar hum .

  17. 踏下脚踏开关,接通电源,钻针旋转工作。

    Tread down switch pedal , connect power supply , then holing needle starts to rotate and operate .

  18. 最常遇见的故障是接通电源后不出现提示符;

    Faults of common occurrence are : the prompt is not shown , when power is turned on ;

  19. 通过接线板接通电源、定时器及分挡开关。

    A power supply , the timer and the gear dividing switch are switched on by the circuit board .

  20. 如释放电源线与已接通电源相机连接,快门可释放。

    The shutter may release if the release cable is connected to the camera when the power is on .

  21. 接通电源,空载状态下(没有待充电电池)充电器指示灯显绿色。

    When power-on and under light condition ( no rechargeable battery ), the indicator lamp of charger is on green .

  22. 电饭煲还没有接通电源呢,难怪我开不了。

    The rice cooker is not yet wired in , and that 's why I couldn 't turn it on .

  23. 但在接通电源后要建立起稳定的正弦振荡,电路又必须满足起振条件。

    But after the power is supplied , the oscillatory condition should be complied to set up a steady sine oscillator .

  24. 接通电源后,水越来越热,这表明电能已变成了热能。

    When the switch is turned on water gets warmer and warmer which shows that electric energy has changed into heat energy .

  25. 它的功能是不管脑袋多大,都能通过调整来适应大部分头部形状,而且当接通电源时会震动。

    What it will do is adjust to fit most domes , no matter how gargantuan , and vibrate when plugged in .

  26. 源代码的此位置没有可执行代码。接通电源前,应确保开关处于断开位置。

    There is no executable code at this location in the source code . Make sure switch is OFF before turning on power .

  27. 这根铁条被放在电磁铁的两个极上,然后,将电磁铁的线圈接通电源。

    The iron bar was placed across the poles of the electromagnet . Then the coil of the electromagnet was connected to a battery .

  28. 请确定打印机已接通电源,电缆已正确连接,并且打印机已联机,然后再试一次。

    Make sure the printer power is on , the cable is connected properly , and the printer is online , then try again .

  29. 干燥机设计简单,结构紧凑,方便移动,操作简单,只需接通电源即可使用。

    The drier is of simple , compact design , conveniently portable and easy to operate , the only requirement being a mains power supply .

  30. 如液晶屏显示消失,请轻按压一下快门按钮以接通电源使显示出现。

    If the display on the LCD panel disappears , lightly press the shutter button to turn on the power and update the LCD panel .