
pái qì xì tǒnɡ
  • exhaust system
  1. MPC排气系统的热力学分析及其评价指标

    Investigation on Thermodynamic Analysis and Evaluating Parameter of MPC Exhaust System

  2. 一种适应PIV测试的新排气系统

    A New Exhaust System of Diesel Engine for PIV Test

  3. 基于CVI和PLC的发动机进排气系统稳流试验装置

    A steady-flow tester based on CVI and PLC for engine 's intake and exhaust system

  4. 用ALE法数值模拟MPC排气系统的三维流动

    Numerical simulation of three-dimensional flow in MPC exhaust-manifold junction by ALE method

  5. 基于TOP-DOWN概念轮胎中央充排气系统的设计与研究

    Design and Research of Central Tire Inflation / Deflation System Based on the Concept of TOP-DOWN

  6. 还介绍了CAE技术在精密注射模具排气系统设计上的应用。

    And the application of CAE technology in the design of the venting system of precise injection moulds are introduced .

  7. 真空双排气系统在正柱型He-Cd激光器制造中的应用

    Double-way exhausting method for He-Cd lasers of the positive column type

  8. 为今后汽车发动机进排气系统的CFD分析及结构优化研究奠定良好的基础,也能为实验装备的改进提供了一定的参考依据。

    The conclusions of this paper lay a good foundation for future analysis and structure optimization , but also provide a certain reference for the improvement of experiments .

  9. 600MW机组发电机排气系统试验及异常处理

    Abnormal Treatment and Test of 600 MW Generator Exhaust System

  10. 在此基础上重新设计了MPC系排气系统,试验结果表明该系统改善了发动机低速性能。

    On the basis of optimization structure parameters , a new exhaust system for improving the engine performance at low speeds is designed .

  11. 国外AIP潜艇的设计都充分考虑了排气系统,以满足潜艇作战的要求。

    The exhaust system is fully considered in designing AIP submarines abroad to meet the requirements of submarine .

  12. 有关方面所提议的管控,将迫使英国石油在排气系统升级上进行投资,即在炼油厂所爆炸之处安装一个安全助燃功能(flare)。

    The proposed controls would have forced BP to invest in upgrading the exhaust system on the unit at the refinery that exploded to include a flare .

  13. 利用三维流动数学模型,对内燃机不同进气条件下MPC排气系统内气体流场进行了模拟计算,得出了其流动规律,并分析了原因。

    Simulation calculations were made using 3D flow mathematic model for the gas flow field in the MPC exhaust system of an diesel engine with different intake flows .

  14. 此方法在排气系统丌发阶段就进行NVH性能的设计,试验验证的时间大大缩短,降低了开发成本。

    This method designs NVH performance in the exhaust system development stage , it shortens the test time greatly and reduces development costs .

  15. 排气系统和气箱做了更改,以适应RA108赛车的空气动力学套件。

    The exhaust geometry and air box have changed to suit the RA108 aerodynamic package .

  16. 390Q柴油机进排气系统计算

    Intake and Exhaust System Calculation Model for 390Q Diesel Engines

  17. 应用GT-POWER发动机仿真软件进行了单缸柴油机排气系统声学性能仿真和优化。

    This paper discusses the simulation and optimization of the acoustics performance of exhaust noise of a single cylinder diesel engine with GT-POWER .

  18. 用GT-POWER建立了发动机与消声器的耦合模型,根据计算得到的发动机的进、排气系统噪声的频谱特性,提出消声器的改进设计方案,通过CFD模拟计算有效抑制消声器内部的再生气体噪声;

    A coupled model of engine and muffler is built by using GT-POWER . Based on the frequency characteristics of intake and exhaust systems , a scheme for improving the design of muffler is proposed .

  19. 对排气系统实施NVH正向设计,不仅是开展整车NVH正向设计的重要环节,还可以为其他系统的NVH正向设计提供参考,最终实现汽车NVH性能的全面升级。

    Exhaust system NVH top-down design , is not only the important link of vehicle NVH design , but also reference for the other system NVH top-down design , and automotive NVH performance will overall upgrade finally .

  20. 介绍了进排气系统一维非定常流动的FVM-TVD法(总残差减少的有限体积法)。

    In this paper , a FVM-TVD method for simulation of one-dimensional unsteady flow in inlet and exhaust manifold of ICE has been constructed .

  21. 部分燃料逃离主燃烧与燃烧产物一起排出气缸,形成了发动机的HC排放,HC在气缸和排气系统内的氧化程度决定了发动机的排放水平。

    HC emissions from engines are formed when a fraction of the fuel escapes combustion and flows out with the burned products . Post combustion oxidation in the cylinder and exhaust port consumes a part of this fuel and plays an important role in determining exhaust emission levels .

  22. 增程器总成控制系统主要由上层控制其网络VCU、发动机控制单元EMS、发动机、发电启动一体机、发电机控制器IPU、及高低压线束、进排气系统组成。

    Extender assembly control system is mainly composed of the upper control the EMS network VCU , engine control unit , engine , generator , generator controller IPU , start machine and high and low voltage wiring harness , into the exhaust system .

  23. 采用非等熵不稳定流动理论对390Q柴油机的进排气系统进行了计算,介绍了系统边界条件的处理、系统的简化以及参数的确定。

    Calculation using non-isentropic unstable flow theory has been made for the intake and exhaust system of 390Q diesel engine . The treatment of the system boundary conditions , system simplification and data defination are discussed .

  24. 涡旋式压缩机排气系统气流脉动现象研究

    Study on Gas Pulsation of Discharge System of Scroll Air Compressor

  25. 轿车排气系统耐热材料的开发和应用

    Development and Application of Heat-Resistant Material for Passenger Car Exhaust System

  26. 柴油机进排气系统的优化设计

    The Optimum Design of Inlet and Exhaust System in Diesel Engines

  27. 增压柴油机排气系统结构参数的仿真优化

    Optimization of Structural Parameters of Exhaust System for Turbocharged Diesel Engine

  28. 汽车排气系统振动模态分析及悬挂点优化

    Vibration modal analysis and hanger location optimization of automobile exhaust system

  29. 航空发动机排气系统数值模拟技术的初步研究

    A Preliminary Investigation of Numerical Simulation Technology for aero-engine Exhaust System

  30. 摩托车二冲程汽油机排气系统的模拟计算

    Numerical Modelling on Exhaust System of a Two-stroke Motorcycle Petrol Engine