
  • 网络revitalize the northeast;The Manchurian Mandate
  1. 因此,深化国有企业改革,全面推进市场化进程是振兴东北的关键环节和必由之路。

    Therefore , to deepen the SOE reform and push forward in the overall way the market-based process is a key link and the only way to revitalize the Northeast .

  2. 将振兴东北老工业基地与发展循环经济相结合是复兴东北的关键,亦是我国建设循环型社会的基石。

    Revitalize the Northeast old industrial base combines with developing recycle economy is the key to rejuvenating the Northeast , it is also the foundation stone that our country builds the circulation type society .

  3. 随着中国加入WTO和国家振兴东北老工业基地政策的深入,辽宁吸引外商直接投资面临新的机遇。

    With China entering into WTO and implementing the policy of revitalization of northeastern old industrial base , Liaoning is faced a new chance to attract more FDI .

  4. 同时针对我国目前统筹区域经济发展战略,对于实施西部大开发与振兴东北老工业基地的经济发展战略中引入BOT方式的障碍与成功运作的经验以及要注意的问题作了进一步的分析。

    Meanwhile , the thesis analyzes the problems and experience of applying BOT way in the development strategies of regional economy and in the Western Development and in revitalizing the economy of the Northeast Industrial Base .

  5. 阐述了环境库兹涅茨曲线中经济发展与环境恶化水平之间的倒“U”型关系,在分析了东北地区传统发展模式对环境库兹涅茨曲线影响的基础上,提出了振兴东北老工业基地的具体对策建议。

    After explaining the relationship between economy development and circumstance depravation in the reciprocal " U " environmental Kuznets curve , based on the analysis about the traditional environmental Kuznets curve , the writer gives some advices for promoting development of the old industrial base in Northeast China .

  6. 振兴东北:再造中国经济第四增长极

    Restore North-east region : reproduce Chinese economy 's fourth increasing top

  7. 振兴东北老工业基地的二、三、四

    Three imperatives in reviving Old Industrial Base of the Northeast China

  8. 浙江民营企业的发展对振兴东北经济的启示

    The Impact of Developing Zhejiang Non-governmental Enterprises on Revitalizing North-eastern Economy

  9. 振兴东北的最大障碍是人与制度的关系,从社会层面来看是文化上的落后,缺乏创新精神;

    The biggest barrier is the relationship between human and system .

  10. 俄罗斯的金融市场化及对振兴东北的启示

    Russian Financial Marketization and Its Enlightenment on Revival of Northeast Region

  11. 抓住人口之窗的有利时机发挥劳动力资源优势振兴东北经济

    Taking Advantages of the Labor Force Resources to Revitalize Northeast Economy

  12. 中国振兴东北战略与俄中合作

    Revitalization Strategy Of Northeast China And Cooperation Between Russia And China

  13. 振兴东北老工业基地与产业政策分析

    Policy Analyses of Revitalizing the Old Industrial Base in the Northeast

  14. 要振兴东北,就要建设有东北特色的创业文化。

    We must construct the culture for developing the northeast areas .

  15. 解决政府职能的转换问题是振兴东北问题的源头、是根;

    The root is to converse the functions of governments .

  16. 城乡互动振兴东北经济

    Interaction between City and Country to Rejuvenate the Economy of Northeast China

  17. 加强森林培育振兴东北老森工基地

    Strengthen Forest Cultivation , Develop the Northeast Traditional Forestry Base of China

  18. 以区域倾斜政策为杠杆振兴东北老工业基地

    Take Advantage of Regional Slanting Policy , Boost Northeast Old Industrial Base

  19. 影响振兴东北经济的东北地域文化研究

    Research on Northeast-Region Cultures that Affect " Prospering Northeast Economy " Strategy

  20. 建设有东北特色的创业文化是振兴东北的关键

    Building undertaking culture with Northeast characteristic is the key of vitalizing Northeast

  21. 对新工业体系背景下振兴东北等工业基地的认识

    The Strategy of Rejuvenating Northeast Old Industrial Bases in New Industrial System

  22. 浅论振兴东北老工业基地的几项任务

    The view on several missions of reinvigorate old Industrial base

  23. 振兴东北老工业基地带来巨大商机;

    Rejuvenate northeast old industrial base brings strong opportunity ;

  24. 循环经济是振兴东北老工业基地的必然选择

    Circular Economy is a Necessary Choice of Rebounding the Northeast Old Industry Base

  25. 振兴东北需要新制度。

    Vigorously development of the Northeast needs new institution .

  26. 对森工企业如何抢抓振兴东北老工业基地机遇的思考

    Consideration About How Forestry Industry Corporation Grasping Chance Of Developing Old Industrial Base

  27. 观念的转变是振兴东北老工业基地的关键

    The Develop ment of Northeastern Old Industrial Base Through the Change of Conceptions

  28. 供应链构建是振兴东北老工业基地的重要环节

    Provision Chain 's Construction-Key Knot in the Revival of Northeast Old Industrial Base

  29. 振兴东北老工业基地的战略部署,给东北带来了难得的历史性发展机遇。

    Northeastern old industrial base reconstruction brings historical development chance for Northeastern region .

  30. 集群式创新:振兴东北老工业基地的新思路

    Clustering Innovation : The New Idea Of Reviving The Northeast Old Industrial Base