
  • 网络volatile;VOLATILE MATTER;vdaf;Vad
  1. 各种研究表明,分级燃烧对高挥发分煤降低NOx生成效果明显。

    Various research indicated that the staged combustion have obvious effect to reduce the NO_x production of high volatile matter coal .

  2. 在两种气氛下NOx的峰值均随过量空气系数的增加而增加,高挥发分煤在O2/CO2气氛下NOx峰值低于空气条件下峰值,而低挥发分煤则受影响较小。

    In both atmospheres the NO_x peak value increased with excess air ratio . The peak value of high volatile matter coal in O_2 / CO_2 was lower than that in air but the low volatile matter coal was less affected .

  3. 低挥发分煤燃烧NOx排放特性的试验研究

    Experimental study on performance of no_x emission for low volatilization coals

  4. 煤的挥发分对NOx再燃特性的研究

    Study on NO_x Reduction During Reburning Coal with Volatiles

  5. 低挥发分煤的燃烧与W型火焰锅炉若干问题研究

    Several problems with the combustion of low-volatile coal and W-flame boiler

  6. 低挥发分煤种与W型火焰锅炉

    Low volatile coal sort and w - shaped Flame Boiler

  7. 煤的比热容与挥发分关系数据的BP网络处理

    BP Network Treatment of the Data Concerning Relationship between Coal Specific Heat-Capacity and Volatile matters in Coal

  8. 真空碳热还原要求对白云石进行煅烧处理,使白云石完全分解,脱除其中结合的CO2和挥发分,以减少抽真空作业,保证还原反应的顺利进行;

    Experiments of dolomite calcining and vacuum carbothermic reduction of calcined dolomite are labored on .

  9. 氧化后炭黑表面的pH值与挥发分之间有一定的关系。

    After oxidation , pH value of the surface of carbon black has a specific relation with the volatile content .

  10. 结果表明,煤粉N、焦炭N和挥发分N的转化率都随过量空气系数α和温度的增加而增加;

    It is found that coal N , volatile N and char N conversion increases as the excess air coefficient and temperature increase .

  11. 并且随煤中挥发分含量的不同,SO2析出特性表现出不同的规律。

    Characteristics of SO2 emission were of different regularity with different volatile content in coal .

  12. 新三区煤种挥发分对NOx排放影响。

    The influence of the volatile component fraction to emission of NOx of new three-zone combustion .

  13. 分析了着火温度和挥发分、活化能等的关系,并自定义了参数R,发现R能很好地表征煤种的着火特性。

    The relations between the ignition properties and the volatile fraction , the ignition properties and active energy , the ignition properties and defined parameter ' R ' are analyzed .

  14. 挥发分氮和焦炭氮对N2O生成的相对贡献的研究方法&对原煤/焦炭分别燃烧实验法的研讨

    Research method of relative contribution of volatile N and char n to n_2o formation based on coal / char respective combustion experiment : discussion on experiment and calculation

  15. 试论低挥发分燃煤电厂NOx排放物的达标难度和前景几种典型低挥发份无烟煤燃烧燃烬特性研究

    Difficulty and Prospect of NO x Emission Reach a Set Standard in Low Volatile Matter Coal Fired Power Plant A Study of Burn-off Characteristics of Several Typical Low Volatile Anthracites

  16. 根据热重分析试验结果。初步提出了混煤的挥发分释放特性指数P及燃尽指数Cb这两个集合判别指标。

    Based on the test results of a thermogravimetric analysis , the authors have tentatively proposed two comprehensive discrimination indexes , i. e. mixed coal volatile matter release characteristic index p and burn up index C_b .

  17. 对比五种塑料,PS和PET与挥发分较低的煤混合后,失重速率曲线上出现两个峰。

    Contrast five plastics , PS and PET are separately mixed with low-volatile bituminous coal ands there are two peaks in the DTG curves of the mixture .

  18. 分级燃烧对高挥发分煤种以及同一煤种的细煤粉的NOx排放的降低效果更显著;

    The experimental results have shown that air-staging combustion has more remarkable effect on NOx reduction of high-volatile coal and fine pulverized coal .

  19. 对于高挥发分煤种,新三区燃烧方式可以降低60%左右的NOx排放量,效果显著。

    To coal of high volatile , using the New three-zone technology could decrease about 60 percent of the amount of NOx emission .

  20. 考察了神木煤镜质组和丝质组在热解和气化过程中存在的差别,包括不同压力下热解和气化的挥发分收率,生成半焦的C含量,半焦的表面形态和燃烧反应性。

    The differences between pyrolysis and gasification property of vitrinite and fusinite , including volatile yields , carbon content , SEM characteristic and combustion reactivity of residual chars under different pressure , were systematically investigated using TGA .

  21. 介绍了煤中氮元素的存在形态及NOX的形成机理,挥发分氮及焦氮在燃烧过程中的形成规律及分配比例。

    The nitrogen existence form , NO_X formation mechanism of fuel nitrogen and proportion of volatile nitrogen to char nitrogen during combustion are summarized .

  22. 再生炭黑含有较多的灰分和挥发分,表面极性低,灰分主要成分为ZnO、ZnS等。

    The surface polarity of CBp is lower than that of Bp and is more oil-affinitive . The main components of the inorganic are ZnO and ZnS .

  23. 研究结果表明:NOx主要是在煤粉着火过程中产生的,其生成量与煤中的氮含量和挥发分含量密切相关;

    Study results show that NOX is primarily emitted during pulverized coal 's ignition process and is strongly influenced by the coal 's nitrogen and the volatile content ;

  24. 实验结果表明,在显微组分热解过程中HCN主要是挥发分二次裂解的产物。

    ℃ . The results show that HCN is mainly produced by the secondary thermal cracking of coal volatile .

  25. 对燃煤挥发分热值的研究NIT燃煤增压流化床燃烧模型计算


  26. 模拟过程采用速度-压力耦合SIMPLE方法,湍流模型采用RNGk-ε模型,燃烧模型采用挥发分反应模型,辐射换热采用DO模型。

    SIMPLE method was employed for flow field prediction and RNG k ? ε method for turbulent flow . Volatilization reaction model was used for combustion and DO model for radiant heat transfer .

  27. BPS系统工艺优化目的:实现沥青挥发分充分燃烧,改进烟气排放效果;

    The purpose of the BPS system process optimizing : fully realizing the pitch volatile combustion , improving efficiency of fume exhausting ;

  28. 本文采用差示扫描量热仪(DSC)对14种含有不同挥发分的中国煤,在20~170℃范围内测定了煤的比热,并校正为干燥无灰基煤的比热。

    The specific heat of fourteen types of Chinese coals with different volatile matter contents were measured in the temperature range of 20 ~ 170 ℃ with the differential scanning calorimeter ( DSC ) .

  29. 介绍了德国DS分级旋流燃烧器技术,并论述了我国低挥发分燃煤电厂NOx排放达标的难度及前景。

    The Germany DS stage fired turbulent burner was presented . The difficulty and prospect of NO x emission reach a set standard in our low volatile matter coal fired power plant was discussed .

  30. 挥发分燃烧时N2O转化率较高,挥发分的含量越高,挥发分N2O转化率越低;

    There is a high transformation rate of N 2O during combustion of volatile matter . The higher the volatile content , the lower the transformation rate of N 2O .