
  • 网络distribution according to production factors;Distribution According to Factors of Production
  1. 按生产要素分配的理论根据和实践基础

    On the Theoretical Basis and Practical Foundation of Distribution according to Factors of Production

  2. 按生产要素分配必须首先把不同生产要素的不同使用价值抛开,使它们在质上等同,而利率机制在企业调节并实现剩余价值分配中发挥着重要作用。

    Distribution according to factors of production must , first of all , make these factors equal in quality , disregarding their different use values while mechanism of efficiency plays an important role in the distribution in enterprises .

  3. 按生产要素分配的若干理论问题&兼与朱沁夫、杨国宝、张云峰等同志商榷

    Some theoretical problems of distribution according to essential factors of production

  4. 按生产要素分配是我国重要的分配原则。

    Production-factor-based distribution is an important distribution principle of our country .

  5. 按生产要素分配理论的历史考察

    A Historical Survey of the Theory of Distribution on Product Factors

  6. 按生产要素分配:现阶段收入分配的制度选择

    Distribution According to Production Factor : the Choice of Income Distribution System

  7. 实行按生产要素分配要解决若干认识问题

    Problems to be Recognized in the Production - factor - based Distribution

  8. 非劳动收入与按生产要素分配

    Unearned income and distribution according to essential factors of production

  9. 按生产要素分配是市场经济的客观规律&世纪之交中国经济体制改革的深层思考之七

    Distribution According to Production Factors Is the Objective Law of Market Economy

  10. 按生产要素分配相关理论问题研究

    The Research into the Relevant Theories of Distribution According to Production Factors

  11. 关于按生产要素分配的几点理论思考

    Theoretical Reflection on the Distribution upon Key Production Factors

  12. 但按生产要素分配绝非我们的创新。

    But it is not our innovation at all .

  13. 按生产要素分配与按劳分配的关系

    The relationship between distribution according to production factors and distribution according to labor

  14. 第一、按生产要素分配的界定。

    The definition of distribution according to production factors .

  15. 按生产要素分配刍议论按生产要素分配

    Discussion about Distributing According to Production Elements Study on the Production Factor Distribution

  16. 按生产要素分配引发的公平问题及对策研究

    Problem of Equality Caused by Production Factors and Countermeasures

  17. 公有制内按生产要素分配实现形式探析

    Analysis on the Realizing Forms of Distribution by Production Factors in Public Ownership

  18. 按生产要素分配是商品经济的必然产物。

    Distribution according to productive elements is the inevitable product of the commodity economy .

  19. 按生产要素分配的基本要件是劳动;

    The very basic term in distribution according to elements of production is labor .

  20. 本文从两个方面论证按生产要素分配的必然性。

    This paper proves the necessity of distribution based on production factors in two aspects .

  21. 论按生产要素分配的理论依据

    Theory of the Distribution by Productive Factors

  22. 按生产要素分配应当从广义上进行理解。

    Distribution according to the elements of production should be understood in its broad sense .

  23. 在市场经济条件下,按生产要素分配是必然的。

    Under the market economy , distribution according to primary elements for production is unavoidable .

  24. 价值创造、劳动价值论的真谛与按生产要素分配

    The Creation of Value , Truth of Labor Value Theory and Distribution according to Productive Factor

  25. 第五、按生产要素分配的意义及其实行措施。

    The meanings of distribution according to production factors and six measures for its being carried out .

  26. 正确认识按生产要素分配与马克思劳动价值论的关系

    Understanding the relationship between allocation according to production elements and Marx 's theory on labor value correct

  27. 按生产要素分配,并不意味着对劳动价值论的否定。

    Distribution according to essential factors of production does not mean negation of the theory on labour values .

  28. 按生产要素分配及其涉及个人收入分配的若干问题探讨

    Probe Into Distribution According To Essential Factors Of Production And Several Problems Related To Distribution Of Personal Income

  29. 我国社会主义初级阶段实行按生产要素分配是社会主义市场经济发展的要求。

    Distributing according to production elements is a requirement of socialist economic development in our primary period of socialism .

  30. 不能用按生产要素分配否定马克思的劳动价值论,也不能相反。

    Marx 's labour theory of value cannot be denied by distribution according to production factors or vice versa .