
  1. 她的研究问题指向未来和一些现在尚不存在的事物。

    Her research question points toward the future and to something that does not yet exist .

  2. 证明了能力需求问卷是研究指向未来胜任特征模型的有力工具。

    It proved that the Competency Requirement Questionnaire is a powerful tool to research the future-oriented CM .

  3. 人类思维和行为的一个重要特征是指向未来。

    Orientation towards future events or outcomes is an important feature of individuals ' thoughts and behaviors .

  4. 国际货币的当前趋势指向未来减少对美元的依赖。

    The current trend of international currencies points to reduced dependence on the US dollar in the future .

  5. 结果表明:在进行指向未来的心理时间之旅时,抑郁倾向程度影响指向未来的心理时间之旅。

    The results indicate that the degree of depressive tendencies influences the mental time travel into the future .

  6. 指向未来的探路灯&法国动画大师阿内·拉鲁的动画世界

    The Street Lamp of Point To Future & the Animation World of the French Cartoon Master Rene Laloux

  7. 指向未来的真实的设计图纸在我的工作中是重要的。

    Design drawings that refer to a reality which still lies in the future are important in my work .

  8. 詹姆逊把探索的目光指向未来,勾画出人类未来的合理的社会形式,并提出促进新社会诞生的方法。

    Jameson puts his view on the future , composes the reasonable social shapes for future development , and represents the method to promote the birth of new society .

  9. 当代是鲜活的,充满了矛盾和冲突,它与过去有着千丝万缕的联系,却又指向未来,处在不断变化发展的状态当中。

    Contemporary is fresh , full of contradictions and conflicts , having strong links with the past , but also pointing to the future , in the state of constant changing .

  10. 基础教育课程基于现实学习生命的优化与学习生命意义的丰富,指向未来完满的生命存在。

    Basic educational curriculum , which is based on the optimization of the real learning life and the enrichment of learning life meaning , points to the existence of satisfactory life in the future .

  11. 他开始推崇具有总体性色彩的,反映社会历史现实的,能塑造典型形象的,指向未来发展规律的现实主义文学。

    Praise him with the start of color in general , reflect the social and historical reality , to create a typical image , point to the future development of the law of literary realism .

  12. 它受制于时代,但又不是时代的附庸,而是以批判的姿态,质疑现实,指向未来,表现于艺术的本质特征。

    Art , which is subject to history yet independent from it at the same time , always takes a critical attitude to question reality and point to the future as the essential characteristics of art requires .

  13. 希望与乐观是指向未来的两种优势积极力量,开发希望与乐观的心理品质及心理资本将会给个体的自我成长、个体效能和多方面发展带来积极效应。

    Hope and optimism is pointing to the two dominant positive force in the future , the development of hope and optimism of the psychological quality and the psychological capital will give the individual growth , individual performance and various development bring positive effect .

  14. 大学发展规划是力求改变现状并指向未来的行动纲领,大学组织的学术性职能定位决定了大学发展规划实质上体现为学术战略规划,学科建设是大学发展规划的核心。

    The programming of universities ' development is a future-oriented guideline for action which aims to change the current situation . According to the academic function of universities , the essential of the programming is academic programming while the major task is subject construction .

  15. 实施道德教育要求道德教育专家及其教育者对当前社会有一个清晰的认识,制定适应社会发展的教育策略,同时指向未来社会,养成一代新人良好的道德品质。

    In the practice of moral education , moral education experts and scholars are required to have a clear understanding of the present society to make the education tactics which meet the social development and aim at a new generation of moral characters in future .

  16. 如果法定解除具有溯及力,合同将不存在就谈不上违约损害赔偿责任;如果法定解除不具有溯及力,法定解除效力仅仅指向未来,守约方可以提出违约损害赔偿责任。

    If it were of retroactive effect , the contract would no longer exist and there would be no compensation ; while if it were of no retroactive effect , potency of legal rescission of contract would refer to future and observant party could come up with compensation .

  17. 国际制度是指向人类未来和谐发展的必由之路和现实选择。

    Thus , international institution is the necessary way and correct choice to harmonic development of human in the future .

  18. 思想政治教育作为高职院校道德教育实施的主要手段之一,更应该关注学生的现实生活,着力于解决学生所面临的生活问题,并指向其未来更为美好的生活。

    Ideological and political education as one of the primary means for moral education in senior vocation college should concern more about the life reality of students , focus on solving problems of living faced by students and point to a more beautiful life in the future .

  19. 只需遵循现有DNS行的格式,添加一个条目以将您的应用程序的主机名指向它的未来IP地址。

    Simply follow the format of the existing lines , and add an entry pointing your application 's host name to its future IP address .

  20. 社会历史的价值理想世界是一种虚拟存在,它指向形而上或未来世界。

    An ideal world of the social and historical values is a virtual existence , which suggests a metaphysical or future orientation .

  21. 由于实践的革命运动已经终结,马尔库塞遁向了指向精神和未来的革命:自然革命、艺术革命。

    As the " revolution " practice had ended , Marcuse flighted into spiritual and future revolutions such as nature revolution and art revolution .

  22. 作为艺术活动基本思维方式的想象,构筑了分别指向过去和未来的两种乌托邦。

    As the basic logic of artistic activities , imagination constructs two kinds of Utopias , one oriented towards the past and the other towards the future .

  23. 这一计划并未完成,但这种未完成性恰恰是这一计划本身的重要特性,因为它指向的是未来,并且要求人类就此展开合作。

    This plan had not been accomplished , but this incompleteness is precisely one of the important features of this project for it points to the future and requires cooperation of all mankind in this regard .

  24. 因此动物小说的研究的价值不仅浸透于当下,更指向于美好的未来。

    In that case , the research value of the animal novels embody not only in nowadays but also in the dreaming future in animal creation of the novels .

  25. 或许真正的大趋势仍然不可阻挡地指向上方指向一个未来更加繁荣、更加和平的人类社会?

    Maybe the really big trends still point inexorably upwards towards a more prosperous and peaceful future for humanity ?