
jī ròu jǐn zhānɡ
  • Muscle tension;muscular tension
  1. 结论:在Sternberg双重作业紧张情境中,高情绪稳定性个体肌肉紧张程度较低,但皮温在两类个体间无一致性规律。

    CONCLUSION : The individuals of high emotional stability have less muscular tension during the tension situation of Sternberg dual task , but skin temperature has no concordant regulation between the two kinds of individuals .

  2. 长期的教学实践中发现:短跑教学中存在着肌肉紧张的问题。

    It is found out of long-term teaching practices that there exists the problem of muscular tension during sprint teaching and practice .

  3. 头痛可能是由颈部肌肉紧张导致的。

    Headaches may be caused by tension in the neck muscles .

  4. 针刀加手法治疗颈部肌肉紧张型头痛

    Treatment of headache of tense muscle by acupotomy and manipulation

  5. 我的肌肉紧张起来,准备防御自己。

    My muscles tensed and I prepared to defend myself .

  6. 二个最普通的原因是肌肉紧张和饮水不足。

    Two of the most common reasons are tight muscles and poor hydration .

  7. 为了减轻医生的肌肉紧张,一个护士负责按摩他的脖子。

    To ease Epstein 's muscle tension , a nurse massaged his neck .

  8. 不要趴着睡,否则会造成背部和颈部肌肉紧张。

    Avoid sleeping on your stomach , which strains the back and neck muscles .

  9. 此时,尽可能将注意力集中在控制重物缓慢下降的肌肉紧张上。

    Concentrate on holding the weight tensing the muscle as hard as you can .

  10. 注意:在这些练习过程中,努力不要使任何肌肉紧张。

    Note : Try your best not to tense any muscles during these exercises .

  11. 冥想还可以降低血压,缓解肌肉紧张和降低心跳速度。

    This causes lower blood pressure , reduced muscle tension and decreased heart rate .

  12. 我只饮用常温水,因为我的冷饮食管癌肌肉紧张。

    I drink only room temperature water because cold drinks tense up my esophagus muscle .

  13. 跑步后,她感到双腿肌肉紧张。

    Her legs felt tense after running .

  14. 水力力量自上而下集中水压冲压身体,可以治头痛、眼睛酸痛、肌肉紧张等不适之症。

    Water may press the body downwards to cure headache , eye pain and muscle strain etc.

  15. 放松要循序渐进,在保持肌肉紧张的同时,数十下,然后放松。

    Do progressive relaxation ; tighten each muscle for a count of ten and then release .

  16. 对压力身体会做出的反应是肌肉紧张,这会引起不适或疼痛。

    The body responds to stress with muscle tension , which can cause pain or discomfort .

  17. 经过体检,我的医师诊断出肩部肌肉紧张。

    After medical tests , my family doctor identified the cause : tension in my shoulders .

  18. 她说,人们一旦肌肉紧张的症状,就会非常愿意她的建议。

    James , who says people are usually amenable to such suggestions once muscle strain sets in .

  19. 拉伸能释放一天中积压在你背部,肩膀和颈椎的肌肉紧张。

    Stretching releases muscle tension that accumulates in your back , shoulders , and neck during the day .

  20. 腰痛背部下部的疼痛状态,就象由于肌肉紧张或脱臼引起的疼痛。

    A painful condition of the lower back , as one resulting from muscle strain or a slipped disk .

  21. 交替屈、足部,指导病人体会小腿肌肉紧张和放松的感觉,重复五次。

    Alternate dorsiflexion and plantar flexion while instructing client to feel calf muscles tighten and relax . Repeat five times .

  22. 竹盐具有减轻肌肉紧张,舒缓关节,清除全身疲劳酸痛的功效。

    Bamboo salt can relieve muscle tension , relax joints , and eliminate fatigue and soreness of the whole body .

  23. 拥有焦虑、压力、肌肉紧张、或入睡困难的人们可以从渐进式肌肉放松中收益。

    People who have anxiety , stress , muscle tension , or trouble falling asleep may benefit from progressive muscle relaxation .

  24. 这草本茶有助减少压力和肌肉紧张,有效降低血压。

    This tea blend contains herbs that reduce stress and muscle tension , and may also prove helpful in lowering blood pressure .

  25. 发出大的共鸣的声音。这要求你要好好调整舌头和喉咙的空间和肌肉紧张度以制造更好的共鸣。

    Make a loud resonant noise . Readjustment of the tongue and throat muscles may be necessary to achieve a good sound .

  26. 身体的肌肉紧张起来才能支撑其身体,就像支撑庞大厚重的物体一样费力。

    It holds itself up through the same kind of muscular tensing that is required to lift a large , cumbersome object .

  27. 我们下意识地在工作或睡觉时使颈部和肩部周围的肌肉紧张,结果造成了头疼。

    We subconsciously tense the muscles around our neck and shoulders during work or when we sleep , which in turn , causes headaches .

  28. 在采用渐进式放松时,当你吸气的时候,对一组肌肉紧张;当你呼气时,对它们放松。

    In progressive muscle relaxation , you tense a group of muscles as you breathe in , and you relax them as you breathe out .

  29. 很多头疼属于紧张性头疼,这是由于咬紧牙床、颈部、肩部或背部肌肉紧张或者是磨牙造成的。

    Many headaches are tension headaches , which result from clenching your jaw , tensing your neck , shoulder or back muscles or grinding your teeth .

  30. 他认为这个反应包括呼吸加快,心跳加速,血压升高,肌肉紧张等。

    And he included in this response , things like accelerated breathing , accelerated heart rate , increased blood pressure , muscle tension and so on .