
  • 网络CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION;Continue Integration;Jenkins;Continous integration
  1. 持续集成(ContinuousIntegration,CI)就是经常集成变更。

    Continuous Integration ( CI ) is the practice of integrating changes often .

  2. 相反,全面遵循敏捷思维,设计出一套全面符合持续集成(ContinuousIntegration)的集成测试。

    Instead , and wholly in line with Agile thinking , have a comprehensive Continuous Integration suite of integration tests .

  3. 持续集成缩短了开发SOA应用程序所花的时间。

    Continuous integration reduces the time that it takes to develop SOA applications .

  4. 持续集成(CI)在这个模式中如何使用?

    Where does continuous integration ( CI ) fit into this ?

  5. 在任何持续集成环境中,您都需要为维护WebSphereProcessServer应用程序的版本控制系统建立中央服务器。

    In any continuous integration environment , you need to establish a central server for your version control system that maintains your WebSphere Process Server applications .

  6. CruiseControl包含一个简单的Web应用程序,可以让这些人员监视持续集成构建。

    CruiseControl includes a simple Web application that lets these people monitor the continuous-integration builds .

  7. 如何在开发中的主干运行持续集成(ContinuousIntegration,CI),以定期测试分支与主干的合并

    How to run Continuous Integration ( CI ) against a branch that is under development and regularly test the merge against the trunk

  8. 持续集成(continuousintegration)就是建立在这个概念的基础之上,但它也应用了在IDE上下文之外的地方进行构建的能力。

    Continuous integration builds on this concept , but this also implies the ability to build outside the context of an IDE .

  9. 只有这样,持续集成服务器才能构建和测试SCA模块。

    This is required so that the continuous integration server can build and test the SCA module .

  10. 持续集成(CI)是我们添加到我们总体理念中的一个最重要的增强。

    One of the most important enhancements we 've added to our overall discipline is continuous integration ( CI ) .

  11. 测试脚本可以通过Ant任务运行,因此你可以把测试集成到持续集成构建中。

    The tests can also be run via an Ant task , so you can integrate them with your continuous integration builds .

  12. 很多管理者不想支持持续集成,迭代开发以及行为驱动开发(BDD)。

    Many managers will not support continuous integration , iterative development and BDD .

  13. 面向敏捷软件开发的持续集成环境CIE的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Continuous Integration Environment Agile Software Development Oriented

  14. Quartz实现了新的构建及测试基础设施,其中使用了Maven和持续集成工具Hudson。

    A new build and test infrastructure of Quartz has been implemented leveraging Maven and Hudson continuous integration tools .

  15. 还需注意的是GWT测试属于轻量级测试,所以我可以频繁运行测试,甚至是连续运行,就像我在一个持续集成环境(ContinuousIntegration)中一样。

    Also note that GWT tests are fairly lightweight , so I can run tests frequently , or even continuously , as I would in a Continuous Integration environment .

  16. 然而,持续集成和测试驱动的开发实践的一个结果是,它们实际上形成了一个规划良好的并且几乎自治的SCM方法。

    However , one consequence of continuous integration and test-driven development practices is that they actually enable a well-disciplined and almost self-governing approach for SCM .

  17. 通常在持续集成(CI)环境中运行的开发人员测试有效地扮演着代码质量聚光灯的角色。

    Developer tests , which when run often in a Continuous Integration ( CI ) environment , effectively act like a spot light on code quality .

  18. 作者在实施过程中对Android系统开发、Android自动化测试、持续集成工具Jenkins的开发和部署有了更深刻的理解。

    The author has had a deeper understanding of Android system development , automated testing and continuous integration tools Jenkins development .

  19. 7月28日,ThoughtWorks发布了Cruise,该产品将持续集成延伸到了应用的测试与部署阶段。

    Today , ThoughtWorks released Cruise , extending continuous integration to application testing and deployment .

  20. 由于FlexMonkey可以从ant中运行,因此它可以轻松地集成到使用诸如CruiseControl或者Hudson框架的持续集成编译中来。

    Because FlexMonkey can be run from ant , it can be easily integrated into continuous integration builds using frameworks such as Cruise Control or Hudson .

  21. 根据Converity的说明,PreventSQS可以集成在桌面开发和持续集成环境中,大概每小时可以扫描数百万行Java代码。

    Prevent SQS integrates into a desktop build or continous integration environment where Coverity claims that it scan millions of lines of Java code in a matter of hours .

  22. 正如关于敏捷开发的讨论由持续集成转向到敏捷部署,CI服务器所做的已经远远不仅仅是将完整的构建流程自动化。

    As the discussion in Agile development moves from continuous integration ( CI ) to continuous deployment , CI servers are doing more to automate the overall build process .

  23. 在实现工作流中,XP开发过程中的重构、测试先行和持续集成的实践方法被引入。

    In implementing workflow , refactoring , test-first practice and continuous integration , which are practices of XP software development process , are imported .

  24. 但是,多一些额外的思考和计划,有效地使用持续集成、CruiseControl和RationalClearCase仍然是可能的。

    However , with a little extra thought and planning , it is still possible to use continuous integration , CruiseControl , and Rational ClearCase effectively .

  25. CruiseControl还有其他许多控制,可以用来增强持续集成过程。

    CruiseControl has a number of other controls that can be used to enhance the continuous-integration process .

  26. 这篇文章介绍了运行CruiseControl的持续集成服务器的设置步骤。

    This article has guided you through the steps for setting up a continuous-integration server running CruiseControl .

  27. 使用这样一个Ant脚本,可以以一种自动化方式运行一些Selenium测试,方法是计划这些测试,或者在一个持续集成工具中使用这个Ant脚本。

    Using an Ant script like this one , you can run the Selenium tests in an automated fashion by scheduling them or using the Ant script in a continuous integration tool .

  28. Selenium和JsUnit都支持持续集成:可以把JavaScript单元测试和测试套件集成到自动构建过程。

    Selenium and JsUnit both support continuous integration : you can integrate JavaScript unit tests and test suites into an automated build process .

  29. 如果使用持续集成服务器(比如CruiseControl),也有助于保持一致性。

    It also helps keep things consistent if you are using a Continuous Integration server such as CruiseControl .

  30. 由于没有很好地将示例代码库划分成MVC代码,这导致它自身很容易地进行编程式测试,因此没有使用自动化单元测试或持续集成系统。

    Because the example codebase was not well divided into MVC code that lends itself to easy programmatic testing , automated unit test or continuous integration system was not used .