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  • 网络Meet the Parents;Meet Parents;Meet The Fockers
  1. 作为一个70高龄的实习生和海瑟薇在一张床上的他,不是TravisBickle(《的士司机》),也不是《拜见岳父大人》里那堵油盐不进的人肉墙壁。

    On that bed with Hathaway , as her 70-year-old intern , he 's not Travis Bickle or the human wall of intolerance from those Focker movies .

  2. 一想到要首次拜见岳父大人,他就紧张得脸发白。

    Distinguished father-in-law , here is my salute to you . Meeting his father-in-law for the first time was a prospect at which he paled .

  3. 《拜见岳父大人》里格雷格尽全力来讨好未来岳父,给他留个好印象,但是他的坏运气使得他捅了一个又一个篓子。

    Greg is doing his best to make a good impression on his future dad-to-be in Meet the Parents , but his bad luck leads to disaster after disaster .

  4. 据路透社1月2日报道,在本·斯蒂勒、罗伯特·德·尼罗、达斯汀·霍夫曼和芭芭拉·史翠珊的加盟下,《拜见岳父大人2》到目前为止已创下1.63亿美元的票房收入。

    The film , which teams Ben Stiller , Robert De Niro , Barbra Streisand and Dustin Hoffman , has grossed more than $ 163 million during its12-day run , according to studio estimates .

  5. 他已经拜见了岳父大人。

    He has paid a formal visit to his father-in-law .