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  1. 拜上帝会就是在这种历史背景中形成的。

    The Society of Worshiping God came into being under such circumstances .

  2. 拜上帝会的宗教思想与民间信仰

    The Religious Thoughts about the Congregation for the Worshipper of God and the Folk Beliefs

  3. 而李的急于“进剿”对拜上帝会恐更为不利。

    Li 's itch for extermination was even more unfavorable to the Society of God Worshipers .

  4. 拜上帝会本质上是一个传统的中国民间宗教组织。

    The congregation of the worshipper of God was a traditional Chinese civil religion organization essentially .

  5. 拜上帝会给太平天国运动带来了主导思想和组织力量。

    Worship god brought the leading thoughts and organizational strength to the movement of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom .

  6. 拜上帝会的宗教思想绝大部分都来自于中国民间信仰。

    The religious thoughts of the congregation of the worshipper of God came mostly from the Chinese folk beliefs .

  7. 但是,洪秀全及其拜上帝会的宗教观念是在多神崇拜盛行的社会环境中孕育出来的。

    However the religious ideas of Hong Xiuquan and the Society of Worshiping God were produced under the social circumstances of polytheism .

  8. 清方剿捕重点的转移使拜上帝会于起事后不久便面临着重兵围困,形势相当险峻。

    As the new extermination object of the Qing troops , the Society of God Worshipers was soon heavily besieged and in a vulnerable position .

  9. 拜上帝会在广东传播受挫,却在广西客家地区特定历史背景下得到了蓬勃发展。

    The spreading of worship god in Guangdong province was frustrated , but in Hakka area of Guangxi province it had developed vigorously under specific historical background .

  10. 相反,拜上帝会的强势让清方很快便将原本用于清剿各地“匪患”的外省精兵全数调往金田。

    On the contrary , the burgeoning Society of God Worshipers attracted the crack Qing troops to Jintian , which had been quartered in other provinces to exterminate banditry spreading over the country .

  11. 拜上帝会是十九世纪中叶在广西形成的民间宗教会社,它发动了震惊中外的太平天国农民起义。

    The Society of Worshiping God was a mass religious organization formed in Guangxi province of China in the middle of the 19th century . It launched the campaign known as the Peasant Revolt of the Heavenly Kingdom of the Supreme Peace , which shocked the whole world .