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  1. 必须去请位医生,否则这些伤员就没救了。

    Must go to invite doctor , otherwise these casualties were incurable .

  2. 我先要去见位老朋友。

    First , I have to see an old friend .

  3. 所以,购买这两件家电将花去一位农民年收入的三分之一。

    So buying both items would eat up a third of a farmer 's annual income .

  4. 在特里镇,马克。吐温有一次去一位邻居那儿借本书。

    Once Mark Twain want to borrow a certain book form his neighbour in terry town .

  5. 如果你应邀去一位美国朋友家共进晚餐,你应该记住以下这些礼貌行事的常规。

    If you 're invited to an American friend 's home for dinner , keep in mind these general rules for polite behavior .

  6. 第二天,梅林带着亚瑟去一位好心的公爵家,那公爵自己有一个叫凯的儿子。

    The next day Merlin took Arthur to the home of a kind duke who had a baby son of his own named Kay .

  7. 第一周,我所在的小组去一位年迈的乌克兰人家,为他的房子和花园做大扫除。

    The first week , the group was involved with went to a very old Ukrainian gentleman 's home to do a total cleanup of his house and garden .

  8. 昨天的中场布斯克斯经常因为左路压上而去补位,这么一来斯内德就算是哈维的人了。

    Busquets , the left central midfielder was always going to be drawn to the near side of the goal from a left-wing attack , so Sneijder was probably Xavi 's man .

  9. 吐丝期剪去穗位叶以上连续两个叶片或切去地上部最上层节根均减少了植株体内的氮素累积。

    Total N accumulation in single plant was decreased when two leaves above ear leaf were cut off or the up whorl of the shoot-borne roots was removed at the tasselling stage .

  10. 一天夜里,有人打来电话,请他去给一位患肺结核的妇女看病。

    One night he was called to see a woman with tuberculosis .

  11. 我约好去见一位专家。

    I made an appointment to see a specialist .

  12. 我认识一个雕刻家,她用自己的作品去换一位著名画家的画作。

    I know a sculptor who swaps her pieces for drawings by a well-known artist

  13. (他要去见一位拿着书的红衣女子。)

    He is meeting a woman in a red coat with a book .

  14. 去哪儿一位发言人说,现在还无法提供其IPO计划的具体情况。

    A Qunar spokeswoman said details aren 't yet available on Qunar 's IPO plans .

  15. 今天,我们带着这些问题去拜访一位肥皂专家&她的作坊就在弗吉尼亚的FallsChurch,靠近华盛顿。

    Today we answer that question with a visit to a soap maker at her home in Falls Church , Virginia near Washington .

  16. 几年前,我拒绝出任Facebook公司工程副总裁一职,因为我要去追求一位女孩,而她现在就是我的太太。

    I turned down the opportunity to be VP of engineering at Facebook ( FB ) several years ago in order to pursue the woman who is now my wife .

  17. 在传统学校,Madison将要了解加州的大使,所以家里也计划去拜访一位大使。

    In a traditional school , Madison would be learning about California missions , so the family plans to visit a mission .

  18. 有一天,我带着我的小狗Milo去拜访一位居住在温哥华的朋友,小狗从围栏逃了出去,跑不见了。

    One day my little dog Milo escaped the fenced yard of a friend in Vancouver and ran off .

  19. 你也许会决定去雇佣一位教练或者加入一个健身房,或者如果考虑到经济因素,会买一些DVD来学习一些新的练习方法在家中锻炼。

    You may decide you want to hire a trainer or join a gym , or if finances are a concern , buy some DVDs to learn some new routines to keep in shape at home .

  20. 去年五月,博柏利(Burberry)首席执行官安吉拉•艾伦茨从伦敦总部飞赴美国加州,去会见一位她认为对公司前途至关重要的人&他就是Salesforce.com的首席执行官马克•贝尼奥夫。

    Last May , burberry CEO Angela ahrendts flew to California from her London headquarters to introduce herself to an executive she thought could be critical to the future of her business : salesforce .

  21. 莫斯科卡耐基中心(carnegiecentre)的分析师玛莎李普曼(mashalipman)表示:“他们绑架了莫斯科派去的一位高官,这在任何国家都是一个严重的问题,只有在俄罗斯不是一场危机。”

    Masha Lipman , an analyst at the Carnegie Moscow Center , said : " they kidnapped a senior official sent by Moscow . In any other country , this would be a serious problem . Only in Russia is this not a crisis . "

  22. 我去跟几位伙伴问候一下。

    I 'm going to say hi to a few mates .

  23. 我去叫一位侦探来跟你通话。

    Let me get a detective on the line for you .

  24. 一位80岁的寡妇,经人介绍去和一位90岁的陌生男人见面。

    An85-year-old widow went on a blind date with a90-year-old man .

  25. 啊,阁下,快去请一位医生来吧!

    Oh , sir , in pity send for a physician ;

  26. 我去和一位科学家同事聊聊。

    I 'm just gonna go visit with a fellow scientist .

  27. 明天下战书我们将去看望一位住院的冤家。

    This afternoon we 're going to visit a friend in hospital .

  28. 今天下午我要去送一位朋友。

    I will be seeing a friend off this afternoon .

  29. 把你的现状去和一位有为的长辈谈一下。

    Talk to an older , established individual about your present situation .

  30. 我去见一位药剂师,想找些药控制我的神经紧张。

    I went to a chemist , seeking something for my nerves .