
lā ɡāo
  • pull up;hoist
  1. 比利时一项最新研究建议:维他命C的需求可能会拉高叶酸衍生物的需求量。

    Supplementation with vitamin C may increase the uptake of a folic acid derivative , suggests new research from Belgium .

  2. 在他们削减个人所得税和公共开支的同时,撒切尔的第一届政府拉高了销售税,即VAT税&一种单一税制,无情地倒退到比人头税更恶劣的程度。

    At the same time as they cut income tax and public spending , the first Thatcher administration hiked the sales tax , VAT – a flat-rate tax far more remorselessly regressive than the poll tax .

  3. 失谐效应则会使其中的一个峰降低,而另一个峰相对拉高,这一现象可以通过Fabry-P啨rot腔得到很好的解释。

    Detuning effect of dispersive layer will make one peak rapidly drop and the other relatively much higher . It can be understood by Fabry-P é rot cavity analysis .

  4. IEA的分析或许能为欧佩克(Opec)带去一些安慰。欧佩克昨日早间达成一致,将维持产量不变,押注经济增长的复苏将拉高油价。

    The watchdog 's analysis will probably comfort the Opec cartel , which agreed in the early hours of yesterday to keep its production unchanged , betting that the recovery in economic growth would lift oil prices .

  5. 2015年风头最劲的品牌:在新款切诺基的拉动下,Jeep在2014年的销量惊人地拉高了44%,而斯巴鲁的销量则静悄悄地提高了21%,现已成为美国第十大最受欢迎的汽车品牌。

    Brands with the most incentive to coast in 2015 : Jeep , which must be exhausted after lifting sales an astonishing 44 % on the back of the new Cherokee , and Subaru , now the 10th most popular brand in America after improving its sales by 21 % in its usual fashion : quietly .

  6. 寒风将风筝拉高,线又在我手指割开一个创口。

    It sliced my fingers again as the wind dragged it .

  7. 大师,你把标准拉高了。

    Well , sir , you have raised the bar .

  8. 精英教育机构拉高了全国高校毕业生的总体平均收入。

    Elite institutions prop up the overall average earnings of college graduates nationwide .

  9. 请你把衬衫拉高,昨天你吃了什么东西吗?

    Could you lift up your shirt ? Did you eat anything yesterday ?

  10. 拉高机头保持水平直线飞行。

    Level out and fly straight and level .

  11. 但此外,通过向没有这份工作就会失业的人提供工作岗位,它可能拉高了工资。

    Then again , it may boost wages by offering jobs to the otherwise-unemployed .

  12. 狼群的领导们拉高声音,往森林里跳跃而去。

    The leaders lifted the yelp of the pack and sprang away into the woods .

  13. 葛瑞丝:嗯,不过我现在真的非得拉高学业平均成绩不可。

    Grace : Yeah , but now I really need to pull up my GPA .

  14. 将信任与服从的层次拉高。

    Higher level of trust and surrender .

  15. 到1979年,报告的通胀率(同时被油价所累而拉高)已经达到两位数。

    By1979 , reported rates of inflation , worsened by the oil shock , had reached double digits .

  16. 解开尼龙袋上的绳子,绑在食物袋上,然后拉高。

    Untie the rope from the sack and attach it to your food bag , then hoist it up .

  17. 他把衬衫拉高,我看到在他的肩膀处有一个完整的红色的掌印。

    He then pulled his shirt off and there , on his shoulder , was a perfect , red handprint .

  18. 近几个月,内地买家已经拉高了珍稀邮票、葡萄酒和艺术品的价格。

    Inland buyers have pushed the price of rare stamps , wines and artistic works over the past several months .

  19. 绳套弄得我挺烦,不过倒没把我的头拉高到不舒服的地步。

    The bearing rein annoyed me but did not pull my head any higher than I was used to carrying it .

  20. 一些证交所表示,在过去,此类交易的承办人能够人为拉高股价,以满足上述标准。

    In the past , the exchanges said , promoters of such deals were able artificially to inflate prices to meet standards .

  21. 就是在这个时候可能减产的信号拉高了波尔多期酒的市场价格。

    It was at this time that the prospect of a short crop sent the prices of bulk Bordeaux up on the market-place .

  22. 另外,开征房产税能降低短期的房价,但是有可能拉高未来长期的房价。

    On the other hand , property tax may reduce the short-run housing price , but is possible to increase the long-run housing price .

  23. 今年,一位竞拍者又把中标价拉高了100美元,达到2626411美元,他同样要求匿名。

    Then , this year , a bidder also wishing to be anonymous won by upping that bid by $ 100 , to $ 2,626,411 .

  24. “凯瑟琳,”思嘉说,一面试着把她穿的那件紧身上衣拉高一点,“楼下那个姓巴特勒的讨厌家伙是谁?”

    " Cathleen ," said scarlett , trying to pull the corsage of her dress higher ," who is that nasty man downstairs named butler ?"

  25. 重点讲解:他声称这项新服务旨在拉高收入和读者数,而且最重要的是目的在于搞清楚人们怎样对新闻进行在线阅读。

    He said the new service wa s aimed at driving up revenues and readership and above all about understanding how news is read online .

  26. 在纽约举办的这场活动与2007年在达拉斯官方举办的“拉高你的裤子”的活动相似。

    The campaign in New York follows a similar one in Dallas , where officials embarked on a " Pull Your Pants Up " campaign in2009 .

  27. 张先生说:“政府想说的是‘我们正尽力拉高股市’,这是令国内投资者非常鼓舞。”

    Mr Chang said . " basically the government said'We are trying to push up the stock market'and that is very encouraging for domestic investors . "

  28. 交易商既是年轻艺术家的投资人,又在拉高此人作品的叫价,这到底是怎么回事?

    Just what exactly is going on when a dealer tops up the bidding on a young artist in whom he has taken an investment position ?

  29. 投资者可能会将任何进一步的回撤作为卖空机会,而市场需要更多强劲的基础新闻来讲市场拉高。

    We feel traders would see any further correction as a selling opportunity and the market would require some strong fundamental news to attract new long positions .

  30. 他尽可能地拉高了衣领,没想太多,便冲向了街道的另一侧。

    Without much thought , pulling his collar up as high as he could , he made a dash across the street . He let himself in .