
  • 网络Heading stage;heading date
  1. Cd胁迫对抽穗期叶片SPAD值的影响多数品种不显著;株高显著低于对照,但也有少数品种反应并不敏感。

    The effects of Cd stress on SPAD in leaves at heading stage were not significant for most varieties . Plant height was significantly shorter than control , but there were still a few varieties insensitive .

  2. 因此,以孕穗期到抽穗期作为建立水稻遥感估产模型的最佳时期。

    The result showed that the key period of rice production was from boot stage to heading stage .

  3. F1抽穗期的显性效应均不明显。

    Dominant effect on the date of heading was not apparent .

  4. 空气中CO2浓度升高条件下水稻抽穗期的QTL定位

    QTL Analysis for Heading Date of Rice under Free Air CO_2 Enrichment Conditions

  5. N一n期、拔节期茎集数及其组成与N一n期、拔节期和抽穗期LAI关系密切。

    Number and constitution of stems and tillers at N-n and elongating stage had close relationship with LAI of N-n .

  6. 旱稻渗入系抽穗期根系性状QTL定位

    QTLs Mapping on Root Traits of Introgression Lines at Heading Stage

  7. 应用RAPD标记检测与水稻株高和抽穗期有关的QTLs

    RAPD-based Analysis for the QTLs Related to Plant Height and Heading Date

  8. 不同水分管理方式在水稻分蘖期、抽穗期对食细菌线虫数量、食真菌线虫数量、微生物量C和微生物量N没有影响。

    Water regimes exhibited no effects on bacterial-feeding nematodes , fungal-feeding nematodes , microbial biomass C and microbial biomass N during rice tillering and heading stages .

  9. 小麦白粉菌诱导早期的基因表达分析小麦抽穗期及其它农艺性状的QTL分析

    Gene Expression Analysis in Early Stage Induced by Powdery Mildew in Wheat

  10. 【结论】抽穗期QTL的检测受环境影响较大;

    【 Conclusion 】 Detection of QTLs for heading data is sensitive to environment .

  11. 抽穗期、齐穗-乳熟水稻处生长旺盛阶段,其白天CO2通量水平与产量高低基本一致;

    Day-time CO2 flux is generally consistent with yield during the period of heading and the period from full heading to milky maturity .

  12. 而光化学效率(Fv/Fm)、最大荧光(Fm)则相反,而在抽穗期与扬花期各参数的值基本相同,在蜡熟期下降较明显。

    All parameters were generally alike in heading and flowering period , but they decreased obviously in dough stage .

  13. 水稻籼粳亚种间F1抽穗期与RFLPs关系的初步研究

    Studies on relationship between F 1 heading date and RFLPs of subspecies hybrid rice

  14. 小麦SSR标记遗传图谱构建与株高和抽穗期的QTL定位

    Construction of Genetic Map by SSR Marker and Location QTL for Plant Height and Heading Time in Wheat

  15. 水稻抽穗期喷施6&BA,ABA对旗叶衰老及同化物运输的影响

    The Effect of 6-BA 、 ABA on the Senescence and the Transport Rate of Assimilation Production of Flag Leaf in Rice

  16. 小麦抽穗期及其它农艺性状的QTL分析杂交水稻不同时期分蘖成穗率与群体穗型质量和产量的关系

    Relationship Between Yield and Ear-bearing Percentage of Tillers Formed in Different Stages and Panicle Quality of Population in Hybrid Rice

  17. 长短日照条件株高QTL的差别与抽穗期QTL类似。

    The difference between plant height QTL in short-day and long-day environments is similar as the condition in heading date QTL .

  18. 利用每穗实粒数和抽穗期数据,对两重组自交系群体的的每穗实粒数性状进行条件QTL分析。

    Combining the grains per panicle and heading date phenotype data , the conditional QTL analysis was executed in two RILs .

  19. 结果表明:2个群体共定位到11个控制抽穗期的数量性状位点(QTLs)和11个株高QTLs。

    Totally , 11 QTLs for heading date and 11 QTLs for plant height were detected in two populations respectively .

  20. 显热通量与CO2通量的相关系数在0.801~0.953之间,拔节期相关性最高,苗期次之,抽穗期和灌浆期较低;

    That of sensitive heat flux to CO2 flux is0.801 ~ 0.953 , higher at jointing stage , next at seeding stage but low at heading and filling stages .

  21. 潜热通量与CO2通量的相关系数在0.920~0.955之间,苗期、拔节期和抽穗期相关性较高,灌浆期较低;

    The correlation coefficient of latent heat flux to CO2 flux is0.920 ~ 0.955 , which is higher in seedling , jointing and heading stages , and lower in filling stage .

  22. 分蘖期、抽穗期和成熟期根系Cd含量与茎叶Cd含量比值分别为:13.8、15.3和12.3,从分蘖期到成熟期有缩小的趋势。

    The ratio of Cd content in root to that in stem leave at tillering , heading and mature was 13.8,15.3 and 12.3 respectively . There was a lessening trend from tillering to mature .

  23. 此外,超高产杂交稻在生长发育的中后期(分蘖期和抽穗期)具有较高的WUE,有利于节约农业用水。

    The higher water use efficiency of the super high-yield rice hybrids at tillering and heading stages indicates economical use of water .

  24. 研究了1,2,4-三氯苯(TCB)和萘(NAP)对抽穗期水稻叶片光合特性的影响。

    The effects of 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene ( TCB ) and naphthalene ( NAP ) on photosynthetic characteristics of rice leaves were studied .

  25. 拔节-抽穗期和灌浆初期-灌浆中期Pb吸收量及吸收速率显著高于其他时期。

    And the uptake amount of Pb and the uptake speed of Pb from jointing stage to heading stage and from early filling stage to middle filling stage were much higher than any others .

  26. 单棱期较高水平的GA3具有延长抽穗期的作用,而小花分化期较高水平的IAA含量则具有缩短抽穗期的作用。

    Higher GA3 content in single ridge stage might delay heading date , but higher IAA content in floret differentiation stage might shorten heading date .

  27. 稻谷产量与抽穗期群体指数(SPAD与LAI的乘积)呈开口向下的抛物线关系。

    The relationship between grain yield and population index ( the product of SPAD and LAI ) at heading was a quadratic curve .

  28. 本文探讨了小麦叶片生育后期衰老过程中的代谢变化以及抽穗期喷施氮肥、6苄基腺嘌呤(6BA)的影响。

    This paper illustrates the metabolic changes of wheat leaves during laten period senescence , and the effects of spraying solution ( 2 % urea and10ppm6-BA ) at the time cf heading .

  29. 小麦各生育期CO2的平均日收支由大到小依次为拔节孕穗期>返青期>起身期>抽穗期>成熟期>灌浆期>出苗分蘖期>越冬期。

    The average daily CO2 flux at different growing stages followed the order of : jointing and booting > reviving > erecting > heading > ripening > grain-filling > seedling and tillering > wintering period .

  30. 抽穗期SPAD、LAI和结实期日照时数,可以解释不同年度、季节和不同氮肥处理的稻谷产量变异的86%。

    About 86 % of variation in grain yield could be explained by leaf color , LAI at heading and sunshine hours during grain-filling .