
  • 网络Sampling unit;sample unit
  1. 据此,确立了菜心田节肢动物类群多样性的最佳抽样单位、抽样方式和抽样量。

    The optimum sampling unit , sampling method and sampling number of arthropod diversity in leafy vegetable field were also determined .

  2. 本次调查的基本抽样单位是居委会(城市)和村委会(农村)。

    The basic sample unit was neighborhood committee ( city ) and village committee ( countryside ) .

  3. 需要被抽样单位协助寄送样品的,被抽样单位应当协助。

    Whenever the entity under sampling is required to help forward any sample , it shall offer assistance .

  4. 不便于运输的大型设备可现场检验,被抽样单位应配合做好样机的保管工作。

    Any large-volume unit inconvenient for transportation may be conducted with field inspection and the entity under sampling shall be cooperative by safekeeping the sample .

  5. 以汽车供应商为主要抽样单位,调查问卷共发出166份,回收有效问卷84份,有效问卷率50.6%。

    Taking the automotive suppliers as the main samples , 166 questionnaires were issued yielding 84 available returns , and the available questionnaire rate is 50.6 % .

  6. 设计:抽样调查。单位:山东省聊城大学教育科学学院心理学实验室。

    DESIGN : Sampled investigation SETTING : The Laboratory of Psychology of the College of Education Science of Shandong Liaocheng University .

  7. 抽样时,进口单位和海关的人员应当同时在场。

    When sampling , the personnel of the import entity and those of the customs shall be on the spot at the same time .

  8. 分层抽样就是将总体单位按其属性特征分成若干类型或层,然后在类型或层中随机抽取样本单位。

    Stratified sampling is dividing the general unit into several types , or layers , according to the characteristics of their property , from which sample units are randomly selected .

  9. 在限额以下贸易业抽样调查中,抽样单位变动频繁,抽样框极不稳定,对抽样估计的精度带来不利的影响。

    Because of the frequent changes in the item units to be sampled for enterprises under the quota limit , the sampling frame is rather unstable , which exerts adverse impact on the precision in assessing the samples .

  10. 通过随机抽样调查、判断抽样调查和部门单位走访,对浙江省畜禽养殖废弃物现状和区域差异进行了调查分析。

    The current situation and regional differences of livestock and poultry waste in Zhejiang province were investigated and analyzed through random sampling , judgment sampling and department visiting .

  11. 方法该抽样设计的基础是两级抽样,首先构建一个初级抽样单位(PSU)框架,此框架由流动人群发生的时间和地点组成。

    Methods The essence of such designs involves first constructing a sampling frame of primary sample units ( PSU ) that consist of time period / location combinations during which and where the flow takes place .

  12. 抽样应当由受过专门培训的专业人员(二人以上)进行,被抽样单位的有关人员必须在场。

    The sampling shall be conducted by ( two or more ) professionals who have accepted special training , and the relevant personnel of the sampled entity shall be present at the scene .

  13. 本文将多主题抽样调查中各主题间的相关程度分成三类进行了讨论,针对每一种情况,提出了相应的抽样组织形式,目标量的估计方法,抽样单位数和抽样误差的控制方法。

    The correlation degrees between subjects in multi-subject sampling survey are discussed in three cases , in view of every condition , the relevant sample orgainzation and the calculating methods of target variable , sample size and sample error are put forward in this thesis .