
  • 网络sampled population;Population;sampling population;sample population
  1. 关于小样本不重复抽样总体频率的一种估计方法

    A method for estimating population frequency with non-repeated sampling of small samples

  2. 结果表明:抽样总体的心理健康水平属正常范围,但较全国常模为低。

    The results showed that mental health levels of this population were inside the normal range , while it was lower than that of the national norm .

  3. 接着,本研究将问卷的抽样总体确定为制造业行业企业,用简单随机抽样法选取样本。

    Regard the registers of manufacturing enterprises of every area as the framework of sampling , the sample is chosen the by simple random sampling law .

  4. 如果要求对抽样总体出具意见,则必须针对抽样总体的检验和抽样,提前与本公司制定有关的书面安排。

    If an opinion on the bulk is requested special arrangements in writing must be made in advance with the Company for the inspection and sampling of the bulk .

  5. 小样本不重复抽样时总体频率的一个区间估计

    An interval estimation of population frequency by unduplication sampling of a few samples

  6. 多阶等距抽样下总体总值估计量的方差估计

    Estimating Variance of the estimation of the population total in multi-stage systematic Sampling

  7. 等距抽样中总体均值的回归估计

    Regression estimation of population mean in systematic sampling

  8. 谈谈抽样控制总体法的差值衡量标准问题

    An Exploration of Overall Sampling Control

  9. 结果推导出数量特征敏感问题加法模型二阶段抽样调查总体均值的估计量及其方差、估计方差的计算公式。

    Results Formulas for the estimation of the population proportions and its variance on additive model for quantitative sensitive question survey were deduced .

  10. 本文给出了两阶抽样中总体均值的比率型估计量的平均精度,它当样本容量充分大时主项不劣于无偏估计量的平均精度。

    In this paper , the authors give the mean precision of the ratio-type estimator for the population mean in the two-stage sampling , whose major term for large sample size is not worse than the mean precision of the unbiased estimator .

  11. 关于抽样调查中总体方差预先估计法的理论分析

    A Theoretical Analysis on Prior Estimation of Variance in Sample Survey

  12. 在不放回抽样条件下总体均值的估计

    Estimation of Overall Average Without Replacement of Samples

  13. 抽样调查与总体总量推算方法的应用研究

    The Applying Studying About the Method of Sampling Investigation and Calculation on the Total Quantity

  14. 抽样是从总体中抽选出具有代表性的一组样本。

    Sampling is the selection of a subset or group from a population that is representative of the entire population .

  15. 对简单随机不放回抽样,在总体非敏感属性个体比例未知的情况下,给出了两个子样本容量的最优配置。

    Under simple random sampling scheme without replacement and unknown proportion of population possessing neutral attribute , the optimal allocation of sizes of two sub-samples is given .

  16. 分层抽样就是将总体单位按其属性特征分成若干类型或层,然后在类型或层中随机抽取样本单位。

    Stratified sampling is dividing the general unit into several types , or layers , according to the characteristics of their property , from which sample units are randomly selected .

  17. PPS放回抽样方案下对总体均值的估计与简单随机抽样方案下对总体均值的乘积估计是实际应用相当广泛的两种抽样方法。

    The estimation for the population mean under PPS sampling scheme and the product estimation for population mean under simple random sampling scheme are two often methods in practice . Their theoretical research is very rich too .

  18. 本文研究有辅助指标的PPS整群抽样,构造了总体均值和总值的PPS比估计量,证明PPS比估计量是可用的,给出PPS比估计量优于PPS估计量的条件并讨论其优良性。

    In this paper , we research the PPS cluster sampling with auxiliary target , construct the PPS ratio estimators of population mean and population total , prove that the PPS ratio estimators are feasible and give the condition that the PPS ratio estimator is superior to PPS estimator .

  19. 分层抽样是通过对总体样本分层,然后给特殊重要的样本进行赋更大的比例,对影响大的抽样层出现的量更多。

    Stratified sampling is stratified by the total sample , and samples of special importance to assign a greater proportion of the sample layer on the emergence of a large amount more .

  20. 利用计算机构造被试总体、模拟实验研究程序进行抽样研究,探讨抽样样本总体达到t检验显著性的数目与统计检验能力之间的一致性。

    Using the computer to construct population subject groups to simulate experimental research procedures in a sampled study , we probed into the consistence between the number of population samples with a t-test significance and the statistical testing power .

  21. 文章分析了百分比抽样法的缺陷,介绍计数抽样法采用总体质量水平AQL值判断总体统计质量正确与否的方法。

    The paper discusses the disadvantages of percentage sampling , as well as the process of numeration sampling , in which an overall quality level , i. e. AQL value is applied to assessing the correctness of overall statistical quality .

  22. 文章提出了一种改进的随机抽样算法,对其时间和空间复杂性进行了分析,结果表明改进的随机抽样算法总体性能优于现有随机抽样算法,最后,给出了改进算法在等距抽样中的应用。

    And the time and spatial complexity of the proposed algorithm is analyzed . The results show that the improved algorithm is better than the existing random sampling algorithm . Finally the application of the improved algorithm in isometry sampling is given .

  23. 其他复杂的抽样方法常以简单随机抽样为基础,对于相同的样本容量条件下不同的抽样方法来说,总体均值估计量的方差就成为衡量各种抽样方法的有效程度的重要标志。

    Other complex sampling methods often based on the results of a simple random sampling . For different sampling methods with the same sample size , the estimator variance of the population mean becomes an important sign to measure the accuracy of any sampling methods .

  24. 本研究在数据收集过程中,通过调查问卷的方式,结合方便抽样和配额抽样的抽样方法,以中国制造业企业中接触或使用信息化的人员为抽样调查的样本总体。

    With convenience and quota sampling methods , the sampling population was the employees who had contact or work with information system in the manufacturing enterprises of China .