
hù zhào
  • passport
护照 [hù zhào]
  • (1) [passport]

  • (2) 由一个国家的外交主管机关发给出国公民,证明其身分的证件,要求外国政府在需要时给予保护,并在得到外国政府受权的官员的签证认可后,允许他在该国的边界以内旅行

  • 外交护照

  • (3) 旧时主管部门向外出或运送货物者发放的凭证

护照[hù zhào]
  1. 我匆忙动身,忘了带护照。

    In my hurry to leave , I forgot my passport .

  2. 我们通过护照检查站进入了候机大厅。

    We went through passport control and into the departure lounge .

  3. 出国旅行必须持有护照。

    The possession of a passport is essential for foreign travel .

  4. 我们得把护照交给当局。

    We had to give our passports up to the authorities .

  5. 我丢了护照时觉得自己像个大傻瓜。

    When I lost my passport , I felt such an idiot .

  6. 她把自己的护照和钱锁在了保险柜里。

    She locked her passport and money in the safe .

  7. 在经过护照查验卡时,我被叫住了。

    I was stopped as I went through passport control .

  8. 他们建议护照要随时带在身边。

    They advise that a passport be carried with you at all times .

  9. 她把他的护照存放在最上层抽屉里。

    She kept his passport in the top drawer .

  10. 我试图申请新护照的过程变成了一场官样文章的噩梦。

    My attempt to get a new passport turned into a Kafkaesque nightmare .

  11. 请附寄一张近照,大小同护照用相片。

    Please enclose a recent passport-sized photograph of yourself .

  12. 逃不掉的事情发生了——我忘了带护照。

    The inevitable happened ─ I forgot my passport .

  13. 我该如何去续签护照?

    How do I go about renewing my passport ?

  14. 她翻找自己的护照,但没找着。

    She searched in vain for her passport .

  15. 我们要出示护照吗?

    Will we need to show our passports ?

  16. 他们建议护照要随时带在身边。

    They advise that a passport should be carried with you at all times .

  17. 给护照盖章,请在这里等候。

    Wait here to have your passport stamped .

  18. 被告被释放候审,但须交出护照。

    The defendant was released to await trial but had to surrender her passport .

  19. 护照都加盖了签证章,在大使馆等待领取。

    The passports , with the visa stamps , were waiting at the embassy .

  20. 我的护照在哪儿?

    Where 's my passport ?

  21. 人们曾认为会放开护照管制。

    It had been thought that passport controls would be scrapped .

  22. 兑换货币时应该带着护照。

    You should take your passport with you when changing money .

  23. 埃文斯正试图取得一本假护照和其他证件。

    Evans was trying to obtain a false passport and other documents

  24. 留出25分钟过护照检查处和海关。

    Allow twenty-five minutes to get through Passport Control and Customs

  25. 颁发护照的过程非常缓慢。

    The distribution of passports has been a slow process .

  26. 护照里面有张折起的纸片。

    Inside the passport was a folded slip of paper

  27. 他们被要求出示护照。

    They have been ordered to surrender their passports .

  28. 他很顺利地通过了护照检查处。

    He went straight through Passport Control without incident .

  29. 出国度假需持有效护照。

    For foreign holidays you will need a valid passport

  30. 有一次我们准备去巴黎时,我忘了带护照。

    Once when we were going to Paris , I forgot my passport .