
  • 网络fuzhou city
  1. 基于DEM的工程土方量算法研究&以抚州市人工湖项目堤防工程土方量计算为例

    Earthwork Volume Algorithm Research Based on DEM & Take the Case of Fuzhou City Artificial Lake Project

  2. 抚州市生态旅游资源现状及评价

    The Present Situation and Evaluation of Eco-Tourist Resources in Fuzhou City

  3. 本文运用BP神经网络理论和方法,使用MATLAB工具箱函数编程,建立了地下水水质评价模型,对抚州市临川区5个地下水水质监测点进行水质评价。

    By BP neural network theory and method , the realizing function is provided in the toolbox of MATLAB 7.0 , and makes BP neural network model in groundwater quality assessment .

  4. 抚州市泥质粉砂岩全风化工程性质研究

    Study on the Engineering behavior of whole-weathered pelitic siltstone in FuZhou city

  5. 一条生态平衡与保护的可持续发展之路&抚州市发展沼气能源及综合利用的调研思考

    A Sustainable Developing Way of Ecological Balance and Ecological Protection

  6. 抚州市2003年旱灾的认识与思考

    Thought of the drought disaster in Fuzhou City in 2003

  7. 抚州市临川区城区听力语言残疾调查报告

    The Survey of Deformity of Listening Language in Linchuan District

  8. 抚州市金融发展与经济增长的实证研究

    An Empirical Analysis of Financial Development and Economic Growth in Fuzhou City

  9. 抚州市房地产走势的研究

    The Study of the Real Estate Trend of Fuzhou City

  10. 抚州市丘陵山区生态农业模式试验研究

    Studies on Ecological Agriculture Mode of Hills Area in Fuzhou

  11. 抚州市气候变化与粮食作物产量的关系研究

    The Relationship between Climatic Changes and Yield of Food Crops in Fuzhou City

  12. 抚州市生态旅游资源的保护性开发

    The Protective Exploitation of Ecotourism Resources of Fuzhou City

  13. 抚州市的珍稀动物资源

    Valuable and Rare Animal Resources of Fuzhou Municipal Area

  14. 抚州市城区垃圾收运系统规划初探

    Discussion on Plan of Municipal Waste Collection and Transportation System in Fuzhou City Area

  15. 1999-2008年抚州市19种常见恶性肿瘤住院病例分析

    Analysis of malignant tumor cases in hospital of Fuzhou city between 1999 and 2008

  16. 抚州市临川区耕地数量变化及驱动因素探析

    Quantitative Change and Driving Forces of Cultivated Land in Linchuan County of Fuzhou City

  17. 抚河抚州市段水污染分析

    An analysis of water pollution in the section of Fuzhou city , fu River

  18. 加筋土技术在抚州市城防堤建设中的应用

    Application of reinforced earth in the construction of the city flood-control dyke in Fuzhou City

  19. 2003年抚州市旱情分析

    Analysis on Drought Situation of Fuzhou City

  20. 抚州市野生染料植物资源及开发利用研究

    Study on Exploiture and Utilization of Wild Dyestuff Plant Resources in Fuzhou City of Jiangxi Province

  21. 抚州市重点保护野生植物资源现状及保护对策

    Present Situation and Protective Measures of the Top - rated Protected Wild Plants of Fuzhou City

  22. 客户的财政部会计集中核算与国库集中支付制度有效融合的创新研究&以抚州市为例

    A Research on Valid Combination of the Systems of Concentrative Business Accounting and Treasury Concentrative Payment

  23. 抚州市污水处理厂二期工程工艺设计特点

    The process design characteristics of the second phase project of Fuzhou City urban sewage treatment plant

  24. 本文分析了抚州市纺织服装产业现状,并就提升其竞争力给出了相关建议。

    The garment industry actuality of Fuzhou City was analyzed and some suggestions for its development were provided .

  25. 抚州市拥有历史悠久的临川文化,文化旅游资源丰富,在文化旅游开发中具有区位和资源优势。

    With rich cultural tourism resources , the city has advantages of location and resources for tourism development .

  26. 结果表明,抚河抚州市段水体污染严重,污染物类型主要为有机污染物。

    The result shows that the water body pollution is serious in this section . The type of pollutant is mainly the organic pollutant .

  27. 分析了江西省抚州市2003年旱灾的直接因素,并提出防旱减灾对策措施。

    The direct reason of the drought disaster in Fuzhou city in 2003 was analyzed . At last , it put forword the countermeasure of the drought disaster .

  28. 本文详细介绍了江西抚州市唱凯堤决口的概况、应急封堵抢险的设计方案和施工方案。

    Both the design scheme and construction scheme of the emergency risk-elimination for closuring the breaching of Changkai Dyke in Fuzhou of Jiangxi Province are described herein in detail .

  29. 从抚州市气象局与洪门水库实施人工增雨双方关注的焦点入手,针对洪门水库区域不同季节实施人工增雨作业试验的情况进行了探讨。

    Aiming at the problem Weather Bureau of Fuzhou City and Hongmen Reservoir focus on , the trials of artificial precipitation stimulation over Hongmen Reservoir in different season are examined .

  30. 2009年抚州市被纳入海峡西岸经济区和鄱阳湖生态经济区的国家区域经济发展战略规划中,如何抓住这一重大发展机遇,加速招商引资是当前抚州市政府实现经济社会持续发展面临的重大课题。

    In 2009 , Fuzhou has been incorporated in the state regional economic development strategy plans about economic zone on the west side of the Straits and Poyang Lake eco-economic zone .