
  • 网络shaoyang;Shaoyang City
  1. 2004&2007年邵阳市医疗机构X射线影像工作人员个人剂量监测结果

    Monitoring Results of Individual Dose among X-ray Images Workers in Medical Institutions of Shaoyang City during 2004-2007

  2. 邵阳市城市供水输配水管网老化管道改造的探讨

    On the Transformation of Aged Water Supply Pipes in Shaoyang City

  3. 邵阳市玉米稻种植制度的土壤养分动态研究

    Dynamic Study on Soil Nutrients of Maize-rice Cropping System in Shaoyang

  4. 邵阳市吸烟成年男子体质健康状况的研究。

    Research on fitness situation of adult smoker in Shaoyang city .

  5. 最后一部分是加强邵阳市东方华天大酒店员工培训的建议。

    The last part is the suggestions to strengthen the training .

  6. 邵阳市旅游资源的定量评价与开发

    The Fixed Appraisal and Exploitation of Tourist Resources in Shaoyang City

  7. 邵阳市旅游资源类型与旅游经济开发

    Types of Tourism Resourses and Exploitation of Tourism Economy of Shaoyang

  8. 邵阳市生态旅游发展构想

    An Overall plot of Development of Ecotourism in Shaoyang City

  9. 邵阳市1998~2007年狂犬病的流行病学研究

    Epidemiology of Rabies in Shaoyang City during 1998 ~ 2007

  10. 邵阳市体育馆钢网架整体爬升施工

    Integral lift construction of steel network roof structure for the Shaoyang city gymnasium

  11. 邵阳市体育产业发展研究

    Study of Development on Sports Industrial of Shaoyang City

  12. 邵阳市社区高血压病人对护理工作满意度评价

    Shaoyang Municipal Community Hypertension Patients ' Satisfaction in Nursing

  13. 山区经济可持续发展因素分析&以邵阳市西南五县为例

    Factors analysis on sustainable economy in mountainous regions

  14. 湖南省邵阳市食品科技发展研究所

    Hunan Shaoyang Food Science and Technology Institute

  15. 邵东县隶属湖南省邵阳市,位于湖南的中部。

    Shaodong County under the Hunan province Shaoyang City , located in the central Hunan .

  16. 邵阳市成年人身体形态、机能和素质的现状调查与研究

    Investigation and Research on the figure , Function and Quality of the Adults of shaoyang

  17. 欠发达地区城市化研究&以湖南省邵阳市为例

    A Study of Urbanization in Underdeveloped Regions

  18. 邵阳市主产烟县烤烟化学成分特征与可用性评价

    Characteristics of chemical components and usability of flue-cured tobacco leaves grown in main tobacco-producing counties of Shaoyang city

  19. 最后,文章对加强邵阳市东方华天大酒店员工培训的建议进行了小结2.主要观点(1)经济型酒店的发展,经济型酒店人才的需求,使经济型酒店培训的研究迫在眉睫。

    At last , it makes a summary of strengthening the staff training in Oriental Haitian hotel . 2 .

  20. 内陆型经济欠发达地区可持续发展模式研究&以湖南省邵阳市为例

    A study on sustainable development model of the underdeveloped inland region ── a case study of Shaoyang City in Hunan

  21. 邵阳市是湖南省辖市中的一个大市,但又是一个经济欠发达、城市化水平落后的市。

    A big city among those directly under Hunan Provincial Government , Shaoyang is slow in economic development and backward in urbanization .

  22. 内陆型低发育地区可持续发展瓶颈的空间分析&以湖南省邵阳市为例

    The Space Analysis of the Bottle-neck About the Sustainable Development in the Undeveloped Inland Region & Taking Shaoyang City for a case

  23. 邵阳市在湘西南地区中区位优势明显,其开发战略定位是湘西南地区发展首当其冲的关键。

    Shaoyang has important position among Hunan southwest , so its development strategy and reservation becomes the key to develop the southwest of Hunan too .

  24. 邵阳市城区岩土层工程地质性质及分区上海地区浅层沼气地质灾害分区探讨

    Engineering geological property of rock strata and zone divisions in urban area of Distribution of the Geological Disaster Causing by Methane in Shallow Stratum of Shanghai

  25. 本文初步探讨了邵阳市城市化现状与存在的问题,提出了推动本区城市化进程的六项策略。

    This paper discusses the present situation of and the problems in the urbanization of Shaoyang City and proposes six strategies for the promotion of urbanization of the region .

  26. 达力公司是邵阳市高新技术企业,连续多年被评为重合同守信用百强企业。

    Dali company is a high-tech enterprise and is awarded the titles of enterprise of abiding by strictly contract and being trust worthy , 100 top-list enterprise of Shaoyang city .

  27. 总结了邵阳市农村乡镇体育的现状,分析了影响农村乡镇体育发展的主要因素,提出了发展农村乡镇体育的对策。

    In this paper were analyzed the main factors which affect develpment of the physical culture and sports in the countries , and put forward some countermeasure to improve the situation .

  28. 本研究选取三个不同发病趋势类型的张家界市、长沙市和邵阳市为研究对象,探讨肺结核发病率与气象因素的关系。

    In the study , three representative cities ( Zhangjiajie , Changsha , and Shaoyang ) were chosen as the objects to explore the relationship between TB incidence and meteorological factors .

  29. 据人民日报报道,调查人员并未发现该市的孤儿院&邵阳市社会福利院,向带来婴儿的官员支付回扣的证据。

    Investigators found no evidence that the city 's orphanage , the Shaoyang Social Welfare Institute , paid kickbacks to officials who delivered babies , according to the newspaper 's report .

  30. 针对传统音乐评价中的各个问题,笔者对上海、深圳、广州、长沙以及邵阳市隆回县的学生音乐学习评价现状进行了抽样调查,并对问卷结果进行了总结与反思。

    Therefore , the author has carried out sample investigations among students in Shanghai , Shenzhen , Guangzhou , Changsha as well as Longhui County , Shaoyang City , and analyzed the result carefully .